January 2010 Archives by subject
Starting: Sun Jan 3 15:50:00 EST 2010
Ending: Sun Jan 31 22:02:34 EST 2010
Messages: 930
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 312968] HttpWebRequest can not handle WWW-Authenticate with POST
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 315547] WebService, SessionState and CookieContainer.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 317064] Cannot bind Socket (or TcpListener) to IPv6 and IPv4 on the same port at the same time
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 318345] [WINDOWS] MySql Connector/Net ok on 1.1.4, fails on 1.1.8
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 318662] Socket System call failed Error Code=10107
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 319380] An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in system.web.services.dll Additional information: Client found response content type of 'text/html', but expected 'text/xml'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 319832] SetEndOfSendNotification never called
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 320191] incorrect http_proxy handling
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 320313] Sqlite DataReader's GetString crashes on null value in DB
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 320371] IPv6 not supported in
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 320509] Process class StandardError and StandardInput redirecting not functional
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 321674] [generics] runtime should support Covariant / Contravariant generic parameters
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 321706] Mac install X11 dependancy is not intuitive for users
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 322352] ODBC sample crashes - MAC OSX
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 322903] backspace, ctrl-d, arrow keys broken Ironpython interactive editing
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 322957] AppDomain.TypeResolve event raised for System.Int32
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 323252] FileSystemWatcher does not recognize file change on Mac OS X
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 323341] Sharing violation error from FileStream in web service
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 323388] FileWebRequest: FileStream not closed after exception
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 323671] Exceptions from BeginGetRequest callbacks not seen
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 323922] HostName property of HostEntry class gives inconsistent result
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 323929] "_wapi_shm_semaphores_init: semget error" on monobuild
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 324019] Int32.Parse does not support trailing currency symbol
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 324019] Int32.Parse does not support trailing currency symbol
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 324081] Console.In.Read call finishes before enter when there are unread characters
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 324369] mono 1.2.4 - creating GZipStream fails
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 324690] Cannnot send mail from Linux at runtime - smtpmail.send (System.Web.Mail)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 325192] Mono DB2 interfaces uses non-standard DB2 driver
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 327053] System.IO.MemoryStream is too eager in zeroing data
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 336258] [Flow-analysis] of switch statement inside anonymous method is broken
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 336258] [Flow-analysis] of switch statement inside anonymous method is broken
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 338022] UInt64.Parse potential optimization
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 347476] Improper measuring of elapsed time in various classes after changing system clock
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 349104] Datarow: Wrong rowstate if the rows table is bounded to a datagrid.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 351994] Inconsistency between .NET and MONO System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 367333] XmlDataDocument formats dates incorrectly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 372524] ODBC: Value of output parameter is not set
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 372529] ODBC: (n)varchar parameters are not supported
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 376692] Uri.IsWellFormedUriString throws instead of returning False
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 385497] Process Start doesn't handle spaces in paths
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 385497] Process Start doesn't handle spaces in paths
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 390595] OracleClient Binding error in Mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 396986] Activator.CreateInstance bad message when no default c'tor
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 402833] Slow memory allocation in multi-thread app
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 402833] Slow memory allocation in multi-thread app
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 402833] Slow memory allocation in multi-thread app
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 402833] Slow memory allocation in multi-thread app
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 402833] Slow memory allocation in multi-thread app
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 402833] Slow memory allocation in multi-thread app
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 402833] Slow memory allocation in multi-thread app
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 403282] DataSet Binding causing NotImplementedException in System.Data.DataViewManager
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 404994] Implement avoid repetitive virtual property access rule
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 422238] DataRowCollection Clear does not set rows as DataRowState.Detached
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 424002] Drawing offsets, AA, Stroke/Fill does not exactly match MS GDI+
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 424002] Drawing offsets, AA, Stroke/Fill does not exactly match MS GDI+
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 425345] [PATCH] Delegate serialization problem
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 425345] [PATCH] Delegate serialization problem
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 425345] [PATCH] Delegate serialization problem
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 425345] [PATCH] Delegate serialization problem
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 425345] [PATCH] Delegate serialization problem
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 430332] System.Data.OleDb P/Invokes an obsolete library
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 430408] OdbcDataReader fails on SqlServer with bigint row
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 430409] MONO quits when accessing MySQL TINYTEXT with CHARACTER SET ascii
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 433742] OdbcDataAdapter.Update() fails
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 433743] Feature request: OdbcDataReader.GetChars()
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 434583] Bitmap.SetResolution doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 434754] NotifyIcon not working on MacOSX
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 434772] unixODBC connection fails with I000 error
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 438405] [regression] System.IO.IOException: Error creating standard error pipe
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 439416] DataSet.WriteXml() failed when rows has been deleted.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 440933] [mono 2.0.1] Control.Invoke isn't working correctly when move or resize form
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 440933] [mono 2.0.1] Control.Invoke isn't working correctly when move or resize form
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 440933] [mono 2.0.1] Control.Invoke isn't working correctly when move or resize form
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 440933] [mono 2.0.1] Control.Invoke isn't working correctly when move or resize form
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 440933] [mono 2.0.1] Control.Invoke isn't working correctly when move or resize form
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 447254] Error VBNC99999 while compilation ASP.NET project
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 450858] Error while compiling generated serializer for XML elementes containing "-"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 461692] DataView.Find returns wrong index if the dable was created using DataSet.ReadXml
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 463179] OdbcDataReader.GetString fails with System.InvalidCastException on a character field
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 464134] mdb does not work when setting MONO_PATH to a user directory
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 467202] Bitmap creating from other bitmap not thread safe.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 468420] Events are fired even if the Control is in a disabled state (Mac only)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 468842] New Rule: Avoid mixing string and characters
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 468842] New Rule: Avoid mixing string and characters
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 468842] New Rule: Avoid mixing string and characters
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 468842] New Rule: Avoid mixing string and characters
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 469194] A disabled Control can't be reenabled (Mac only)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470827] [Regression] System.Text.RegularExpressions.RxInterpreter.EvalByteCode throws StackOverflow
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470827] [Regression] System.Text.RegularExpressions.RxInterpreter.EvalByteCode throws StackOverflow
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470827] [Regression] System.Text.RegularExpressions.RxInterpreter.EvalByteCode throws StackOverflow
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470827] [Regression] System.Text.RegularExpressions.RxInterpreter.EvalByteCode throws StackOverflow
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 471912] Prefer TryParse over Parse
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 471912] Prefer TryParse over Parse
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 473725] MessageBox.Show() makes no sound
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 474009] [PATCH]Serialize and Deserialize using BinaryFormatter on an empty Dictionary<K, V> incompatible with MS.NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 475815] int.TryParse fails with very large numeric values.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 475815] int.TryParse fails with very large numeric values.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 476354] .NET exe / binary doesn't work with Mono (System.TypeInitializationException)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 480152] string.Normalize() frequently produces incorrect output
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 480152] string.Normalize() frequently produces incorrect output
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 480152] string.Normalize() frequently produces incorrect output
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 480152] string.Normalize() frequently produces incorrect output
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 480152] string.Normalize() frequently produces incorrect output
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 480152] string.Normalize() frequently produces incorrect output
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 486705] After Used OracleDataReader's NextResult Method, DataReader can't Read Rows Any More!
