March 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Mar 1 01:17:16 EST 2005
Ending: Thu Mar 31 20:20:04 EST 2005
Messages: 552
- [Mono-devel-list] Question about using --trace parameter in Mono
Matthijs ter Woord (meddochat)
- [Mono-devel-list] Updating Mono to include our Visual MainWin for J2EE specific code
Eyal Alaluf
- [Mono-devel-list] Updating Mono to include our Visual MainWin for J2EE specific code
Eyal Alaluf
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: CodeDom in Compiler.cs
Eyal Alaluf
- [Mono-devel-list] Enums in mono c api
Joe Ante
- [Mono-devel-list] Enums in mono c api
Joe Ante
- [Mono-devel-list] minor cookie bug?
Joe Audette
- [Mono-devel-list] minor cookie bug?
Joe Audette
- [Mono-devel-list] Leak in System.Timers.Timer?
Joe Audette
- [Mono-devel-list] Leak in System.Timers.Timer?
Joe Audette
- [Mono-devel-list] Leak in System.Timers.Timer?
Joe Audette
- [Mono-devel-list] usercontrols and WriteFile features
Joe Audette
- [Mono-devel-list] Build Problems
Aaron Axelsen
- [Mono-devel-list] Build Problems
Aaron Axelsen
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono/.NET pluging for browsers
Brandon Barker
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono/.NET pluging for browsers
Brandon Barker
- [Mono-devel-list] Problems compiling libgdiplus-1.1.5
Peter Dennis Bartok
- [Mono-devel-list] Sqlite mono
Mirco Bauer
- [Mono-devel-list] [REGRESSION] Change in mono runtime caused Nemerle do stop bootstraping
Martin Baulig
- [Mono-devel-list] patch for TypeBuilder.CreateType() and mcs
Martin Baulig
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Martin Baulig
- [Mono-devel-list] Nullable Types
Martin Baulig
- [Mono-devel-list] MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST in mono_marshal_get_stfld_wrapper
Martin Baulig
- [Mono-devel-list] MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST in mono_marshal_get_stfld_wrapper
Martin Baulig
- [Mono-devel-list] MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST in mono_marshal_get_stfld_wrapper
Martin Baulig
- [Mono-devel-list] Using anonymous delegates with Cocoa-Sharp...
Patrick Beard
- [Mono-devel-list] Using anonymous delegates with Cocoa-Sharp...
Patrick Beard
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Todd Berman
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Todd Berman
- [Mono-devel-list] J# vs ikvm
Todd Berman
- [Mono-devel-list] develop under Microsoft .NET and porting to Mono is correct?
Mauro Bertoli
- [Mono-devel-list] develop under Microsoft .NET and porting to Mono is correct?
Mauro Bertoli
- [Mono-devel-list] Print Reports in Mono/Win
Mauro Bertoli
- [Mono-devel-list] mono debugger does not compile
Jürg Billeter
- [Mono-devel-list] Running lots of Mono applications efficiently
Robin Boerdijk
- [Mono-devel-list] Running lots of Mono applications efficiently
Robin Boerdijk
- [Mono-devel-list] Error compiling MCS from svn on Windows
Zac Bowling
- [Mono-devel-list] Introducing GtkSpell#
Zac Bowling
- [Mono-devel-list] Introducing GtkSpell#
Zac Bowling
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono/.NET pluging for browsers
Zac Bowling
- [Mono-devel-list] Running MWF/SWF and GTK# in the same process with the same mainloop
Zac Bowling
- [Mono-devel-list] Debugger on amd64?
Dean Brettle
- [Mono-devel-list] Problem on launching a mono application
Benoit Caccinolo
- [Mono-devel-list] New Mono community
Everaldo Canuto
- [Mono-devel-list] New Mono community
Everaldo Canuto
- [Mono-devel-list] Sqlite mono
Everaldo Canuto
- [Mono-devel-list] Sqlite mono
Everaldo Canuto
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Sqlite mono
Everaldo Canuto
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
David Champion
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler - say what?
David Champion
- [Mono-devel-list] RE: [mono-vb] BC29999 error
Chesko, Ron
- [Mono-devel-list] RE: [mono-vb] BC29999 error
Chesko, Ron
- [Mono-devel-list] RE: [mono-vb] BC29999 error
Chesko, Ron
- [Mono-devel-list] RE: [mono-vb] BC29999 error
Chesko, Ron
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono.Data.SQLite connection string - version?
