November 2003 Archives by subject
Starting: Sat Nov 1 06:23:16 EST 2003
Ending: Sun Nov 30 09:10:09 EST 2003
Messages: 403
- [Mono-devel-list] #WT & Mono
Jason King
- [Mono-devel-list] 0.28 for Debian
Richard McGrath
- [Mono-devel-list] [BUG] Change in DataRow breaks SqlDataReader
Jörg Rosenkranz
- [Mono-devel-list] [BUG] Change in DataRow breaks SqlDataReader
yoros at
- [Mono-devel-list] [BUG] Change in DataRow breaks SqlDataReader
Jörg Rosenkranz
- [Mono-devel-list] [mini] 64bit mini patch
Laurent Morichetti
- [Mono-devel-list] [mini] problem with CEE_NEWARR and OP_OUTARG
Laurent Morichetti
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH - TRIVIAL] to mcs/class/System.Drawing/gdiplus/Makefile
Yaacov Akiba Slama
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] changes in System.Data
Eran Domb
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] changes in System.Data
Eran Domb
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] changes in System.Data
Mohammad DAMT
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] changes in System.Data
Eran Domb
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] changes in System.Data
Mohammad DAMT
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] changes in System.Data
Eran Domb
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] changes in System.Data
yoros at
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] changes in System.Data
Eran Domb
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] changes in System.Data
yoros at
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] changes in System.Data
Jackson Harper
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] changes in System.Data
Eran Domb
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] detect a stdin/out/err redirection (Isatty)
Wojciech Polak
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] detect libtool more flexibly
Peter Teichman
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] detect libtool more flexibly
Bernie Solomon
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] detect libtool more flexibly
Peter Teichman
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] fix for System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.
Eran Domb
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] fix for System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] fix for System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.
Eran Domb
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] fix for System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] fix in System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriterInterpreter
Lluis Sanchez
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCH] fix in System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriterInterpreter
Eran Domb
- [Mono-devel-list] [Patch] SQLite DataReader
- [Mono-devel-list] [PATCHES] fixes for build issues on MacOS X 10.3
Peter Teichman
- [Mono-devel-list] [UPDATE] detect libtool more flexibly
Peter Teichman
- [Mono-devel-list] A few clarafications
Etienne Boucher
- [Mono-devel-list] A few clarafications
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-devel-list] A little guidance would be appreciated
Kunaal Malhotra
- [Mono-devel-list] A little guidance would be appreciated
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Adding a new Namespace || ObjectSpaces
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] Adding a new Namespace || ObjectSpaces
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] Adding Documentation to Monodoc
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] Adding Documentation to Monodoc
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] ADO.NET and DataRow.AcceptChanges();
yoros at
- [Mono-devel-list] ADO.NET and DataRow.AcceptChanges();
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] ADO.NET and DataRow.AcceptChanges();
yoros at
- [Mono-devel-list] ADO.NET and DataRow.AcceptChanges();
Eran Domb
- [Mono-devel-list] ADO.NET and DataRow.AcceptChanges();
Luciano Callero
- [Mono-devel-list] aliasing problem in strtod
Laurent Morichetti
- [Mono-devel-list] AMD64 patches.
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] AMD64 patches.
mono_devel at
- [Mono-devel-list] AnonCVS is screwed.
Gaute B Strokkenes
- [Mono-devel-list] AnonCVS is screwed.
Laurent Morichetti
- [Mono-devel-list] Another XML API: SAX
Karl Waclawek
- [Mono-devel-list] Anyone interested in developing ObjectSpaces ?
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Anyone interested in developing ObjectSpaces ?
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] Anyone interested in developing ObjectSpaces ?
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] Anyone interested in developing ObjectSpaces ?
Mark Easton
- [Mono-devel-list] Anyone interested in developing ObjectSpaces?
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] Anyone interested in developing ObjectSpaces?
Mark Easton
- [Mono-devel-list] Anyone interested in developing ObjectSpaces?
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] Anyone interested in developing ObjectSpaces?
Rafael Ferreira
- [Mono-devel-list] ASP.NET on fedora + apache 2.0.47
Csapi Zsolt
- [Mono-devel-list] ASP.NET on fedora + apache 2.0.47
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] Asynchronous invocation in remoting not working properly
Lluis Sanchez
- [Mono-devel-list] Asynchronous invocation in remoting not working properly
Martin Willemoes Hansen
- [Mono-devel-list] Asynchronous invocation in remoting not working properly
Martin Willemoes Hansen
- [Mono-devel-list] BigInteger Parse method..