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 487782] XSLT Extension Methods seem to be ignored
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 487782] XSLT Extension Methods seem to be ignored
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 487782] XSLT Extension Methods seem to be ignored
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 487782] XSLT Extension Methods seem to be ignored
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 488293] sgen fails to generate serializers when XmlType attribute contains '.'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 488293] sgen fails to generate serializers when XmlType attribute contains '.'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 488293] sgen fails to generate serializers when XmlType attribute contains '.'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 488293] sgen fails to generate serializers when XmlType attribute contains '.'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 489339] ComboBox popup suggestion box does not appear on linux
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 489339] ComboBox popup suggestion box does not appear on linux
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 489339] ComboBox popup suggestion box does not appear on linux
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 489339] ComboBox popup suggestion box does not appear on linux
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 489339] ComboBox popup suggestion box does not appear on linux
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 492299] Graphics.Clear(Color) doesn't work on clipped Graphics
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 492299] Graphics.Clear(Color) doesn't work on clipped Graphics
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 493047] Drawing a locked Bitmap (LockBits) results in a black image
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 493047] Drawing a locked Bitmap (LockBits) results in a black image
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 493047] Drawing a locked Bitmap (LockBits) results in a black image
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 494940] String.Contains returns always true on non empty strings when looking for single chars string of 0xFFFC .NET Difference
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 494940] String.Contains returns always true on non empty strings when looking for single chars string of 0xFFFC .NET Difference
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 496179] System.InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type. at System.Data.Common.Int32DataContainer.DoCopyValue
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 496294] Process.GetProcesses() NRE
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 497636] NOT IMPLEMENTED - MySQL Odbc .HasRows
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 499970] Xmlnode attribute and inertext seem broken
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 499970] Xmlnode attribute and inertext seem broken
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 499970] Xmlnode attribute and inertext seem broken
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 502115] Xml schema validation: Inconsistent attribute inheritance in mono <-> .net (Patch included)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 502251] Xml schema validation fails in XmlSchemaComplexType in some cases due to incorrect order of checks (patch included)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 502623] Migrate from libglade to GtkBuilder
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 505105] Exception message uninformative (different from with MS .Net)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 505105] Exception message uninformative (different from with MS .Net)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 506122] XmlSchema.Compile does not throw XmlSchemaException when invoked twice
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 506122] XmlSchema.Compile does not throw XmlSchemaException when invoked twice
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 506122] XmlSchema.Compile does not throw XmlSchemaException when invoked twice
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 506122] XmlSchema.Compile does not throw XmlSchemaException when invoked twice
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507093] mdb does not use polymorphism in invocation expression
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507473] Generic type variance problems
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507663] DbDataAdapter/DbCommandBuilder and MySql not working together on Mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 508681] OverflowException on int.Parse(string with zero byte at the end)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 508681] OverflowException on int.Parse(string with zero byte at the end)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 508681] OverflowException on int.Parse(string with zero byte at the end)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 508681] OverflowException on int.Parse(string with zero byte at the end)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 510125] Windows support
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 510995] Cannot implicitly convert `string' to `object'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 510995] Cannot implicitly convert `string' to `object'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 512471] mysql/net-connector (all versions) with compress=true crashes mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 513009] ScrollBar repaint issues (Windows only)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 515016] NO linebreak in Button's text
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 515570] System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform returns wrong result on Mac OS X
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 516455] System.Net.Mail error on alternativeviews mono 2.4
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519442] Inconsistent XML serialization between Mono 2.4 and .NET 3.5 throwing InvalidOperationException
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524254] OracleClient causes exception when unsigned types or bools are used in an OracleParameter
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525081] Possible Invalid Compiler Error CS0695 - The same code works in .Net
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525081] Possible Invalid Compiler Error CS0695 - The same code works in .Net
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 526423] FirebirdSql.Data.Firebird Release 1.7.2 is Now Available
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 527277] DataView is returning a wrong Count value with a AddNew()/DataRowView.EndEdit () cycle
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 529887] Graphics.DrawImage - wrong drawing a part of image with scaling
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 529887] Graphics.DrawImage - wrong drawing a part of image with scaling
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 529887] Graphics.DrawImage - wrong drawing a part of image with scaling
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 529887] Graphics.DrawImage - wrong drawing a part of image with scaling
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 532385] Suspends while compiling code with CSharpCodeProvider ONLY when debugging
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 532865] Breakpoints in .ctor don't work with partial classes
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 533257] Dictionary <K, V> goes into infinite loop trying to retrieve a value
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 534137] StreamReader fails to detect "Unicode" encoding if only given 2 characters, not 4 in first read
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 535645] Graphics.DrawImage doesn't use the source rect Y value.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 535645] Graphics.DrawImage doesn't use the source rect Y value.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 535645] Graphics.DrawImage doesn't use the source rect Y value.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 536816] textfield.Ended doesn't fire unless textfield.AllEditingEvents also 'wired up'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 536816] textfield.Ended doesn't fire unless textfield.AllEditingEvents also 'wired up'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 536816] textfield.Ended doesn't fire unless textfield.AllEditingEvents also 'wired up'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 537764] Mono crashes on OS X Snow Leopard
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 537764] Mono crashes on OS X Snow Leopard
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 537764] Mono crashes on OS X Snow Leopard
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 538127] Cannot decompress web response (MonoPosixHelper missing)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 538714] Get "The directory Hello.app does not exist" when creating bundle
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 541898] ContextMenuStrip.SourceControl is always null.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 542079] Clipboard.SetFileDropList and Clipboard.SetImage or Clipboard.ContainsFileDropList and Clipboard.ContainsImage don't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 542464] Int32.Parse doesn't respect NumberStyles.AllowExponent
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 543332] Roundtripping XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsBase64 and XmlWriter.WriteBase64 does not give identical results
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 543742] XSL generation doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 543773] ListView TopItem {set} broken
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 544782] imageList: The size of the buffer is less than index + count.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 547627] MDI child windows unusable due to missing background painting
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 548346] [SIM] objc_msgSend_stret which returns a struct containing a double does a ret $0x4 leaving the stack misaigned
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 548346] [SIM] objc_msgSend_stret which returns a struct containing a double does a ret $0x4 leaving the stack misaigned
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 549135] System.Uri.IsWellFormedUriString doesn't support '#'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 550202] Please save settings to the users home directory
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 550205] Please add a way to package pre-compiled asp.net web apps
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 551009] System.Drawing crashes in multithreaded application
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 551180] Immediate Window in Debugger Does not evaluate anything successfully
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 551681] VBNC99999: Unexpected error: The classes in the module cannot be loaded
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 551681] VBNC99999: Unexpected error: The classes in the module cannot be loaded
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 551681] VBNC99999: Unexpected error: The classes in the module cannot be loaded
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 551681] VBNC99999: Unexpected error: The classes in the module cannot be loaded
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 551681] VBNC99999: Unexpected error: The classes in the module cannot be loaded
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 551681] VBNC99999: Unexpected error: The classes in the module cannot be loaded
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 551681] VBNC99999: Unexpected error: The classes in the module cannot be loaded
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 551681] VBNC99999: Unexpected error: The classes in the module cannot be loaded
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 552658] Setting Form.WindowState to Minimized fails
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 552658] Setting Form.WindowState to Minimized fails
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 552658] Setting Form.WindowState to Minimized fails
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 552658] Setting Form.WindowState to Minimized fails
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 552658] Setting Form.WindowState to Minimized fails
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 553032] InvalidOperationException is generated when XmlAnyElementAttribute is applied to a property of type object[]
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 553307] Datasets and Dataadapters are absolutely not behaving like in Microsoft.Net!