Alex Chudnovsky
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes
Alex Chudnovsky
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes
Alex Chudnovsky
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes
Alex Chudnovsky
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes
Alex Chudnovsky
- [Mono-devel-list] How to determine free disk space?
Alex Chudnovsky
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes
Alex Chudnovsky
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes
Alex Chudnovsky
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes (desc-heap profiler)
Alex Chudnovsky
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes (desc-heap profiler)
Alex Chudnovsky
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes (desc-heap profiler)
Alex Chudnovsky
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes (desc-heap profiler)
Alex Chudnovsky
- [Mono-devel-list] How to determine free disk space?
Alex Chudnovsky
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono's support for "unsafe" code
Alex Chudnovsky
- [Mono-devel-list] Sln to make conversion
JD Conley
- [Mono-devel-list] Cross Platform .NET Architecture
JD Conley
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono and Pocket PCs
Jose Cornado
- [Mono-devel-list] [Patch] Array.Sort
Carlos Alberto Cortez
- [Mono-devel-list] [Patch] Array.Sort
Carlos Alberto Cortez
- [Mono-devel-list] Packaging mono applications
Ben Davis
- [Mono-devel-list] Packaging mono applications
Ben Davis
- [Mono-devel-list] Solaris SPARC build error in libgc.
Laurent Debacker
- [Mono-devel-list] Solaris SPARC build error in libgc.
Laurent Debacker
- [Mono-devel-list] System.Data.SqlClient string decoding
Aleksandar Dezelin
- [Mono-devel-list] Question about using --trace parameter in Mono
Aleksandar Dezelin
- [Mono-devel-list] TDS Charset translation question
Aleksandar Dezelin
- [Mono-list] Re: [Mono-devel-list] Mono.Data.ProvidersFactory
Aleksandar Dezelin
- [Mono-devel-list] mod_mono and xsp
Adrian Dinu
- [Mono-devel-list] mod_mono, Inherits option in Page directive, DLL caching
Adrian Dinu
- [Mono-devel-list] couldn't sign assembly
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Any known issues with mono compilation on debian/amd64?
Gabriel Ebner
- [Mono-devel-list] [Fwd: Re: the patch status followup]
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] [Fwd: Re: the patch status followup]
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] [Fwd: Re: the patch status followup]
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] Error compling System.XML from HEAD
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Error compiling MCS from svn on Windows
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Error compiling MCS from svn on Windows
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] Please send patches to public list
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] bug and patch to fix it
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] patch for TypeBuilder.CreateType() and mcs
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] patch for TypeBuilder.CreateType() and mcs
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] DataSet and DataRelation problems ...
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] patch for TypeBuilder.CreateType() and mcs
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] RFC: how to manage almost duplicate parser/tokenizer
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] RFC: how to manage almost duplicate parser/tokenizer
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] RFC: how to manage almost duplicate parser/tokenizer
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: System.XML warning
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: System.XML warning
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] RFC: how to manage almost duplicate parser/tokenizer
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiler warnings: what to report (Re: System.XML warning)
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiler warnings: what to report (Re: System.XML warning)
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] Preparing the 1.1.5 release.
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] Preparing the 1.1.5 release.
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono's broken today...
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] small fix
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] xmldsig fix to consume CR in advance
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] small fix
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] patch for ToLower()/ToUpper() w/ TextInfo
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: CodeDom in Compiler.cs
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] TARGET_JVM Patch for MSXslScriptManager.cs
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] New Mono community
Cassio R Eskelsen
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiler thoughts, 2
Jb Evain
- [Mono-devel-list] J# vs ikvm
Jb Evain
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono's broken today...
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono's broken today...
- [Mono-devel-list] Problem with Cookies and mod_mono...
- [Mono-devel-list] XSP RPM build problem
Ferguson, Neale
- [Mono-devel-list] Gecko-sharp on Windows
Mike Flippin
- [Mono-devel-list] J# vs ikvm
Charlie Ford
- [Mono-devel-list] (no subject)
Pascal Fresnay
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono and FC
Pascal Fresnay
- [Mono-devel-list] XSP, Monodoc, mod_mono for 1.5
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Jonathan Gilbert
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Jonathan Gilbert
- [Mono-devel-list] HttpWebRequest/WebRequest Timeout Bug
Andrew Gleave
- [Mono-devel-list] System.Windows.Forms - Unhandled Exception in Mono Version 1.1.5
Sindhu Gururaj
- [Mono-devel-list] SCI Sockets
Vadim B. Guzev
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [Mono-list] SCI Sockets
Vadim B. Guzev
- [Mono-devel-list] Any known issues with mono compilation on debian/amd64?