Pieter Philippaerts
- [Mono-devel-list] BigInteger...
Pieter Philippaerts
- [Mono-devel-list] BigInteger...
Sébastien Pouliot
- [Mono-devel-list] Boehm GC interaction with other libraries
eric lindvall
- [Mono-devel-list] Bugs in new/ changed corecompare
Andreas Nahr
- [Mono-devel-list] Bugs in new/ changed corecompare
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] Build error on OSX
Mike Flippin
- [Mono-devel-list] Build error on OSX
Steve Mentzer
- [Mono-devel-list] Build error on OSX
Bob Koss
- [Mono-devel-list] Build error on OSX
Steve Mentzer
- [Mono-devel-list] Build error on OSX
Mike Flippin
- [Mono-devel-list] Build error on OSX
Robert Shade
- [Mono-devel-list] Build errors System.Drawing.dll
- [Mono-devel-list] Build errors System.Drawing.dll
Hayes, Dennis
- [Mono-devel-list] Build errors System.Drawing.dll
Richard Thombs
- [Mono-devel-list] Build errors System.Drawing.dll
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] Build failure with CVS runtime
Peter Williams
- [Mono-devel-list] Build failure with CVS runtime
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] Building Cairo or working around dependency?
zalman at
- [Mono-devel-list] Building Cairo or working around dependency?
Richard Torkar
- [Mono-devel-list] Building current HEAD on Linux fails
Sebastian Bergmann
- [Mono-devel-list] Building current HEAD on Linux fails
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Building current HEAD on Linux fails
Varga Zoltan
- [Mono-devel-list] Building current HEAD on Linux fails
Sebastian Bergmann
- [Mono-devel-list] Building current HEAD on Linux fails
Sebastian Bergmann
- [Mono-devel-list] Building from CVS over Mono 0.26
Michael Dvoishes
- [Mono-devel-list] building on yellowdog (PPC) fails
- [Mono-devel-list] building on yellowdog (PPC) fails
- [Mono-devel-list] building on yellowdog (PPC) fails
- [Mono-devel-list] building on yellowdog (PPC) fails
Robert Shade
- [Mono-devel-list] building on yellowdog (PPC) fails
rshade at
- [Mono-devel-list] ByteFX MySql driver - connection pool
Leonardo S.
- [Mono-devel-list] ByteFX MySql driver - connection pool
rykr at
- [Mono-devel-list] Can not do fullbuild because libgdiplus
Peter Magnusson
- [Mono-devel-list] Can not do fullbuild because libgdiplus
Ravindra Kumar
- [Mono-devel-list] Can not do fullbuild because libgdiplus
Ravindra Kumar
- [Mono-devel-list] Can not do fullbuild because libgdiplus
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Can not do fullbuild because libgdiplus
Rodrigo B. de Oliveira
- [Mono-devel-list] Can not do fullbuild because libgdiplus
Ravindra Kumar
- [Mono-devel-list] Can not do fullbuild because libgdiplus
A Rafael D Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] CGI
- [Mono-devel-list] CGI
Thong (Tum) Nguyen
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiling and Installing once more for simplicity
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiling from CVS
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiling from CVS
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiling from CVS
Robert Shade
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiling from CVS
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiling from CVS
Robert Shade
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiling from CVS
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiling from CVS
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiling from CVS
Robert Shade
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiling from CVS
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiling from CVS
Robert Shade
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiling from CVS
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiling from CVS
Sébastien Pouliot
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiling from CVS
Robert Shade
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiling from CVS
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Compiling mono and GCC versions
eric lindvall
- [Mono-devel-list] ConfigurationSettings
Leonardo S.
- [Mono-devel-list] ConfigurationSettings
brunofr at
- [Mono-devel-list] Crash in mono_image_build_metadata whi
Varga Zoltan
- [Mono-devel-list] Crash in mono_image_build_metadata while running unit tests.
mono_devel at
- [Mono-devel-list] Created some class Libraries
sivakumar samyappan
- [Mono-devel-list] database metadata
Leonardo S.
- [Mono-devel-list] database metadata
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] Debugging on OSX
Mike Flippin
- [Mono-devel-list] Developing with Mono
Phil Winstanley
- [Mono-devel-list] diff: fix assembly.c under windows.
Peter Ross
- [Mono-devel-list] different behavior in MS.NET and MONO in System.Type.GetElementType()
Eran Domb
- [Mono-devel-list] Does no one answer?
