[Mono-devel-list] Patch for DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry

Boris Kirzner borisk at mainsoft.com
Tue Mar 29 11:03:06 EST 2005

Hello all
Attached is the patch for DirectoryEntry :

DirectoryEntry.cs :
- Implemented UsePropertyCache.
- Refresh entry after Rename and MoveTo.
- CommitChanges : do not send request to server if no properties 
changed. Drop new flag after committing newly created entry.
- Disconnect only if connected in Close(). Clean up Dispose().
- Removed unnecessary console output.
PropertyCollection.cs : Hold reference to parent DirectoryEntry.
PropertyValueCollection.cs : Hold reference to parent DirectoryEntry. 
Call parent's CommitDeferred on collection changes.

If no one objects, I'll commit


Boris Kirzner
Mainsoft Corporation

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