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-devel-list] Any known issues with mono compilation on debian/amd64?
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-devel-list] Assertion failed when compiling Cuyahoga on amd64
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-devel-list] Assertion failed when compiling Cuyahoga on amd64
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler
Philipp Haller
- [Mono-devel-list] Introducing GtkSpell#
Martin Willemoes Hansen
- [Mono-devel-list] patch for TypeBuilder.CreateType() and mcs
Raja R Harinath
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [Mono-patches] r41659 - trunk/mcs/mcs
Raja R Harinath
- [Mono-devel-list] patch for TypeBuilder.CreateType() and mcs
Raja R Harinath
- [Mono-devel-list] RFC: how to manage almost duplicate parser/tokenizer
Raja R Harinath
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [Mono-patches] r42104 - trunk/mcs/gmcs
Raja R Harinath
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [Mono-patches] r42104 - trunk/mcs/gmcs
Raja R Harinath
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
Raja R Harinath
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler - say what?
Andreas Hausladen
- [Mono-devel-list] free trial version of delphi
Dennis Hayes
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler
Dennis Hayes
- [Mono-devel-list] patents
Dennis Hayes
- [Mono-devel-list] subversion conversion date
Dennis Hayes
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Grant Hess
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Grant Hess
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Grant Hess
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Grant Hess
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Grant Hess
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal Compiler Thoughts
Grant Hess
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Grant Hess
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Grant Hess
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal Compiler Revisited
Grant Hess
- [Mono-devel-list] MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST in mono_marshal_get_stfld_wrapper
Grant Hess
- [Mono-devel-list] Possible Mono networking problem
Ronnie Holm
- [Mono-devel-list] Language policy in Mono.
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Running lots of Mono applications efficiently
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Updating Mono to include our Visual MainWin for J2EE specific code
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiler thoughts, 2
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Updating Mono to include our Visual MainWin for J2EE specific code
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] GCC 4's GIMPLE and Mono/Mcs and C++/CLI
Miguel de Icaza
- AW: [Mono-devel-list] Compiler thoughts, 2
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Preparing the 1.1.5 release.
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [Mono-list] SCI Sockets
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: System.Windows.Forms - Unhandled Exception in Mono Version 1.1.5
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Updating Mono to include our Visual MainWin, for J2EE specific code
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [Gtk-sharp-list] Mono 1.1.5 and GTK# crash
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Embedding mcs into ASP.NET.
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Error in 'make run-test PROFILE=net_2_0'
Ankit Jain
- [Mono-devel-list] Implemented Dictionary<K,V>
Ankit Jain
- [Mono-devel-list] Implemented Dictionary<K,V>
Ankit Jain
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] Flags handling for _wapi_recv, _recvfrom, _send, _sendto and getsockopt
Ankit Jain
- [Mono-devel-list] Implemented Dictionary<K,V>
Ankit Jain
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for Async Socket Operations
Ankit Jain
- [Mono-devel-list] minor cookie bug?
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono hackers on monologue
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] System.Web.UI.Control - FindControl problem
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for SqlConnection
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] MonoSetEnv for mod_mono
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for SqlConnection
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] MonoSetEnv for mod_mono
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] Problem with Codebehind
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] TLS: normal versus __thread
Peter Johanson
- [Mono-devel-list] latest gtk# svn installs 2.0 assemblies and no 1.0 assemblies?
Roger E Critchlow Jr
- [Mono-devel-list] latest gtk# svn installs 2.0 assemblies and no 1.0 assemblies?
Roger E Critchlow Jr
- [Mono-devel-list] Preparing the 1.1.5 release.
Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Jambunathan K
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Jambunathan K
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Jambunathan K
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler
Jambunathan K
- [Mono-devel-list] [patch] Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.RGB uses wrong colour order
Jambunathan K
- [Mono-devel-list] Implementing InstallUtil.exe
Muthu Kannan
- [Mono-devel-list] latest gtk# svn installs 2.0 assemblies and no 1.0 assemblies?