- [Mono-devel-list] Does no one answer?
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-devel-list] Does no one answer?
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Embed API
Makano Sezeto
- [Mono-devel-list] Error building latest mcs sources from CVS
Carlos Guzmán Álvarez
- [Mono-devel-list] filename character conversions (util/strenc.c)
Dick Porter
- [Mono-devel-list] filename character conversions (util/strenc.c)
Bernie Solomon
- [Mono-devel-list] filename character conversions(util/strenc.c)
Bernie Solomon
- [Mono-devel-list] filename character conversions(util/strenc.c)
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] filename character conversions(util/strenc.c)
Dick Porter
- [Mono-devel-list] filename character conversions(util/strenc.c)
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] filename character conversions(util/strenc.c)
Dick Porter
- [Mono-devel-list] FloatingPointFormatter Tests
ndrochak at
- [Mono-devel-list] Fresh install on Debian
Les Ferguson
- [Mono-devel-list] Fw: Bug with multiple threads in XSP ?
Tiago Lima
- [Mono-devel-list] gdiplus builds
Dick Porter
- [Mono-devel-list] gdiplus builds
Bernie Solomon
- [Mono-devel-list] gdiplus builds
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] gdiplus problem
John Luke
- [Mono-devel-list] Getting started?
Chris Masters
- [Mono-devel-list] Getting started?
Todd Berman
- [Mono-devel-list] Heads Up: Reflection.Emit changes
Varga Zoltan
- [Mono-devel-list] Heads Up: Reflection.Emit changes
Laurent Morichetti
- [Mono-devel-list] Heads Up: Reflection.Emit changes
Varga Zoltan
- [Mono-devel-list] How to marshal &argv for p/invoke?
Peter Williams
- [Mono-devel-list] How to use shared library with C# on linux
Daniel Schalk
- [Mono-devel-list] How to use shared library with C# on linux
Bernie Solomon
- [Mono-devel-list] How to use shared library with C# on linux
Hayes, Dennis
- [Mono-devel-list] How to use shared library with C# on linux
Peter Williams
- [Mono-devel-list] How to use shared library with C# on linux
Daniel Schalk
- [Mono-devel-list] How to use shared library with C# on linux
- [Mono-devel-list] How to use shared library with C# on linux
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] How to use shared library with C# on linux
Bernie Solomon
- [Mono-devel-list] How to use shared library with C# on linux
Chris Turchin
- [Mono-devel-list] I can't have the listbox working
Arnoux Vincent
- [Mono-devel-list] IBM DB2 and .NET (Stinger)
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] IBM DB2 and .NET (Stinger)
Sébastien Pouliot
- [Mono-devel-list] IBM DB2 and .NET (Stinger)
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] IBM DB2 and .NET (Stinger)
Rob.Tillie at Student.tUL.EDU
- [Mono-devel-list] IBM DB2 and .NET (Stinger)
Rob.Tillie at Student.tUL.EDU
- [Mono-devel-list] IBM DB2 and .NET (Stinger)
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] IBM DB2 and .NET (Stinger)
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] ICalendar
- [Mono-devel-list] Implimentation Details
rshade at
- [Mono-devel-list] Implimentation Details
Dick Porter
- [Mono-devel-list] incorrect code generated by mcs
Laurent Morichetti
- [Mono-devel-list] incorrect code generated by mcs
Laurent Morichetti
- [Mono-devel-list] incorrect code generated by mcs
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] incorrect code generated by mcs
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] incorrect code generated by mcs
Laurent Morichetti
- [Mono-devel-list] incorrect code generated by mcs
Bernie Solomon
- [Mono-devel-list] incorrect code generated by mcs
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] Jay and C# question ... to produce parse tree for CORBA IDL
Jackson Harper
- [Mono-devel-list] Jay and C# question ... to produce parse tree for CORBA IDL
- [Mono-devel-list] Jay and C# question ... to produce parse tree for CORBA IDL
- [Mono-devel-list] Jay and C# question ... to produce parse tree for CORBA IDL
- [Mono-devel-list] LDAP provider update
Matt Ryan
- [Mono-devel-list] not installed
Sebastian Bergmann
- [Mono-devel-list] LosFormatter needs to save array type
Matthew Mastracci
- [Mono-devel-list] LosFormatter needs to save array type
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] Mercury on Mono, no output
Peter Ross
- [Mono-devel-list] Mercury on Mono, no output
Peter Ross
- [Mono-devel-list] Misleading definition in mini.h
Massimiliano Mantione
- [Mono-devel-list] mod_mono / apache restarting
Artur Brodowski
- [Mono-devel-list] mod_mono / apache restarting
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] mod_mono `make` error
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] mod_mono `make` error
John Luke
- [Mono-devel-list] Module Properties : Name FullyQualifiedName ScopeName
Cezar Nasui
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono 0.28 and *BSD systems
ragetex at
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono 0.28 and *BSD systems
Patrick Hartling
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono crashes with stack overflow exception at GC_clear_stack_inner
vasantha selvi
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono crashes with stack overflow exception at GC_clear_stack_inner()
vasantha selvi
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono in New York this weekend.