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 554296] DataGridView DataSource and DataMember are not synchro
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 554744] Adding a custom CALayer from extended class crashes.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 555439] TcpClient fails when using 3G (but not always)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 555439] TcpClient fails when using 3G (but not always)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 555439] TcpClient fails when using 3G (but not always)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 555439] TcpClient fails when using 3G (but not always)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 555439] TcpClient fails when using 3G (but not always)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 555439] TcpClient fails when using 3G (but not always)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 555439] TcpClient fails when using 3G (but not always)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 555439] TcpClient fails when using 3G (but not always)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 555439] TcpClient fails when using 3G (but not always)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 555439] TcpClient fails when using 3G (but not always)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 555439] TcpClient fails when using 3G (but not always)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 555439] TcpClient fails when using 3G (but not always)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 555439] TcpClient fails when using 3G (but not always)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 555439] TcpClient fails when using 3G (but not always)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 557452] XmlSchemaValidator fails on simple types based on decimal type
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 557510] Error stepping through code, MonoTouch 1.2, eval
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 557921] System.Diagnostics.Process: error creating process handle
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 558604] CultureInfo.CurrentCulture does not return the correct culture of the Device
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 558604] CultureInfo.CurrentCulture does not return the correct culture of the Device
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 558632] ToolStripLabel DoubleClick event not fired
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 559045] Printing an array of enum shows wrong garbage values
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 559603] Data Binding between SQlite/MS Access DB and user interface causes error during start-up of applicatin
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560155] Crash using DataContractSerializer on Objects with read only fields
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560196] [verifier] abort in get_call_info (both x86 and x86_64) while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560325] [verifier] abort in find_method on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560325] [verifier] abort in find_method on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560325] [verifier] abort in find_method on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560327] [verifier] abort in mono_class_inflate_generic_class on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560327] [verifier] abort in mono_class_inflate_generic_class on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560327] [verifier] abort in mono_class_inflate_generic_class on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560327] [verifier] abort in mono_class_inflate_generic_class on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560327] [verifier] abort in mono_class_inflate_generic_class on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560327] [verifier] abort in mono_class_inflate_generic_class on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560327] [verifier] abort in mono_class_inflate_generic_class on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560327] [verifier] abort in mono_class_inflate_generic_class on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560327] [verifier] abort in mono_class_inflate_generic_class on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560330] [verifier] abort in mono_metadata_token_from_dor on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560330] [verifier] abort in mono_metadata_token_from_dor on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560330] [verifier] abort in mono_metadata_token_from_dor on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560330] [verifier] abort in mono_metadata_token_from_dor on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560359] [verifier] abort in mono_metadata_decode_row on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560722] Possible typo in UIAlertView property : (int ) FirstOtherButtonInder
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560838] XPathEditableDocument WriteRaw implementation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 561667] Disposing a SqlCommand should dispose associated SqlDataReaders
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 561792] WaitAny does not consistently return when waiting on more than one WaitHandle
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 561792] WaitAny does not consistently return when waiting on more than one WaitHandle
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 561792] WaitAny does not consistently return when waiting on more than one WaitHandle
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 561792] WaitAny does not consistently return when waiting on more than one WaitHandle
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 561792] WaitAny does not consistently return when waiting on more than one WaitHandle
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 561827] Exception throw when call SqlCommnad.EndExecuteReader
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 561977] authHeader Webservice
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 561977] authHeader Webservice
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 562043] HttpWebRequest returns 'invalid length' if kernel-mode auth is not enabled on IIS 7.0
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 562055] Add cause of reference resolvement failure
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 562094] AVAudioRecorder doesn't dispose properly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 563841] AudioStreamBasicDescription.FormatID / FormatFlags would be easier with constants or an enum
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564279] System.Data.DataSet' must implement public static method 'GetDataSetSchema'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564279] System.Data.DataSet' must implement public static method 'GetDataSetSchema'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564302] setNeedsDisplay of CALayer bound incorrectly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564637] NetworkStream explicitly implements IDisposable
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564682] Callback function not raised for web service method called through javascript proxy class
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564682] Callback function not raised for web service method called through javascript proxy class
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564682] Callback function not raised for web service method called through javascript proxy class
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564695] LLVM support: this sample generates very slow code.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564833] DataAdapter's fill method throws exception in connection with DbProviderFactories
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564833] DataAdapter's fill method throws exception in connection with DbProviderFactories
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564833] DataAdapter's fill method throws exception in connection with DbProviderFactories
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564912] Unable to build Monodevelop
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564987] Make check fails with compile error
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564987] Make check fails with compile error
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564987] Make check fails with compile error
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564987] Make check fails with compile error
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564987] Make check fails with compile error
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 564987] Make check fails with compile error
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565129] UTF8Encoding doesn't throw on incomplete characters
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565129] UTF8Encoding doesn't throw on incomplete characters
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565129] UTF8Encoding doesn't throw on incomplete characters
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565149] ORACLE StoredProcedure with OracleParameter type NUMBER OutPut throw ORA-06502
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565152] Directory.Exist should not ever throw an exception
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565203] Crashes on launch on powerpc
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565203] Crashes on launch on powerpc
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565510] UIWebView Function: EvaluateJavascript() can not get the "document.title" of Chinese page
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565601] App.config sections supported by Mono 2.4 cause ConfigurationErrorsException in 2.6
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565616] InvalidCastException when storing a not IConvertible value in a string datacolumn.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565616] InvalidCastException when storing a not IConvertible value in a string datacolumn.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565703] UITextField.get_Text has problems with encoding
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565767] Bonjour (NSNetServices) bindings not fully functional
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565767] Bonjour (NSNetServices) bindings not fully functional
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565767] Bonjour (NSNetServices) bindings not fully functional
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565767] Bonjour (NSNetServices) bindings not fully functional
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565767] Bonjour (NSNetServices) bindings not fully functional
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565767] Bonjour (NSNetServices) bindings not fully functional
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565767] Bonjour (NSNetServices) bindings not fully functional
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565944] Control.Invalidate(true) does not call invalidate on nested controls
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565944] Control.Invalidate(true) does not call invalidate on nested controls
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565963] System.UriFormatException: Absolute URI is too short when creating new Uri object with UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565963] System.UriFormatException: Absolute URI is too short when creating new Uri object with UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565963] System.UriFormatException: Absolute URI is too short when creating new Uri object with UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565963] System.UriFormatException: Absolute URI is too short when creating new Uri object with UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566052] Crashing in Asp.Net MVC
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566053] DataGridView.VirtualMode is not implemented
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566057] SetMaxThreads does not allow you to set a limit lower than its default
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566057] SetMaxThreads does not allow you to set a limit lower than its default
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566152] Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable may return null even if the variable exists
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566152] Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable may return null even if the variable exists
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566296] abort in mono_local_regalloc while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566296] abort in mono_local_regalloc while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566296] abort in mono_local_regalloc while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566296] abort in mono_local_regalloc while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566296] abort in mono_local_regalloc while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566298] mono/sparc does not build, or it crashes
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566298] mono/sparc does not build, or it crashes
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566370] Error when generate temp file for xml serialization
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566488] International Characters in strings show as double question mark "??"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566488] International Characters in strings show as double question mark "??"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566488] International Characters in strings show as double question mark "??"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566488] International Characters in strings show as double question mark "??"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566488] International Characters in strings show as double question mark "??"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566488] International Characters in strings show as double question mark "??"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566488] International Characters in strings show as double question mark "??"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566628] 2.6.1 miscompiles ironpython binascii.cs
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566901] Expose CGImage API and Add Support for UIGetScreenImage()
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566986] Banshee cannot be compiled with the 2.6 branch
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567109] segmentation violation while compiling a C# module that worked in
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567193] Crash when casting AppDelegate.window to an object of an inherited UIWindow class
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567330] OpenFileDialog size sorting is wrong
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567331] ToolStrip BackColor property ignored
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567331] ToolStrip BackColor property ignored
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567331] ToolStrip BackColor property ignored
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567331] ToolStrip BackColor property ignored
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567331] ToolStrip BackColor property ignored
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567331] ToolStrip BackColor property ignored
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567331] ToolStrip BackColor property ignored
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567333] Crash on default ASP.NET MVC 2 Logon Page
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567351] Cannot SetValue of Nullable Property
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567428] Soap Headers dont appear to be passing to webservice
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567428] Soap Headers dont appear to be passing to webservice
