[Mono-devel-list] Re: Developing with Mono

Michael J. Ryan tracker1_lists at theroughnecks.com
Thu Nov 13 13:38:26 EST 2003

Phil Winstanley wrote:
> Thanks for your reply, do you think you could zip up and mail me the batch
> files you use? I'd really appreciate it.

sorry it took so long to reply, been insanely busy.

here is a sample batch file, inline... it wraps.. so, prefixing wrapped lines
with.. +=:  (if there is a space after the : needs it, if not, remove
whitespace) ...

this is for a web project, with 3 connected sites, so the bin files are copied
to the bin folders for the 3 sites...  we are holding on the mod_mono version
of this, and deploying with win2003 server web edition.. using a gentoo based
mysql server... a similar .sh shell script can be used for that side... as soon
as work lightens up, will be moving forward on an open-source bbs software,
including telnet,smtp,pop3,imap4,web,ntp,ftp interfaces...

will probably be a better example of cross platform, although it is new to me,
thinking on doing the admin interfaces with either GTK#, or wx.Net depending
on which is further along when I get there..

----- START build_all.bat
@echo off
@echo off
cd ..\MyBinSrc\AzTravelCenter.MyData
Call AzTravelCenter.MyData.bat

cd ..\AzTravelCenter.Common
Call AzTravelCenter.Common.bat

cd ..\AzTravelCenter.MySite
Call AzTravelCenter.MySite.bat

cd ..\AzTravelCenter.MyAdmin
Call AzTravelCenter.MyAdmin.bat

cd ..\AzTravelCenter.MyMaster
Call AzTravelCenter.MyMaster.bat

----- END build_all.bat

----- BEGIN AzTravelCenter.MyMaster.bat
@echo off
REM ADD TO PATH C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\
Echo AzTravelCenter.MyMaster.dll ... Compiling
csc.exe /out:AzTravelCenter.MyMaster.dll /target:library
+=: /reference:System.dll,System.Data.dll,System.Web.dll,
+=: /recurse:AzTravelCenter.MyMaster.*.cs AzTravelCenter.MyMaster.cs

If Exist AzTravelCenter.MyMaster.dll GoTo good
Echo AzTravelCenter.MyMaster.dll Compile Failed!
GoTo end

Echo AzTravelCenter.MyMaster.dll Compiled ... moving file to bin folder
Copy AzTravelCenter.MyMaster.dll ..\..\MyMaster\bin
Copy AzTravelCenter.MyMaster.dll ..\..\MyAdmin\bin
Move AzTravelCenter.MyMaster.dll ..\..\MySite\bin
Echo AzTravelCenter.MyMaster.dll Complete!
----- END AzTravelCenter.MyMaster.bat

Michael J. Ryan - tracker1(at)theroughnecks(dot)com - www.theroughnecks.net
icq: 4935386  -  AIM/AOL: azTracker1  -  Y!: azTracker1  -  MSN/Win: (email)

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