AW: [Mono-devel-list] Compiler thoughts, 2

Kamil Skalski nazgul at
Sun Mar 20 09:12:53 EST 2005

Dnia czwartek, 17 marca 2005 19:31, Miguel de Icaza napisał:
>  to find the Volatile bits
> on a field, 

This has been filed in MS product feedback some time ago:

It is a minor, by annoying lack of functionality, so it would be good to vote 
on it.

> methods before you "create" the types.  The information is readily
> available, but the API just refuses to give it you, so we had to create
> a parallel universe to track the information ourselves.

This is a problem for all languages using SRE. I guess productfeedback is 
*some* way to get it fixed by MS side. 

SRE has one big advantage, you can easily set target of compiler to compile 
into memory and you created types immediately, thus it quite strightforward 
to compile features like eval, where you create code in you program and want 
it to execute.

Kamil Skalski

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