Mike Kestner
- [Mono-devel-list] System.Web.UI.Control - FindControl problem
Ilya Kharmatsky
- [Mono-devel-list] System.Web.UI.Control - FindControl problem
Ilya Kharmatsky
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for DirectoryServices.PropertyValueCollection
Boris Kirzner
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
Boris Kirzner
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
Boris Kirzner
- [Fwd: Re: [Mono-devel-list] Patch for DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher]
Boris Kirzner
- [Mono-devel-list] Bugs on System.DirectoryServices
Boris Kirzner
- [Fwd: [Mono-devel-list] Bugs on System.DirectoryServices]
Boris Kirzner
- [Mono-devel-list] [Mono-devel-list][Mono-hackers-list] Tests for DirectoryServices
Boris Kirzner
- [Mono-devel-list] [Fwd: [Mono-devel-list][Mono-hackers-list] Tests for DirectoryServices
Boris Kirzner
- [Mono-devel-list] [Mono-devel-list][Mono-hackers-list] Tests for DirectoryServices
Boris Kirzner
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
Boris Kirzner
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntries
Boris Kirzner
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for RfcModifyDNRequest
Boris Kirzner
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
Boris Kirzner
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
Boris Kirzner
- [Mono-devel-list] patents
Jeffrey Knight
- [Mono-devel-list] Preparing the 1.1.5 release.
Jeffrey Knight
- [Mono-devel-list] patents
Jeffrey Knight
- [Mono-devel-list] Building on linux ppc from svn
Jeffrey Knight
- [Mono-devel-list] [ANN] X-develop 1.0 beta
Hans Kratz
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler
Willi Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST in mono_marshal_get_stfld_wrapper
Willi Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] VTable & Interfaces
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] Alias analysis
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] Assertion failed when compiling Cuyahoga on amd64
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] AMD64 Fast TLS; AMD64 COF; AMD64 Inline UnboxTramp; AMD64 mov instead of push for virt. m.
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] free trial version of delphi
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] AMD64 Fast TLS, COF, Inline UnboxTramp, mov instead of push for virt. m.
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] Language policy in Mono.
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] Embedding Mono in a Virtual World
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] AMD64 Fast TLS, COF, Inline UnboxTramp, mov instead of push for virt. m.
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] AMD64 Fast TLS; AMD64 COF; AMD64 Inline UnboxTramp; AMD64 mov instead of push for virt. m.
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST in mono_marshal_get_stfld_wrapper
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] MONO_TYPE_GENERICINST in mono_marshal_get_stfld_wrapper
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] AMD64 and SSE2 quirks
Willibald Krenn
- [Mono-devel-list] Leak in System.Timers.Timer?
Brian Kroeker
- [Mono-devel-list] Leak in System.Timers.Timer?
Brian Kroeker
- [Mono-devel-list] Leak in System.Timers.Timer?
Brian Kroeker
- [Mono-devel-list] (no subject)
Sridhar Kulkarni
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Kelly Leahy
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Kelly Leahy
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler
Kelly Leahy
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: System.XML warning
Kelly Leahy
- [Mono-devel-list] Embedding Mono in a Virtual World
Kelly Leahy
- [Mono-devel-list] [patch] Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.RGB uses wrong colour order
Trent Lloyd
- [Mono-devel-list] Monodoc and 1.1.5
Daniel Lopez
- [Mono-devel-list] Monodoc and 1.1.5
Daniel Lopez
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: System.XML warning
John Luke
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: System.XML warning
John Luke
- [Mono-devel-list] Monodoc and 1.1.5
John Luke
- [Mono-devel-list] Monodoc and 1.1.5
John Luke
- [Mono-devel-list] WebRequest/HTTPS CA Issue
Johnny Luong
- [Mono-devel-list] WebRequest/HTTPS CA Issue
Johnny Luong
- [mono-vb] Re: [Mono-devel-list] MSVB conversion from C# to Mbas status
Manjula G H M
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler
Ian MacLean
- [Mono-devel-list] Possible bug when using System.IO.FileStream
Peter Magnusson
- [Mono-devel-list] Cpanel mod_mono
Colt D. Majkrzak
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] Alias analysis
Massimiliano Mantione
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] Alias analysis
Massimiliano Mantione
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Massimiliano Mantione
- [Mono-devel-list] J# vs ikvm
Massimiliano Mantione
- [Mono-devel-list] Tuning SSAPRE
Massimiliano Mantione
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Alexandre Rocha Lima e Marcondes
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler
Alexandre Rocha Lima e Marcondes
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler
Alexandre Rocha Lima e Marcondes
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler
Alexandre Rocha Lima e Marcondes
- [Mono-devel-list] [Patch] Array.Sort
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono tested on CLI-Grande
- [Mono-devel-list] mod_mono and xsp
Fabio Marini
- [Mono-devel-list] mod_mono and xsp
Fabio Marini
- [Mono-devel-list] mod_mono and xsp
Fabio Marini
- [Mono-devel-list] Gecko-sharp on Windows
Francisco T. Martinez
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono/Cygwin CD - ISO File available for BitTorrent Downlaod
Francisco T. Martinez
- [Mono-devel-list] Sln to make conversion
Francisco T. Martinez
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Francisco T. Martinez
- [Mono-devel-list] gcc4, rawhide and libgdiplus
Jordi Mas
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler
- [Mono-devel-list] [Patch] Array.Sort