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567428] Soap Headers dont appear to be passing to webservice
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567428] Soap Headers dont appear to be passing to webservice
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567428] Soap Headers dont appear to be passing to webservice
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567455] NSThread#start gets "got a ot a SIGSEGV while executing native code. "
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567520] Web Service returns incorrect JSON object when using ASP.NET AJAX
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567546] add Distribution capability to Xcode export as a workaround to the "no valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567548] [verifier] SIGSEGV in mono_class_init (cmethod) on a bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567548] [verifier] SIGSEGV in mono_class_init (cmethod) on a bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567657] MonoDevelop V2.2 Crashing when Loading Solution with Mono 2.6.1
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567657] MonoDevelop V2.2 Crashing when Loading Solution with Mono 2.6.1
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567672] Service callback method doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567672] Service callback method doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567676] abort in mono_class_inflate_generic_method_full while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567676] abort in mono_class_inflate_generic_method_full while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567679] [verifier] abort in count_virtual_methods on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567679] [verifier] abort in count_virtual_methods on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567766] Mono.Linker.ResolutionException: Can not resolve reference: System.Boolean System.Threading.ManualResetEvent::Set()
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567766] Mono.Linker.ResolutionException: Can not resolve reference: System.Boolean System.Threading.ManualResetEvent::Set()
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567817] CheckParametersNullityInVisibleMethodsRule has false positives when using return
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567817] CheckParametersNullityInVisibleMethodsRule has false positives when using return
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567847] Disabled GroupBox isn't grayed out (ie: looks the same as enabled)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567850] Error while search best overloaded method containing two different enums
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567850] Error while search best overloaded method containing two different enums
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567850] Error while search best overloaded method containing two different enums
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567850] Error while search best overloaded method containing two different enums
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567850] Error while search best overloaded method containing two different enums
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567850] Error while search best overloaded method containing two different enums
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567869] NullReferenceException in CacheItemPriorityQueue.cs kill XPS application
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567869] NullReferenceException in CacheItemPriorityQueue.cs kill XPS application
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567889] Add bindings for NSLocalizedString, Localization in general
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567889] Add bindings for NSLocalizedString, Localization in general
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567903] error CS1061: Type `Mono.Data.Sqlite.SqliteConnection' does not contain a definition for `LastInsertRowId'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567903] error CS1061: Type `Mono.Data.Sqlite.SqliteConnection' does not contain a definition for `LastInsertRowId'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567904] RadioButton.Appearance = Appearance.Button does not work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567911] New: TimeZoneInfo is defined in both mscorlib and System.Core in MonoTouch stack
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567911] TimeZoneInfo is defined in both mscorlib and System.Core in MonoTouch stack
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567911] TimeZoneInfo is defined in both mscorlib and System.Core in MonoTouch stack
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567944] FirstDayOfWeek not parsed when creating culture-info-tables.h
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567944] FirstDayOfWeek not parsed when creating culture-info-tables.h
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567944] New: FirstDayOfWeek not parsed when creating culture-info-tables.h
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567949] New: Self hosted service using NetTCPBinding hangs after second call
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567949] Self hosted service using NetTCPBinding hangs after second call
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567949] Self hosted service using NetTCPBinding hangs after second call
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567962] Cannot use culture resources (global and local) like "Default.aspx.en.resx" or "Dictionary.en.resx"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567962] Cannot use culture resources (global and local) like "Default.aspx.en.resx" or "Dictionary.en.resx"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567995] InstantiateArgumentExceptionCorrectlyRule false positive on indexer implementation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567995] InstantiateArgumentExceptionCorrectlyRule false positive on indexer implementation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567995] New: InstantiateArgumentExceptionCorrectlyRule false positive on indexer implementation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568004] New: abort in mono_marshal_get_remoting_invoke_with_check while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568021] New: [verifier] sigsegv in mono_error_set_bad_image
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568025] [verifier] sigsegv/infinite recursion in mono_class_implement_interface_slow
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568025] New: [verifier] sigsegv/infinite recursion in mono_class_implement_interface_slow
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568026] New: TrackBar: Scroll event should occur BEFORE ValueChanged
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568026] TrackBar: Scroll event should occur BEFORE ValueChanged
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568110] ./configure script failed on Slackware 13
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568110] ./configure script failed on Slackware 13
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568110] New: ./configure script failed on Slackware 13
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568170] New: Rename monovs things to monotools where possible
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568171] Create a monotools service for the commandline server
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568171] New: Create a monotools service for the commandline server
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568197] Assembly name of main app cannot contain a period
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568197] New: Assembly name of main app cannot contain a period
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568219] Crash calling native functions inside a lock with "linears" optimization enabled
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568219] New: Crash calling native functions inside a lock with "linears" optimization enabled
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568366] NET_2_0 profile : BuildManagerDirectoryBuilder AddVirtualDir infinite loop
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568366] NET_2_0 profile : BuildManagerDirectoryBuilder AddVirtualDir infinite loop
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568366] New: NET_2_0 profile : BuildManagerDirectoryBuilder AddVirtualDir infinite loop
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568402] New: Allow user to upload project to SUSE Studio as overlay file(s)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568441] New: Web.config <location>-><authorization> tag doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568441] Web.config <location>-><authorization> tag doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568581] IE conditional script blocks are rendered incorrectly with ASP.NET engine.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568581] New: IE conditional script blocks are rendered incorrectly with ASP.NET engine.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568593] CreateUserWizard raises InvalidCastExceptio
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568593] New: CreateUserWizard raises InvalidCastExceptio
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568600] New: Upload data on website trough api crashes with error 502 bad gateway
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568600] Upload data on website trough api crashes with error 502 bad gateway
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568600] Upload data on website trough api crashes with error 502 bad gateway
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568601] New: Warn user if referenced assemblies are not getting analyzed
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568602] New: Warn user if referenced assemblies are not getting deployed
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568631] aspx/ascx files can not be compiled when an asp:Literal-tag is embedded in another tags attribute
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568631] aspx/ascx files can not be compiled when an asp:Literal-tag is embedded in another tags attribute
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568631] New: aspx/ascx files can not be compiled when an asp:Literal-tag is embedded in another tags attribute
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568644] GC.Collect() does not collect WeakReferences
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568644] New: GC.Collect() does not collect WeakReferences
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568761] New: Make failure while building mcs.exe.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568763] DataFormatSerializer can't deserialize XML element without proper namespace
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568763] DataFormatSerializer can't deserialize XML element without proper namespace
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568763] DataFormatSerializer can't deserialize XML element without proper namespace
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568763] New: DataFormatSerializer can't deserialize XML element without proper namespace
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568778] Convert.ToBase64String inserts line break after short string
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568778] Convert.ToBase64String inserts line break after short string
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568778] New: Convert.ToBase64String inserts line break after short string
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568782] Methods missing: GC.WaitForFullGCApproach(), GC.WaitForFullGCComplete()
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568782] New: Methods missing: GC.WaitForFullGCApproach(), GC.WaitForFullGCComplete()
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568862] New: ToolStripComboBox doesn't show ToolTipText
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568955] New: System.InvalidOperationException: List has changed. from gmcs while compiling.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568989] linq expression code causes mono_method_to_ir assertion
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568989] linq expression code causes mono_method_to_ir assertion
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 568989] New: linq expression code causes mono_method_to_ir assertion
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569011] i18n font rendering/substitution draws non-ASCII text as squares
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569011] i18n font rendering/substitution draws non-ASCII text as squares
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569011] i18n font rendering/substitution draws non-ASCII text as squares
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569011] i18n font rendering/substitution draws non-ASCII text as squares
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569011] i18n font rendering/substitution draws non-ASCII text as squares
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569011] New: Winforms i18n font rendering/substitution draws non-ASCII text as squares
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569011] Winforms i18n font rendering/substitution draws non-ASCII text as squares
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569011] Winforms i18n font rendering/substitution draws non-ASCII text as squares
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569011] Winforms i18n font rendering/substitution draws non-ASCII text as squares
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569109] Exponentially increasing compile time for nested anonymous functions.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569109] Exponentially increasing compile time for nested anonymous functions.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569109] New: Exponentially increasing compile time for nested anonymous functions.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569390] New: SIGSEGV Error with MarshalByRefObject implementing a generic interface
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569390] SIGSEGV Error with MarshalByRefObject implementing a generic interface
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569392] Mono 2.6.1 fails on Windows due to reference to 'freeaddrinfo' in WS2_32.DLL
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569392] Mono 2.6.1 fails on Windows due to reference to 'freeaddrinfo' in WS2_32.DLL
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569392] Mono 2.6.1 fails on Windows due to reference to unsupported function 'freeaddrinfo' in WS2_32.DLL
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569392] Mono 2.6.1 fails on Windows due to reference to unsupported function 'freeaddrinfo' in WS2_32.DLL
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569392] New: Mono 2.6.1 fails on Windows due to reference to unsupported function 'freeaddrinfo' in WS2_32.DLL
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569405] New: Reflection isn't able to change static readonly fields. .NET difference
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569405] Reflection isn't able to change static readonly fields. .NET difference
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569405] Reflection isn't able to change static readonly fields. .NET difference
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569477] Invalid project directory error message given when running Windows forms exe remotely
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569477] Invalid project directory error message given when running Windows forms exe remotely
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569477] New: Invalid project directory error message given when running Windows forms exe remotely
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569530] New: IndexOutOfRangeException when loading RTF into RichTextBox
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569532] New: OpenFileDialog display size is too big!