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] mono live disc
Fawad Halim
- [Mono-devel-list] mono live disc
Peter Williams
- [Mono-devel-list] mono live disc
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] mono live disc
A Rafael D Teixeira
- [Mono-devel-list] mono live disc
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] mono live disc
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono on Mac OS X 10.3
Ryan Gregg
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono on Mac OS X 10.3
Robert Shade
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono on Mac OS X 10.3
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono on SQL?
Bryan Andrews
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono on SQL?
Rob.Tillie at Student.tUL.EDU
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono on SQL?
Bryan Andrews
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono on SQL?
Bryan Andrews
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono on SQL?
Carlos Guzmán Álvarez
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono on SQL?
Bryan Andrews
- [Mono-devel-list] mono or perl? inquire / poll
Rafael Ferreira
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono Roadmap ready.
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono Roadmap ready.
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono Roadmap, Windows Forms and GTK#....
Matthew P. Seltzer
- [Mono-devel-list] Mono Roadmap, Windows Forms and GTK#....
Fawad Halim
- [Mono-devel-list] MonoTests.System.Reflection.ModuleTest
Varga Zoltan
- [Mono-devel-list] MonoTests.System.Reflection.ModuleTest
Nick Drochak
- [Mono-devel-list] MonoTests.System.Reflection.ModuleTest.TestGlobalData
ndrochak at
- [Mono-devel-list] Need guidance please: Adding a new namespace to System.Data
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] Need guidance please: Adding a new namespace to System.Data
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] Need guidance please: Adding a new namespace to System.Data
Richard Thombs
- [Mono-devel-list] Need guidance please: Adding a new namespace to System.Data
Richard Thombs
- [Mono-devel-list] Need guidance please: Adding a new namespaceto System.Data
Mark Easton
- [Mono-devel-list] NUnit 2.1 for Mono - status and questions
Charlie Poole
- [Mono-devel-list] NUnit assembly naming issue?
mono_devel at
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Mark Easton
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Rafael Ferreira
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Ben Maurer
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Richard Thombs
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Richard Thombs
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Richard Thombs
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Richard Thombs
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Mark Easton
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Richard Thombs
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Mark Easton
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Richard Thombs
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Mark Easton
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Richard Thombs
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Richard Thombs
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Jonathan Gilbert
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Richard Thombs
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Richard Thombs
- [Mono-devel-list] OleDb Cannot Load
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] OleDb Cannot Load
Rodrigo Moya
- [Mono-devel-list] OleDb Cannot Load
Rodrigo Moya
- [Mono-devel-list] OleDb || Gda# || Postgres
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] OleDb || Gda# || Postgres
Rodrigo Moya
- [Mono-devel-list] OleDb || Gda# || Postgres
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] OleDb || Gda# || Postgres
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] OleDb || Gda# || Postgres
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] Our "Initiative personal works" course
Francois Beauchemin
- [Mono-devel-list] Our "Initiative personal works" course
cesar octavio lopez nataren
- [Mono-devel-list] Our "Initiative personal works" course
Rocky Dean Pulley
- [Mono-devel-list] Our "Initiative personal works" course
Todd Berman
- [Mono-devel-list] Our "Initiative personal works" course
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] patch for System.Runtime.Remoting.ServerIdentity
Lluis Sanchez
- [Mono-devel-list] patch for System.Runtime.Remoting.ServerIdentity
Jackson Harper
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for System.Text.RegularExpressions
Juraj Skripsky
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for System.Text.RegularExpressions
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch for System.Text.RegularExpressions
Juraj Skripsky
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch that adds support for context static fields
Lluis Sanchez
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch that adds support for context static fields
Lluis Sanchez
- [Mono-devel-list] Patch that adds support for context static fields
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-devel-list] patch: implements GetLogicalDrives for win32
Jordi Mas
- [Mono-devel-list] patch: implements GetLogicalDrives for win32
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] Patches for SqlConnection and TdsMetaParameter not yet commited
Jackson Harper
- [Mono-devel-list] Patches for SqlConnection and TdsMetaParameter not yet commited
Jörg Rosenkranz
- [Mono-devel-list] PDC slides online.