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] [Patch] Array.Sort
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] Alias analysis
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] patch for TypeBuilder.CreateType() and mcs
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] patch for TypeBuilder.CreateType() and mcs
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] Problems compiling
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] gcc4, rawhide and libgdiplus
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] BinaryReader/Writer fix for non little-endian platforms
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] RFC: how to manage almost duplicate parser/tokenizer
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] RFC: how to manage almost duplicate parser/tokenizer
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] Hardcode $(prefix)/lib for assemblies rather than use $(libdir)
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] Just something the lazy me cooked to help committing to svn
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] Just something the lazy me cooked to help committing to svn
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes (desc-heap profiler)
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes (desc-heap profiler)
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes (desc-heap profiler)
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [Gtk-sharp-list] Mono 1.1.5 and GTK# crash
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] Monodoc and 1.1.5
Tom McLaughlin
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [Gtk-sharp-list] Mono 1.1.5 and GTK# crash
Tom McLaughlin
- [Mono-devel-list] Gentle.NET Object Persistence Framework
Morten Mertner
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Morten Mertner
- [Mono-devel-list] Suggestion regarding AnonSVN Page
Vic Metcalfe
- [Mono-devel-list] Suggestion regarding AnonSVN Page
Vic Metcalfe
- [Mono-devel-list] Embedding Mono
Matthew Metnetsky
- [Mono-devel-list] [REGRESSION] Change in mono runtime caused Nemerle do stop bootstraping
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] [REGRESSION] Change in mono runtime caused Nemerle do stop bootstraping
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] [REGRESSION] Change in mono runtime caused Nemerle do stop bootstraping
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] Bug Fix for GetTickCount in WAPI IO Layer
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] [REGRESSION] Change in mono runtime caused Nemerle do stop bootstraping
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] Is native codes for C# methods and CLI internal calls different?
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] develop under Microsoft .NET and porting to Mono is correct?
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] develop under Microsoft .NET and porting to Mono is correct?
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [PATCH] CAS support for reflection with [Link|Inheritance]Demand
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal Compiler Revisited
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] Enums in mono c api
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] Running MWF/SWF and GTK# in the same process with the same mainloop
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] Compile IronPython 0.7 with mono 1.1.7 on MacOS X 10.3 failed
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] Enums in mono c api
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] Compile IronPython 0.7 with mono 1.1.7 on MacOS X 10.3 failed
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter (Publish and be dammed!!)
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] Memory management for long running processes
Chris Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] Error compling System.XML from HEAD
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono hackers on monologue
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] Error compiling MCS from svn on Windows
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] GCC 4's GIMPLE and Mono/Mcs and C++/CLI
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono and FC
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] Preparing the 1.1.5 release.
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] Database Access web pages updated
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono.Data.SQLite connection string - version?
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] Sqlite mono
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Sqlite mono
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] Hardcode $(prefix)/lib for assemblies rather than use $(libdir)
Michal Moskal
- [Mono-devel-list] FileStream.BeginRead() blocks when no data is present.
Martin Murray
- [Mono-devel-list] Where to start Contributing to MONO?
- [Mono-devel-list] Preparing the 1.1.5 release.
Martin Möllenbeck
- [Mono-devel-list] Preparing the 1.1.5 release.
Martin Möllenbeck
- [Mono-devel-list] Compile IronPython 0.7 with mono 1.1.7 on MacOS X 10.3 failed
Martin Möllenbeck
- [Mono-devel-list] Compile IronPython 0.7 with mono 1.1.7 on MacOS X 10.3 failed
Martin Möllenbeck
- [Mono-devel-list] Compile IronPython 0.7 with mono 1.1.7 on MacOS X 10.3 failed
Martin Möllenbeck
- [Mono-devel-list] Compile IronPython 0.7 with mono 1.1.7 on MacOS X 10.3 failed
Martin Möllenbeck
- [Mono-devel-list] mod_mono, Inherits option in Page directive, DLL caching
Sebastian Nowozin
- [Mono-devel-list] Comments for NumberFormatter
Kazuki Oikawa
- [Mono-devel-list] [Fwd: [Mono-patches] r41010 - trunk/mcs/class/corlib/System.Collections.Generic]
Kazuki Oikawa
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal Compiler Thoughts
Rodrigo B. de Oliveira
- [Mono-devel-list] Embedding Mono in a Virtual World
Rodrigo B. de Oliveira
- [Mono-devel-list] latest gtk# svn not working when compiled with latest mono/gmcs
Rodrigo B. de Oliveira
- [Mono-devel-list] latest gtk# svn installs 2.0 assemblies and no 1.0 assemblies?