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569533] New: Error using wsdl
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569535] MessageBox.Show throws NotImplementedException
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569535] New: MessageBox.Show throws NotImplementedException
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569539] New: Cannot compile code using __refvalue
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569542] [verifier] SIGSEGV in find_method_in_class on a bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569542] New: [verifier] SIGSEGV in find_method_in_class on a bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569543] New: Npgsql using Guid in parameter
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569543] Npgsql using Guid in parameter
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569543] Npgsql using Guid in parameter
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569543] SqlClient using Guid in parameter
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569543] SqlClient using Guid in parameter
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569543] SqlClient using Guid in parameter
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569543] SqlClient using Guid in parameter
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569555] CGFont has no means of creation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569555] New: CGFont has no means of creation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569596] Cannot make a button bound with Interface Builder / Monotouch highlight on touchupinside or touchdown event
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569596] Cannot make a button bound with Interface Builder / Monotouch highlight on touchupinside or touchdown event
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569596] Cannot make a button bound with Interface Builder / Monotouch highlight on touchupinside or touchdown event
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569596] Cannot make a button bound with Interface Builder / Monotouch highlight on touchupinside or touchdown event
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569596] Cannot make a button bound with Interface Builder / Monotouch highlight on touchupinside or touchdown event
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569596] New: Cannot make a button bound with Interface Builder / Monotouch highlight on touchupinside or touchdown event
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569636] Bad performance looping on DataSets
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569636] Bad performance looping on DataSets
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569636] New: Bad performance looping on DataSets
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569697] New: [verifier] abort in mono_class_init (class->vtable_size > finalize_slot) on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569770] New: Mono.Cairo ImageSurface causes access violations on Windows
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569789] mod_mono reaps the wrong process during graceful apache restarts
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569789] mod_mono reaps the wrong process during graceful apache restarts
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569789] mod_mono reaps the wrong process during graceful apache restarts
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569789] New: mod_mono reaps the wrong process during graceful apache restarts
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569794] c99 inline variable declaration in mod_mono 2.6
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569794] New: c99 inline variable declaration in mod_mono 2.6
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569800] New: socket-io.c assumes AI_ADDRCONFIG is defined without testing
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569800] socket-io.c assumes AI_ADDRCONFIG is defined without testing
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569806] mono assumes c99 flexible array member syntax is available without testing
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569806] New: mono assumes c99 flexible array member syntax is available without testing
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569827] New: Multiple overloads of an extension method can be incorrectly marked as ambiguous
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569853] headers on http://forums.monotouch.net/ broken
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569853] headers on http://forums.monotouch.net/ broken
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569853] headers on http://forums.monotouch.net/ broken
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569853] New: headers on http://forums.monotouch.net/ broken
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569857] New: Forum shortcomings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569915] Can't build Mono from trunk - 259 same errors: Cannot assign to 'this' because it is read-only
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569915] Can't build Mono from trunk - 259 same errors: Cannot assign to 'this' because it is read-only
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569915] Can't build Mono from trunk - 259 same errors: Cannot assign to 'this' because it is read-only
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569915] Can't build Mono from trunk - 259 same errors: Cannot assign to 'this' because it is read-only
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569915] Can't build Mono from trunk - 259 same errors: Cannot assign to 'this' because it is read-only
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569915] New: Can't build Mono from trunk - 259 same errors: Cannot assign to 'this' because it is read-only
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569940] Mono crashes when using System.Drawing.Image.FromFile with a special TIF-File
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569940] Mono crashes when using System.Drawing.Image.FromFile with a special TIF-File
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569940] Mono crashes when using System.Drawing.Image.FromFile with a special TIF-File
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569940] New: Mono crashes when using System.Drawing.Image.FromFile with a special TIF-File
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569950] New: RichTextBox Modified property not set when (Selected)Text changes
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569950] RichTextBox Modified property not set when (Selected)Text changes
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570062] Bug in resolving of semi-circular dependency in generic arguments from a referenced assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570062] New: Bug in resolving of semi-circular dependency in generic arguments from a referenced assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570194] New: XmlSiteMapProvider threats Sitemap nodes with different queries as nodes with equal URLs
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570194] XmlSiteMapProvider threats Sitemap nodes with different queries as nodes with equal URLs
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570194] XmlSiteMapProvider threats Sitemap nodes with different queries as nodes with equal URLs
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570194] XmlSiteMapProvider threats Sitemap nodes with different queries as nodes with equal URLs
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570194] XmlSiteMapProvider threats Sitemap nodes with different queries as nodes with equal URLs
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570206] Monotouch / Interface Builder will not allowa button TouchDown or TouchUpInside event to highlight itself.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570206] New: Monotouch / Interface Builder will not allowa button TouchDown or TouchUpInside event to highlight itself.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570272] New: out parameter set with ternary ?: or ?? operator in generic function with 'struct' parameter constraint generates invalid code
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570272] out parameter set with ternary ?: or ?? operator in generic function with 'struct' parameter constraint generates invalid code
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570422] New: Mono allows return false in method returning IEnumerable<T> .NET C# does not.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570547] 'The request body is incomplete' error after page refresh after first application run on XSP2
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570547] New: 'The request body is incomplete' error after page refresh after first application run on XSP2
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570566] MonoTouch.UIKit.UIColor.FromRGB(byte, byte, byte) doesn't give you the colors you would expect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570566] New: MonoTouch.UIKit.UIColor.FromRGB(byte, byte, byte) doesn't give you the colors you would expect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570584] Debugger appears to cause app to crash
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570584] Debugger appears to cause app to crash
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570584] New: Debugger appears to cause app to crash
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570646] ClientCredentials not found in System.ServiceModel.Description namespace
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570646] ClientCredentials not found in System.ServiceModel.Description namespace
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570646] ClientCredentials not found in System.ServiceModel.Description namespace
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570646] New: ClientCredentials not found in System.ServiceModel.Description namespace
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570647] New: abort in mono_method_to_ir (costs > 0) while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570648] New: System.IO.Packaging ZipPackage does not work due to Uri issue
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570648] System.IO.Packaging ZipPackage does not work due to Uri issue
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570728] New: VS returns UIAutomationWinforms exception FileNotFound attempting remote debug
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570728] VS returns UIAutomationWinforms exception FileNotFound attempting remote debug
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570728] VS returns UIAutomationWinforms exception FileNotFound attempting remote debug
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570728] VS returns UIAutomationWinforms exception FileNotFound attempting remote debug
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570728] VS returns UIAutomationWinforms exception FileNotFound attempting remote debug
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570728] VS returns UIAutomationWinforms exception FileNotFound attempting remote debug
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570728] VS returns UIAutomationWinforms exception FileNotFound attempting remote debug
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570728] VS returns UIAutomationWinforms exception FileNotFound attempting remote debug
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570728] VS returns UIAutomationWinforms exception FileNotFound attempting remote debug
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570728] VS returns UIAutomationWinforms exception FileNotFound attempting remote debug
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570728] VS returns UIAutomationWinforms exception FileNotFound attempting remote debug
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570771] Button.Enabled = false still generates events when clicked
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570771] New: Button.Enabled = false still generates events when clicked
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570859] New: DateTime.ToString(String, IFormatProvider) spells Russian months' names incorrectly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570911] http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/datacontract:guid is not supported in svcutil
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570911] New: http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/datacontract:guid is not supported in svcutil
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570930] New: System.Net.Mail.Attachment ArgumentNullException
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570930] System.Net.Mail.Attachment ArgumentNullException
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570955] Gendarme trunk : MonoDevelop project's build is broken
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570955] Gendarme trunk : MonoDevelop project's build is broken
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570955] New: Gendarme trunk : MonoDevelop project's build is broken
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570959] New: UISlider does not fire ValueChanged when the value is set via code
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570965] New: UITableViewController.Editing property is not properly used
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571010] New: using(){} with structs shouldn't box to invoke explicitly implemented IDisposable.Dispose method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571131] Build fails only on 64bit xen instance with illegal operation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571131] Build fails only on 64bit xen instance with illegal operation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571131] Build fails only on 64bit xen instance with illegal operation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571131] Build fails only on 64bit xen instance with illegal operation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571131] Build fails only on 64bit xen instance with illegal operation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571131] Build fails only on 64bit xen instance with illegal operation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571131] Build fails only on 64bit xen instance with illegal operation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571131] New: Build fails only on 64bit xen instance with illegal operation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571151] Mono.Debugger.TargetMemoryException at address 0x00000004