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] PDC writeup.
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Platform identification
Aleksey Demakov
- [Mono-devel-list] Platform identification
Gaurav Vaish
- [Mono-devel-list] Platform identification
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Platform identification
Aleksey Demakov
- [Mono-devel-list] Platform identification
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Platform identification
Massimiliano Mantione
- [Mono-devel-list] Porposed patch for [Defect 50753]
Ravindra Kumar
- [Mono-devel-list] possible bustages in reflection.c
eric lindvall
- [Mono-devel-list] possible bustages in reflection.c
Laurent Morichetti
- [Mono-devel-list] possible bustages in reflection.c
eric lindvall
- [Mono-devel-list] Powered by Mono.
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Preliminary patch to change to the new SslClientStream
yoros at
- [Mono-devel-list] Preliminary patch to change to the new SslClientStream
yoros at
- [Mono-devel-list] Preliminary patch to change to the new SslClientStream
Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
- [Mono-devel-list] Preliminary patch to change to the new SslClientStream
Carlos Guzmán Álvarez
- [Mono-devel-list] Preliminary patch to change to the new SslClientStream
Carlos Guzmán Álvarez
- [Mono-devel-list] Problem build latest mcs CVS sources on cygwin
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] Problem build latest mcs CVS sources on cygwin
Carlos Guzmán Álvarez
- [Mono-devel-list] Problem build latest mcs CVS sources on cygwin
Carlos Guzmán Álvarez
- [Mono-devel-list] Problem compiling monodoc
Ravindra Kumar
- [Mono-devel-list] PropertyDescriptorCollection
Jonathan Kessler
- [Mono-devel-list] proposed patch for System.Configuration.ConfigurationSetting
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] proposed patch for System.Configuration.ConfigurationSetting
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] proposed patch for System.Configuration.ConfigurationSetting
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] proposed patch for System.Configuration.ConfigurationSetting
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] Proposed patch for documentation [Defect 45066]
Ravindra Kumar
- [Mono-devel-list] proposed patch for System.Configuration.ConfigurationSetting
eric lindvall
- [Mono-devel-list] proposed patch for System.Configuration.ConfigurationSetting
eric lindvall
- [Mono-devel-list] proposed patch for System.Configuration.ConfigurationSetting
eric lindvall
- [Mono-devel-list] proposed patch for System.Configuration.ConfigurationSetting
eric lindvall
- [Mono-devel-list] proposed patch for System.Configuration.ConfigurationSetting
eric lindvall
- [Mono-devel-list] Questions on Mono Roadmap
code at
- [Mono-devel-list] Ragarding libgc
vasantha selvi
- [Mono-devel-list] RE: [Gc] Boehm GC interaction with other libraries
Boehm, Hans
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [Gc] Boehm GC interaction with other libraries
eric lindvall
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [Gtk-sharp-list] Disposing problem
Bruno Fernandez-Ruiz
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [Gtk-sharp-list] Disposing problem
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [Gtk-sharp-list] Disposing problem
Bruno Fernandez-Ruiz
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [Gtk-sharp-list] Disposing problem
Gonçal Carrero Puig
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [Mono-list] Powered by Mono.
Jorge De Gante
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [Mono-list] Questions on Mono Roadmap
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: [Mono-list] Using other Assemblies at Run time
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] RE: [Mono-patches] mcs/tools/SqlSharp/gui/gtk-sharp ChangeLog,1.16,1.17 LoginDialog.cs,1.6,1.7 SqlEditorSharp.cs,1.7,1.8 sqlsharpgtk.cs,1.14,1.15
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: AMD64 patches.
mono_devel at
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: AnonCVS is screwed.
Gaute B Strokkenes
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: AnonCVS is screwed.
Richard Thombs
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: AnonCVS is screwed.
Gaute B Strokkenes
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Another XML API: SAX
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Another XML API: SAX
Karl Waclawek
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Another XML API: SAX
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Another XML API: SAX
Karl Waclawek
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Another XML API: SAX
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Another XML API: SAX
Karl Waclawek
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Developing with Mono
Michael J. Ryan
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Developing with Mono
Michael J. Ryan
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Install locations on unix was : Re: Potential GAC implementation ideas.
eric lindvall
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: Mono System.Data.OleDb || connection string
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: ObjectSpaces + momentum = ORM soup.