Rodrigo B. de Oliveira
- [Mono-devel-list] Problems compiling
- [Mono-devel-list] Compilation warnings generated by gcc4
- [Mono-devel-list] Monodoc built using gcc4
- [Mono-devel-list] Build Problems
- [Mono-devel-list] Build Problems
- [Mono-devel-list] gcc4, rawhide and libgdiplus
- [Mono-devel-list] gcc4, rawhide and libgdiplus
- [Mono-devel-list] gcc4, rawhide and libgdiplus
- [Mono-devel-list] GCC 4's GIMPLE and Mono/Mcs and C++/CLI
- [Mono-devel-list] libgdiplus + gcc 4
- [Mono-devel-list] Preparing the 1.1.5 release.
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono and FC
- [Mono-devel-list] Preparing the 1.1.5 release.
- [Mono-devel-list] Preparing the 1.1.5 release.
- [Mono-devel-list] New Mono community
Rogerio Pereira
- [Mono-devel-list] mcs / mono assemblies issue
Esmit Perez
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal Compiler Revisited
Dick Porter
- [Mono-devel-list] TLS: normal versus __thread
Dick Porter
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Mono-devel-list digest, Vol 1 #1571 - 11 msgs
Dick Porter
- [Mono-devel-list] Yum channel for 1.1.5 missing /repodata/repomd.xml
Nic Pottier
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] CAS support for reflection with [Link|Inheritance]Demand
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [PATCH] CAS support for reflection with [Link|Inheritance]Demand
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-devel-list] MSVC build, fixed!
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] Ignore secrutiy attributes in mono-api-diff.cs
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] CAS support for stack walk on p/invoke methods
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] Changes required to compile Mono HEAD with Visual Studio.NET 2005
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [PATCH] Changes required to compile Mono HEAD with Visual Studio.NET 2005
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-devel-list] WebRequest/HTTPS CA Issue
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-devel-list] WebRequest/HTTPS CA Issue
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-devel-list] [Mono-devel-list][Mono-hackers-list] Tests for DirectoryServices
Sébastien Pouliot
- [Mono-devel-list] Problem in compiling Class library in Windows while using SecurityPermissionAttr
Sébastien Pouliot
- [Mono-devel-list] Problem in compiling Class library in Windows while using SecurityPermissionAttr
Sébastien Pouliot
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono/.NET pluging for browsers
Sébastien Pouliot
- [Mono-devel-list] libintl does not work on windows?
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono on Solaris x86
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-devel-list] Cross Platform .NET Architecture
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-devel-list] patents
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-devel-list] Packaging mono applications
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-devel-list] SCI Sockets
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-devel-list] How to determine free disk space?
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-devel-list] Embedding Mono in a Virtual World
Jim Purbrick
- [Mono-devel-list] Embedding Mono in a Virtual World
Jim Purbrick
- [Mono-devel-list] Embedding Mono in a Virtual World
Jim Purbrick
- [Mono-devel-list] Embedding Mono in a Virtual World
Jim Purbrick
- [Mono-devel-list] Embedding Mono in a Virtual World
Jim Purbrick
- [Mono-devel-list] Saving And Loading Stacks (Embedding Mono in a Virtual World)
Jim Purbrick
- [Mono-devel-list] Problems compiling libgdiplus-1.1.5
Miquel Ramírez
- [Mono-devel-list] TLS: normal versus __thread
Michael Rasmussen
- [Mono-devel-list] TLS: normal versus __thread
Michael Rasmussen
- [Mono-devel-list] TLS: normal versus __thread
Michael Rasmussen
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Mono-devel-list digest, Vol 1 #1571 - 11 msgs
Michael Rasmussen
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Mono-devel-list digest, Vol 1 #1574 - 16 msgs
Michael Rasmussen
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono remoting with MS .Net - Type issues
Luke Ravitch
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Marco Rego
- [Mono-devel-list] Solaris SPARC build error in libgc.
Jonel Rienton
- [Mono-devel-list] Solaris SPARC build error in libgc.