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571151] Mono.Debugger.TargetMemoryException at address 0x00000004
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571151] Mono.Debugger.TargetMemoryException at address 0x00000004
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571151] Mono.Debugger.TargetMemoryException at address 0x00000004
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571151] Mono.Debugger.TargetMemoryException at address 0x00000004
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571151] Mono.Debugger.TargetMemoryException at address 0x00000004
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571151] New: Mono.Debugger.TargetMemoryException at address 0x00000004
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571167] New: [verifier] abort in mono_method_search_in_array_class on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571216] Empty Directories Omitted
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571216] New: Empty Directories Omitted
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571218] New: Regression in OracleClient Test Suite
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571226] New: Regression in System.Configuration Test Suite
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571226] Regression in System.Configuration Test Suite
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571226] Regression in System.Configuration Test Suite
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571309] New: when creating a new project/solution in monodevelop, there is no option to keep existing workspace open
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571334] String from textbox returns invalid characters for parsing?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571334] String from textbox returns invalid characters for parsing?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571334] String from textbox returns invalid characters for parsing?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571334] String from textbox returns invalid characters for parsing?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571334] String from textbox returns invalid characters for parsing?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571334] String from textbox returns invalid characters for parsing?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571334] String from textbox returns invalid characters for parsing?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571334] String from textbox returns invalid characters for parsing?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571336] New: XmlDocument XmlElement creation is broken.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571336] XmlDocument XmlElement creation is broken.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571336] XmlDocument XmlElement creation is broken.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571336] XmlDocument XmlElement creation is broken.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571337] New: if a section of code is collapsed in monodevelop, when you select and copy, it only gets the top line
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571338] multiline selection in monodevelop blows monkeys
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571338] New: multiline selection in monodevelop blows monkeys
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571342] New: when you add a file to a new folder in monodevelop, the folder should expand
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571343] New: clicking on line numbers in error output does nothing
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571359] MonoTouch 1.4.4 adds garbage to Strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571359] MonoTouch 1.4.4 adds garbage to Strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571359] MonoTouch 1.4.4 adds garbage to Strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571359] New: MonoTouch 1.4.4 adds garbage to Strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571365] Incorrect JSON Responses
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571365] Incorrect JSON Responses
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571365] Incorrect JSON Responses
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571365] Incorrect JSON Responses
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571365] New: Incorrect JSON Responses
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571366] Incorrect information returns by Bitmap.GetPixel() or System.Drawing.Image.FromFile () or System.Drawing.Bitmap - only Alpha-channel matches
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571366] New: System.Drawing.Image.FromFile () + System.Drawing.Bitmap returns not true color pixels.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571381] New: Incorrect information returns by Bitmap.GetPixel() - only Alpha-channel matches
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571444] New: Registry should be put in $XDG_DATA_HOME, not ~/.mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571451] New: Debugger not breaking on Unhandled Exceptions in ASP.NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571452] New: Debugger not breaking on Unhandled Exceptions in click handler
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571453] Debugger not breaking when breakpoint is set on 1st line of app
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571453] New: Debugger not breaking when breakpoint is set on 1st line of app
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571461] New: abort in mono_postprocess_patches while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571493] "." incorrectly parsed as decimal (conflicts with MS .NET behaviour)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571493] "." incorrectly parsed as decimal (conflicts with MS .NET behaviour)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571493] New: "." incorrectly parsed as decimal (conflicts with MS .NET behaviour)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571510] New: XmlSerializer.Deserialize not working
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571510] XmlSerializer.Deserialize not working
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571510] XmlSerializer.Deserialize not working
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571510] XmlSerializer.Deserialize not working
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571510] XmlSerializer.Deserialize not working
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571510] XmlSerializer.Deserialize not working
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571510] XmlSerializer.Deserialize not working
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571590] Assembly load failure with version differences in references
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571590] Assembly load failure with version differences in references
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571590] New: Assembly load failure with version differences in references
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571650] Adding a schema to the default namespace throws an exception.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571650] Adding a schema to the default namespace throws an exception.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571650] Adding a schema to the default namespace throws an exception.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571650] Adding a schema to the default namespace throws an exception.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571650] Adding a schema to the default namespace throws an exception.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571650] New: Adding a schema to the default namespace throws an exception.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571683] New: Runtime compile: location warning flagged as error, and assembly not loaded when lacking 'new' for variable override
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571683] Runtime compile: location warning flagged as error, and assembly not loaded when lacking 'new' for variable override
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571683] Runtime compile: location warning flagged as error, and assembly not loaded when lacking 'new' for variable override
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571683] Runtime compile: location warning flagged as error, and assembly not loaded when lacking 'new' for variable override
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571683] Runtime compile: location warning flagged as error, and assembly not loaded when lacking 'new' for variable override
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571691] New: new StackTrace( Thread, bool ) not implemented
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571702] New: Suboptimal error message on constructor initializers.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571715] New: Disabling gridview cell on rowdatabound does not disable control inside
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571831] BufferedStream.ReadByte and WriteByte are sub-optimal
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571831] BufferedStream.ReadByte and WriteByte are sub-optimal
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571831] BufferedStream.ReadByte and WriteByte are sub-optimal
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571831] BufferedStream.ReadByte and WriteByte are sub-optimal
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571831] BufferedStream.ReadByte and WriteByte are sub-optimal
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571831] New: BufferedStream.ReadByte and WriteByte are sub-optimal
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571903] New: Umlauts are not correct displayed in Messagebox
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571903] Umlauts are not correct displayed in Messagebox
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571979] mono 2.7 don't live great with mod_mono/2.4.2
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571979] New: mono 2.7 don't live great with mod_mono/2.4.2
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572016] New: Console.Write/Line Doesn't Output to Log Viewer Window
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572043] [PATCH] Singleton COM object are not reference counted correctly in mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572043] [PATCH] Singleton COM object are not reference counted correctly in mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572043] [PATCH] Singleton COM object are not reference counted correctly in mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572043] New: Singleton COM object are not reference counted correctly in mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572043] Singleton COM object are not reference counted correctly in mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572053] foreach over a System.Collection.Generic.Dictionary<K, T> derived class throws CS0030 compilation error
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572053] New: foreach over a System.Collection.Generic.Dictionary<K, T> derived class throws CS0030 compilation error
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572071] New: Compilation error with lambda parameters
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572084] HashSet<T>.SymmetricExceptWith assumes argument contains no duplicate items
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572084] HashSet<T>.SymmetricExceptWith assumes argument contains no duplicate items
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572084] HashSet<T>.SymmetricExceptWith assumes argument contains no duplicate items
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572084] HashSet<T>.SymmetricExceptWith assumes argument contains no duplicate items
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572084] HashSet<T>.SymmetricExceptWith assumes argument contains no duplicate items
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572084] New: HashSet<T>.SymmetricExceptWith assumes argument contains no duplicate items
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572120] New: Unrecoverable errors in MonoTouch.Dialog Sample
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572223] New: sigsegv in mono_class_get_virtual_methods while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572223] sigsegv in mono_class_get_virtual_methods while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572362] Error Attempting to Debug Designer Through Tools > Attach To Process
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572362] New: Error Attempting to Debug Designer Through Tools > Attach To Process
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572365] New: Different behavior when a class has the same name as a predefined type.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572459] New: MCS crashes when trying to compile the following code.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572469] New: Application_Error is not fired in the global.asax
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572540] New: Linq query ignores more than two orderby keys
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572630] AsyncCompletedEventArgs.Error always null when handling SmtpClient.SendCompleted
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572630] AsyncCompletedEventArgs.Error always null when handling SmtpClient.SendCompleted
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572630] New: AsyncCompletedEventArgs.Error always null when handling SmtpClient.SendCompleted
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572643] New: ForeColor for selected ToolStripComboBox item in ownerdraw mode should be set to highlighted text