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: SML.NET and Mono
Gaute B Strokkenes
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: SML.NET and Mono
Gaute B Strokkenes
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: SML.NET and Mono
Gaute B Strokkenes
- [Mono-devel-list] Re: SML.NET and Mono
Gaute B Strokkenes
- [Mono-devel-list] Re:Re: [Mono-list] Questions on Mono Roadmap
code at
- [Mono-devel-list] Reflection : ConstructorInfo Name Property
Cezar Nasui
- [Mono-devel-list] Remoting speedup using buffered streams
Michel Dagenais
- [Mono-devel-list] RemotingConfiguration.Configure
Lluis Sanchez
- [Mono-devel-list] REPOST: Mono class layout
Hayes, Dennis
- [Mono-devel-list] REPOST: Mono class layout
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] REPOST: Mono class layout
John Luke
- [Mono-devel-list] REPOST: Mono class layout
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-devel-list] REPOST: Mono class layout
Duncan Mak
- [Mono-devel-list] Resent : Mono crashes with stack overflow exception at GC_clear_stack_inner()
vasantha selvi
- [Mono-devel-list] Services / Daemons in Mono
Peter Magnusson
- [Mono-devel-list] Services / Daemons in Mono
Fawad Halim
- [Mono-devel-list] small patch for monoburg
Laurent Morichetti
- [Mono-devel-list] SML.NET and Mono
Gaute B Strokkenes
- [Mono-devel-list] Some legal concerns...
Tom Shelton
- [Mono-devel-list] Some legal concerns...
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-devel-list] Some legal concerns...
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Some legal concerns...
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Some legal concerns...
Tom Shelton
- [Mono-devel-list] Some legal concerns...
- [Mono-devel-list] Some legal concerns...
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-devel-list] strange problem with mod_mono_server
- [Mono-devel-list] strange problem with mod_mono_server
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] strange problem with mod_mono_server
Maciej Peruga
- [Mono-devel-list] strange problem with mod_mono_server
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] suggestion for optimizing MCS
He HongFu
- [Mono-devel-list] test
Xavier Amado
- [Mono-devel-list] test
- [Mono-devel-list] Test needs smallspc.exe
ndrochak at
- [Mono-devel-list] Test needs smallspc.exe
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-devel-list] Test needs smallspc.exe
Nick Drochak
- [Mono-devel-list] Timeouts when accessing Webservice from embedded Mono
Jörg Rosenkranz
- [Mono-devel-list] Two BigInteger.isProbablePrime bugs [continued]...
Pieter Philippaerts
- [Mono-devel-list] Two BigInteger.isProbablePrime bugs...
Pieter Philippaerts
- [Mono-devel-list] URGENT: AAAAAAAARGH !!! XSP or MONO BUGS !!!
Tiago Lima
- [Mono-devel-list] Uri Patch
Juraj Skripsky
- [Mono-devel-list] Using mono with P/Invoke functions that use pthreads
eric lindvall
- [Mono-devel-list] Version moniker for Mono Release
Nick Drochak
- [Mono-devel-list] Version moniker for Mono Release
Rob.Tillie at Student.tUL.EDU
- [Mono-devel-list] Version moniker for Mono Release
ndrochak at
- [Mono-devel-list] Version moniker for Mono Release
Bryan Andrews
- [Mono-devel-list] Version moniker for Mono Release
Todd Berman
- [Mono-devel-list] Version moniker for Mono Release
Theo Spears
- [Mono-devel-list] Version moniker for Mono Release
Hayes, Dennis
- [Mono-devel-list] Version moniker for Mono Release
Rob.Tillie at Student.tUL.EDU
- [Mono-devel-list] Version moniker for Mono Release
Richard Thombs
- [Mono-devel-list] Version moniker for Mono Release
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-devel-list] Version moniker for Mono Release
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-devel-list] Very slow connection via Npgsql from mono 0.26, 0.28
Francisco Figueiredo Jr.
- [Mono-devel-list] XSP Web.config Acceptable Parameter
Met at Uber
- [Mono-devel-list] XSP Web.config Acceptable Parameter
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-devel-list] xsp:String returned by HttpRuntime.GetResourceStringFromResourceManager
Paul Dufresne
Last message date:
Sun Nov 30 09:10:09 EST 2003
Archived on: Fri Feb 8 09:05:51 EST 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).