Jonel Rienton
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono on Solaris x86
Jonel Rienton
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono on Solaris x86
Jonel Rienton
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono build on an nfs share
Jonel Rienton
- [Mono-devel-list] [Patch] SqlCommand should pay attention to CommandBehavior.CloseConnection
Jörg Rosenkranz
- [Mono-devel-list] monod: System.ServiceProcess on Linux
Jörg Rosenkranz
- [Mono-devel-list] monod: System.ServiceProcess on Linux
Jörg Rosenkranz
- [Mono-devel-list] Sln to make conversion
Jörg Rosenkranz
- [Mono-devel-list] System.ServiceProcess development
Jörg Rosenkranz
- SPAM: Re: [Mono-list] Re: [Mono-devel-list] Mono.Data.ProvidersFactory
Michael J. Ryan
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: System.XML warning
Marek Safar
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: System.XML warning
Marek Safar
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiler warnings: what to report (Re: System.XML warning)
Marek Safar
- [Mono-devel-list] Problem in compiling Class library in Windows while using SecurityPermissionAttr
Marek Safar
- [Mono-devel-list] Problem with Codebehind
Elias Sanchez
- [Mono-devel-list] Problem with Codebehind
Elias Sanchez
- [Mono-devel-list] Problem with Codebehind
Elias Sanchez
- [Mono-devel-list] BinaryReader/Writer fix for non little-endian platforms
Lluis Sanchez
- [Mono-devel-list] Membership Classes
Jens Sauer
- [Mono-devel-list] [REGRESSION] Change in mono runtime caused Nemerle do stop bootstraping
Kamil Skalski
- [Mono-devel-list] [REGRESSION] Change in mono runtime caused Nemerle do stop bootstraping
Kamil Skalski
- [Mono-devel-list] [REGRESSION] Change in mono runtime caused Nemerle do stop bootstraping
Kamil Skalski
- [Mono-devel-list] [REGRESSION] Change in mono runtime caused Nemerle do stop bootstraping
Kamil Skalski
- AW: [Mono-devel-list] Compiler thoughts, 2
Kamil Skalski
- [Mono-devel-list] [Fwd: Re: the patch status followup]
Andrew Skiba
- [Mono-devel-list] [Fwd: Re: the patch status followup]
Andrew Skiba
- [Mono-devel-list] bug and patch to fix it
Andrew Skiba
- [Mono-devel-list] TARGET_JVM Patch for MSXslScriptManager.cs
Andrew Skiba
- [Mono-devel-list] CodeDom in Compiler.cs
Andrew Skiba
- [Mono-devel-list] New Mono community
Mario Sopena
- [Mono-devel-list] How to determine free disk space?
Mario Sopena
- [Mono-devel-list] libintl does not work on windows?
Fabian Sturm
- [Mono-devel-list] libintl does not work on windows?
Fabian Sturm
- [Mono-devel-list] mono debugger does not compile
Fabian Sturm
- [Mono-devel-list] mono debugger does not compile
Fabian Sturm
- [Mono-devel-list] Error in Mbas
Vasudevan Sudharsan
- [Mono-devel-list] Regarding Error in Mbas
Vasudevan Sudharsan
- [Mono-devel-list] System.ServiceProcess development
- [Mono-devel-list] [OT] Netiquette in the list
- [Mono-devel-list] Error in Mbas
Sureshkumar T
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for SqlConnection
Sureshkumar T
- [Mono-devel-list] [patch] #73864: DataGrind.PageCount should be >0.
Sureshkumar T
- [Mono-devel-list] Mod-mono-server: Console.WriteLine gives UnauthorizedAccessException
Joshua Tauberer
- [Mono-devel-list] Better warning when an assembly can't be loaded
Joshua Tauberer
- [Mono-devel-list] [OT] Netiquette in the list
Joshua Tauberer
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [mono-vb] BC29999 error
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [mono-vb] BC29999 error
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [mono-vb] BC29999 error
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [mono-vb] BC29999 error
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Question about using --trace parameter in Mono
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] (no subject)
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] monod: System.ServiceProcess on Linux
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] monod: System.ServiceProcess on Linux
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Leak in System.Timers.Timer?
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for SqlConnection
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Cross Platform .NET Architecture
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Preparing the 1.1.5 release.
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] usercontrols and WriteFile features
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Suggestion regarding AnonSVN Page
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Some information in the problems with FileSystemWatcher on FC3 (gamin-related)
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Web service client code does not work with WebProxy
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Embedding Mono
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Packaging mono applications
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Introducing GtkSpell#
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] subversion conversion date
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono/.NET pluging for browsers
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Introducing GtkSpell#
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Just something the lazy me cooked to help committing to svn
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Just something the lazy me cooked to help committing to svn
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono/.NET pluging for browsers
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] On Fedora upgrade gamin to 0.0.26 to avoid FileSystemWatcher/FAMWatcher problems
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Just something the lazy me cooked to help committing to svn
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] latest gtk# svn installs 2.0 assemblies and no 1.0 assemblies?