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572660] mono_metadata_decode_row assertion with System.Reflection.Emit circular array field type
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572660] mono_metadata_decode_row assertion with System.Reflection.Emit circular array field type
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572660] New: mono_metadata_decode_row assertion with System.Reflection.Emit circular array field type
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572697] [verifier] Silverlight site has verifier error "Found use of uninitialized 'this ptr'"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572697] New: [verifier] Silverlight site has verifier error "Found use of uninitialized 'this ptr'"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572699] New: Deterministic code generation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572707] New: Regression in System.Web Test Suite
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572722] New: DataTable Primary Key Regression in System.Data Test Suite
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572725] New: SqlExpressions.DateComparisonTest.TestDateComparisonLeft Regression
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572738] 13 Test Regressions in XmlDataDocumentTest
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572738] New: 13 Test Regressions in XmlDataDocumentTest
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572781] New: OnInit event of SqlDataSource does not fire.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572781] OnInit event of SqlDataSource does not fire.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572781] OnInit event of SqlDataSource does not fire.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572781] OnInit event of SqlDataSource does not fire.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572783] New: Socket async io thread not cleaned up properly when mono_jit_cleanup() is called
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572783] Socket async io thread not cleaned up properly when mono_jit_cleanup() is called
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572783] Socket async io thread not cleaned up properly when mono_jit_cleanup() is called
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572871] autogen.sh cannot check g++ absence (required for libtool which generates libmono.so)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572871] Compilation fails (libmono.so cannot be generated)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572871] Compilation fails (libmono.so cannot be generated)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572871] Compilation fails (libmono.so cannot be generated)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572871] Compilation fails (libmono.so cannot be generated)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572871] Compilation fails (libmono.so cannot be generated)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572871] Compilation fails (libmono.so cannot be generated)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572871] g++ not checked at configure time (libmono.so cannot be generated)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572871] g++ not checked at configure time (libmono.so cannot be generated)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572871] g++ not checked at configure time (libmono.so cannot be generated)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572871] g++ not checked at configure time (libmono.so cannot be generated)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572871] New: Compilation fails (libmono.so cannot be generated)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572874] New: ValueType.Equals fails on structs containing nullables
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572874] ValueType.Equals fails on structs containing nullables
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572874] ValueType.Equals fails on structs containing nullables
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572882] New: trunk compilation fails with gmcs version
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572882] trunk compilation fails with gmcs version
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572882] trunk compilation fails with gmcs version
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572885] Attempting to JIT compile method System.Linq.jvm.Interpreter:GetDelegate
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572885] Attempting to JIT compile method System.Linq.jvm.Interpreter:GetDelegate
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572885] Attempting to JIT compile method System.Linq.jvm.Interpreter:GetDelegate
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572885] Attempting to JIT compile method System.Linq.jvm.Interpreter:GetDelegate
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572885] New: Attempting to JIT compile method System.Linq.jvm.Interpreter:GetDelegate
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572886] New: No method OrderBy on type System.Linq.Queryable that matches the specified arguments
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572886] No method OrderBy on type System.Linq.Queryable that matches the specified arguments
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572886] No method OrderBy on type System.Linq.Queryable that matches the specified arguments
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 572927] New: ErrorProvider control on table layout panel is displayed incorrectly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573096] New: XmlSerializer does not support pre-compiled serializers
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573119] New: Exceptions throw in finalizer seem to be ignored on mono but not on .NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573121] New: 'mdoc export-html' needs to update namespace files
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573160] New: XML Deserialiaztion throws NullReferenceException on 2.6.1 , works under .NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573160] XML Deserialiaztion throws NullReferenceException on 2.6.1 , works under .NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573160] XML Deserialiaztion throws NullReferenceException on 2.6.1 , works under .NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573160] XML Deserialiaztion throws NullReferenceException on 2.6.1 , works under .NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573160] XML Deserialiaztion throws NullReferenceException on 2.6.1 , works under .NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573160] XML Deserialiaztion throws NullReferenceException on 2.6.1 , works under .NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573160] XML Deserialiaztion throws NullReferenceException on 2.6.1 , works under .NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573160] XML Deserialiaztion throws NullReferenceException on 2.6.1 , works under .NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573160] XML Deserialiaztion throws NullReferenceException on 2.6.1 , works under .NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573160] XML Deserialiaztion throws NullReferenceException on 2.6.1 , works under .NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573188] New: OracleDataAdapter fills only the first table of the resulting dataSet when invoking a stored procedure with more than one cursor ref out parameters.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573188] OracleDataAdapter fills only the first table of the resulting dataSet when invoking a stored procedure with more than one cursor ref out parameters.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573188] OracleDataAdapter fills only the first table of the resulting dataSet when invoking a stored procedure with more than one cursor ref out parameters.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573241] HttpWebRequest disallows writing to the request stream for certain http methods
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573241] New: HttpWebRequest disallows writing to the request stream for certain http methods
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573299] New: StatusStrip can't resize window
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573300] New: ListView column headers: resize and expand areas overlapping
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573312] mono compiler compiles struct in fixed block wrong?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573312] mono compiler compiles struct in fixed block wrong?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573312] mono compiler compiles struct in fixed block wrong?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573312] mono compiler compiles struct in fixed block wrong?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573312] mono compiler compiles struct in fixed block wrong?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573312] mono compiler compiles struct in fixed block wrong?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573312] New: mono compiler compiles struct in fixed block wrong?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573322] Array.SetValue is very unreliable for arrays of Nullable types
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573322] New: Array.SetValue is very unreliable for arrays of Nullable types
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573326] New: WCF call in MonoTouch fails when BasicHttpSecurityMode is set to TransportWithMessageCredential
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573326] WCF call in MonoTouch fails when BasicHttpSecurityMode is set to TransportWithMessageCredential
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573326] WCF call in MonoTouch fails when BasicHttpSecurityMode is set to TransportWithMessageCredential
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573326] WCF call in MonoTouch fails when BasicHttpSecurityMode is set to TransportWithMessageCredential
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573326] WCF call in MonoTouch fails when BasicHttpSecurityMode is set to TransportWithMessageCredential
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573334] monodoc: Ecma-334 Notational Conventions not followed
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573334] monodoc: Ecma-334 Notational Conventions not followed
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573334] monodoc: Ecma-334 Notational Conventions not followed
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573334] New: monodoc: Ecma-334 Notational Conventions not followed
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573354] FirstDayOfWeek is incorrect in hu-HU locale
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573354] FirstDayOfWeek is incorrect in hu-HU locale
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573354] FirstDayOfWeek is incorrect in hu-HU locale
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573354] FirstDayOfWeek is incorrect in hu-HU locale
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573354] New: FirstDayOfWeek is incorrect in hu-HU locale
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573371] Closing the monotools-gui-server preferences window crashes app
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573371] New: Closing the monotools-gui-server preferences window crashes app
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573385] New: CS0029 on accessing a field within a generic inner class
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573477] New: FlushFileBuffers call invalidates safe file handle
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573502] DataContractSerializer incorrectly reporting a bad XML file
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573502] New: DataContractSerializer incorrectly reporting a bad XML file
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573518] Activation Prematurely Expired
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573518] Activation Prematurely Expired
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573518] Activation Prematurely Expired
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573518] New: Activation Prematurely Expired
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573596] New: SIGABRT on mono_class_from_mono_type in test application
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573682] New: segtaults when encoding/decoding non-UTF8 strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573682] segtaults when encoding/decoding non-UTF8 strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573682] segtaults when encoding/decoding non-UTF8 strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573682] segtaults when encoding/decoding non-UTF8 strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573682] segtaults when encoding/decoding non-UTF8 strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573682] segtaults when encoding/decoding non-UTF8 strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573682] segtaults when encoding/decoding non-UTF8 strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573682] segtaults when encoding/decoding non-UTF8 strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573682] segtaults when encoding/decoding non-UTF8 strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573682] segtaults when encoding/decoding non-UTF8 strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573682] segtaults when encoding/decoding non-UTF8 strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573682] segtaults when encoding/decoding non-UTF8 strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573682] segtaults when encoding/decoding non-UTF8 strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573689] DataContractJsonSerializer.KnownType should not include the serialized type
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573689] New: DataContractJsonSerializer.KnownType should not include the serialized type
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573690] DataContractJsonSerializer bug with null strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573690] New: DataContractJsonSerializer bug with null strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573691] DataContractJsonSerializer bug with floating point special values
