[Mono-devel-list] Mono's broken today...
Atsushi Eno
atsushi at ximian.com
Fri Mar 25 12:45:03 EST 2005
Oops, sorry, was incorrect fix. It should be fine now.
Atsushi Eno
Hubert FONGARNAND wrote:
> I've updated my svn source this morning...
> after doing my ./autogen.sh && make
> i've got this error :
> MONO_PATH="../../class/lib/net_2_0:
> $MONO_PATH" /home/hubert/mono/mono/runtime/mono-wrapper ../../gmcs/gmcs.exe
> -d:NET_1_1 -d:NET_2_0
> -debug /noconfig /lib:/usr/lib /noconfig /unsafe /r:mscorlib.dll /r:System.dll /nowarn:0162 /nowarn:0618 /nowarn:0612 /target:library /out:System.Xml.dll
> System.Xml.XPath/Parser.cs Mono.Xml.Xsl/PatternParser.cs
> Mono.Xml.Xsl/PatternTokenizer.cs @System.Xml.dll.sources
> Mono.Xml.Schema/XsdParticleValidationState.cs(683) warning CS0184: The given
> expression is never of the provided ('System.Nullable`1') type
> System.Xml.XPath/XPathNavigator.cs(316) error CS0103: The name `nav' could not
> be found in `System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator'
> System.Xml.XPath/XPathNavigator.cs(318) error CS0165: Use of unassigned local
> variable `value'
> System.Xml.XPath/XPathNavigator.cs(325) error CS0103: The name `nav' could not
> be found in `System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator'
> System.Xml.XPath/XPathNavigator.cs(327) error CS0165: Use of unassigned local
> variable `value'
> System.Xml/XmlNode.cs(805) warning CS0184: The given expression is never of
> the provided ('System.Nullable`1') type
> System.Xml/XmlConvert.cs(287) warning CS0219: The variable 'modestr' is
> assigned but its value is never used
> System.Xml/XmlConvert.cs(489) warning CS0219: The variable 'modestr' is
> assigned but its value is never used
> System.Xml/XmlTextReader.cs(1672) warning CS0168: The variable 'dummyValue' is
> declared but never used
> System.Xml.XPath/Expression.cs(1791) warning CS0184: The given expression is
> never of the provided ('System.Nullable`1') type
> System.Xml.Schema/XmlSchemaInference.cs(206) warning CS0219: The variable
> 'depth' is assigned but its value is never used
> I see :
> 2004-03-25 Atsushi Enomoto <atsushi at ximian.com>
> * XPathNavigator.cs : reduced some Clone().
> Simplified ComparePosition().
> in the changelog...
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