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] latest gtk# svn installs 2.0 assemblies and no 1.0 assemblies?
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Enums in mono c api
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Implementing InstallUtil.exe
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Enums in mono c api
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] TARGET_JVM Patch for MSXslScriptManager.cs
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono's support for "unsafe" code
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Mono-devel-list digest, Vol 1 #1574 - 16 msgs
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] gtk# and gtkhtml 3.6
Roberto Selbach Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
Michael Torrie
- [Mono-devel-list] small fix
Konstantin Triger
- [Mono-devel-list] Updating Mono to include our Visual MainWin, for J2EE specific code
Konstantin Triger
- [Mono-devel-list] Updating Mono to include our Visual MainWin, for J2EE specific code
Konstantin Triger
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] Alias analysis
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-devel-list] assertion running compiled nunit tests under svn-head amd64 mono
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-devel-list] Any known issues with mono compilation on debian/amd64?
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-devel-list] Problem with adding netmodule files to an assembly
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-devel-list] [Patch] Reflection Only
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-devel-list] Assertion failed when compiling Cuyahoga on amd64
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] Changes required to compile Mono HEAD with Visual Studio.NET 2005
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-devel-list] Build Problems
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-devel-list] Possible bug when using System.IO.FileStream
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-devel-list] Issue to allocate more than 1Gb of memory with mono
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-devel-list] Preparing the 1.1.5 release.
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] AMD64 Fast TLS; AMD64 COF; AMD64 Inline UnboxTramp; AMD64 mov instead of push for virt. m.
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-devel-list] TLS: normal versus __thread
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-devel-list] TLS: normal versus __thread
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-devel-list] TLS: normal versus __thread
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-devel-list] latest gtk# svn not working when compiled with latest mono/gmcs
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-devel-list] Compile IronPython 0.7 with mono 1.1.7 on MacOS X 10.3 failed
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-devel-list] Issue to allocate more than 1Gb of memory with mono
Joannes Vermorel
- [Mono-devel-list] Is native codes for C# methods and CLI internal calls different?
Vivek, Bharath Varma (IE10)
- [Mono-devel-list] Comment Service API
Khoa Vo
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler - say what?
Edward Wilson
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler - say what?
Edward Wilson
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Pascal compiler?
Robert Wittams
- [Mono-devel-list] System.Text.Encoding patches
Svetlana Zholkovsky
- [Mono-devel-list] Problem with adding netmodule files to an assembly
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono 1.1.5 crash with Glade.XML.Autoconnect()
- [Mono-devel-list] usercontrols and WriteFile features
- [Mono-devel-list] usercontrols and WriteFile features
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
marc hoffman
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
marc hoffman
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
marc hoffman
- [Mono-devel-list] Pascal compiler?
marc hoffman
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] MonoSetEnv for mod_mono
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] MonoSetEnv for mod_mono
- [Mono-devel-list] Preparing the 1.1.5 release.
- [Mono-devel-list] mono 1.1.4 installer
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono and Pocket PCs
Iniigo.Garcia-Blanch at
- [Mono-devel-list] assertion running compiled nunit tests under svn-head amd64 mono
jrodman at
- [Mono-devel-list] mono-project's webpage small change
Listas Evandro (Não use este endereço para mensagens pessoais)
- [Mono-devel-list] Preparing the 1.1.5 release.
marcos rocha
- [Mono-devel-list] Web service client code does not work with WebProxy
- [Mono-devel-list] (no subject)
pampa sadhukhan
- [Mono-devel-list] Problem in compiling Class library in Windows while using SecurityPermissionAttr
vasantha selvi
- [Mono-devel-list] Problem in compiling Class library in Windows while using SecurityPermissionAttr
vasantha selvi
- [Mono-devel-list] (no subject)
chorns at
- [Mono-devel-list] System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter (Publish and be dammed!!)
anthony whalley
- [Mono-devel-list] DataSet and DataRelation problems ...
- [Mono-devel-list] DataSet and DataRelation problems ...
- [Mono-devel-list] Mail Delivery (failure mono-devel-list at
atsushi at
Last message date:
Thu Mar 31 20:20:04 EST 2005
Archived on: Fri Feb 8 09:06:50 EST 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).