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573691] New: DataContractJsonSerializer bug with floating point special values
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573709] Cannot upgrade monotools on VS 2010
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573709] New: Cannot upgrade monotools on VS 2010
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573747] Mono Tools GUI Server displays unmodifiable settings as editable
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573747] New: Mono Tools GUI Server displays unmodifiable settings as editable
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573750] -noregistrar required
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573750] New: -noregistrar required
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573795] New: ASP.NET integration fails to run for WebHttpBinding-based service
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573917] New: [verifier] Missing System.MethodAccessException: Main method for type 'X' has invalid signature
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573976] IOMAP doesn't like backslashes in directory names
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573976] New: IOMAP doesn't like backslashes in directory names
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573988] New: Soft debugger is broken on systems not supporting MMAP_32BIT flag (Solaris, probably *BSD)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573988] Soft debugger is broken on systems not supporting MMAP_32BIT flag (Solaris, probably *BSD)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574012] New: VS can't load a program with satellite assemblies if they are not in a sub directory of the soloution
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574012] VS can't load a program with satellite assemblies if they are not in a sub directory of the soloution
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574012] VS can't load a program with satellite assemblies if they are not in a sub directory of the soloution
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574012] VS can't load a program with satellite assemblies if they are not in a sub directory of the soloution
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574012] VS can't load a program with satellite assemblies if they are not in a sub directory of the soloution
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574012] VS can't load a program with satellite assemblies if they are not in a sub directory of the soloution
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574012] VS can't load a program with satellite assemblies if they are not in a sub directory of the soloution
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574012] VS can't load a program with satellite assemblies if they are not in a sub directory of the soloution
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574017] New: VS can't load a program with satellite assemblies if they are not in a sub directory of the soloution
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574017] VS can't load a program with satellite assemblies if they are not in a sub directory of the soloution
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574026] New: VS can't load a program with satellite assemblies if they are not in a sub directory of the soloution
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574026] VS can't load a program with satellite assemblies if they are not in a sub directory of the soloution
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574029] New: VS can't load a program with satellite assemblies if they are not in a sub directory of the soloution
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574029] VS can't load a program with satellite assemblies if they are not in a sub directory of the soloution
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574049] New: Mail addresses not always encoded properly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574050] New: Emails sent with attachments have incorrect encodings for body
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574148] Look ma, no breakpoints in Windows Forms applications.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574148] New: Look ma, no breakpoints in Windows Forms applications.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574156] mcs emits CS0169 for unused methods, csc does not
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574156] mcs emits CS0169 for unused methods, csc does not
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574156] mcs emits CS0169 for unused methods, csc does not
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574156] mcs emits CS0169 for unused methods, csc does not
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574156] mcs emits CS0169 for unused methods, csc does not
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574156] mcs emits CS0169 for unused methods, csc does not
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574156] New: mcs emits CS0169 for unused methods, csc does not
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574179] New: UIView.SetAnimationBeginsFromCurrenState mispelling (Curren -> Current)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574179] UIView.SetAnimationBeginsFromCurrenState mispelling (Curren -> Current)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574233] New: Selected / SetSelected is not handled properly for UITableviewCell
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574235] New: Values do not allow null
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574257] Cells under DataGridBoolColumn in DataGrid doesn't supprot press key to check and uncheck
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574257] Cells under DataGridBoolColumn in DataGrid doesn't supprot press key to check and uncheck
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574257] Cells under DataGridBoolColumn in DataGrid doesn't supprot press key to check and uncheck
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574257] New: Cells under DataGridBoolColumn in DataGrid doesn't supprot press key to check and uncheck
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574259] New: Cells under DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn in DataGridView doesn't supprot press key to check and uncheck
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574353] New: SRE: ** ERROR **: unhandled type in custom attr
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574353] SRE: ** ERROR **: unhandled type in custom attr
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574353] SRE: ** ERROR **: unhandled type in custom attr
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574387] New: var not supported in bootstrap build
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574410] New: metadata verifier doesn't something wrong with vararg signatures
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574434] New: segment fault on System.MonoCustomAttrs.IsDefinedInternal
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574434] segment fault on System.MonoCustomAttrs.IsDefinedInternal
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574541] New: The value of locale variables displayed using Monotools is not the same as in MS-land
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574544] New: Unknown evaluation result: InvalidExpression No such variable or type: `Environment.OSVersion'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574564] New: FileSystemWatcher.NotifyFilters don't allow you to filter between directory or file events
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574568] Error when running blogengine 1.4 remotely on SLE 11 x86_64 from VS 2k10
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574568] Error when running blogengine 1.4 remotely on SLE 11 x86_64 from VS 2k10
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574568] Error when running blogengine 1.4 remotely on SLE 11 x86_64 from VS 2k10
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574568] Error when running blogengine 1.4 remotely on SLE 11 x86_64 from VS 2k10
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574568] Error when running blogengine 1.4 remotely on SLE 11 x86_64 from VS 2k10
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574568] New: Error when running blogengine 1.4 remotely on SLE 11 x86_64 from VS 2k10
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574597] [Regression?] poor compression in mono 2.6 with System.IO.Compression.GZipStream
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574597] New: [Regression?] poor compression in mono 2.6 with System.IO.Compression.GZipStream
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574666] New: sgen fails to generate serializers for static types
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574666] sgen fails to generate serializers for static types
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574666] sgen fails to generate serializers for static types
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574666] sgen fails to generate serializers for static types
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574696] New: Type.GetMember returns private property of base class
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574696] Type.GetMember returns private property of base class
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574696] Type.GetMember returns private property of base class
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574713] New: crash if System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.ReadZStream is called
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574773] Memory leak in mono_path_resolve_symlinks usage of g_strsplit
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574773] New: Memory leak in mono_path_resolve_symlinks usage of g_strsplit
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574819] CRITICAL **: mono_bitset_test: assertion `pos < set->size' failed
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574819] New: CRITICAL **: mono_bitset_test: assertion `pos < set->size' failed
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574837] New: Debug on iPhone fails during installation stage
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574842] DomainUnload debug events have wrong id during Domain Unload.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574842] DomainUnload debug events have wrong id during Domain Unload.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574842] DomainUnload debug events have wrong id during Domain Unload.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574842] New: DomainUnload debug events have wrong id during Domain Unload.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574873] New: Programatically selecting a row in a tableview doesn't fire RowSelected
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574991] New: Respect pragma warning disable on partial definitions
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575068] New: xbuild ignores TargetFrameworkVersion
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575109] New: Regex can't handle an empty group name
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575109] Regex can't handle an empty group name
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575329] Error when adding/removing breakpoint while debugging remotely.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575329] Error when adding/removing breakpoint while debugging remotely.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575329] Error when adding/removing breakpoint while debugging remotely.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575329] New: Error when adding/removing breakpoint while debugging remotely.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575360] Graphics.DrawLine is one pixel off (to the right) when using a Pen wider than 1px
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575360] New: Graphics.DrawLine is one pixel off (to the right) when using a Pen wider than 1px
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575404] Cannot create Linux packages from VS2k10
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575404] New: Cannot create Linux packages from VS2k10
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575438] "Create Package" Process Crashes VS
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575438] New: "Create Package" Process Crashes VS
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575439] New: RuntimeLicenseContext.LoadAssemblyLicenses throws "System.ArgumentException : Key duplication..."
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575439] RuntimeLicenseContext.LoadAssemblyLicenses throws "System.ArgumentException : Key duplication..."
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575562] New: WriteLinesToFile does not delete file
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575562] WriteLinesToFile does not delete file
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575562] WriteLinesToFile does not delete file
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575589] New: Custom attributes messed up with generic arguments
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575598] New: Softdebugging this program crashes the mono runtime
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575598] Softdebugging this program crashes the mono runtime
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575598] Softdebugging this program crashes the mono runtime
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575598] Softdebugging this program crashes the mono runtime
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575600] New: MapPath() does not work for virtual directories outside of the current application
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575611] New: sizeof operator doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575611] sizeof operator doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575611] sizeof operator doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
Last message date:
Sun Jan 31 22:02:34 EST 2010
Archived on: Sun Jan 31 22:02:49 EST 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).