[Mono-devel-list] Patch for DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher

Boris Kirzner borisk at mainsoft.com
Mon Mar 14 09:32:14 EST 2005

Hello all
Attached is the patch for DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher :
- ClientTimeout  and ServerPageTimeLimit should be initialized to 1 second
- SizeLimit should be initialized to 0
- Setting SizeLimit to negative value should throw an exception
- Added private variable for ServerTime Limit
- Avoid infinite loop in CacheResults
- emptycol is redundant - make search result lazy evaluated and drop it 
when needed (such that we get actually new results after changing 
filter, for example)
- If the search did not return results, FindOne() should return null
- ADsPath property should be always loaded : add it to loaded property 
collection if needed, if the property was not returned from server, 
create it from result DN


Boris Kirzner

Mainsoft Corporation


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