July 2009 Archives by thread
Starting: Wed Jul 1 01:37:31 EDT 2009
Ending: Fri Jul 31 20:23:30 EDT 2009
Messages: 855
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 351638] [PATCH] Array.Sort: proper argument checking and performance enhancements
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518138] New: HttpResponseStream throws exception if empty byte buffer is written
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518144] New: Referencing compiled Managed C++ Class Libraries(DLL)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518184] New: TextRenderer sets TextFormatFlags.SingleLine when VerticalCenter is enabled
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 409595] Make 'Debug Application..." better
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 409595] Make 'Debug Application..." better
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 409595] Make 'Debug Application..." better
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518044] [regression] debugger doesn't stop on break point in winforms form_load()
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518044] [regression] debugger doesn't stop on break point in winforms form_load()
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 517855] Invoking methods via Reflection that have COM objects as parameters throws MissingMethodException in mono.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518349] New: [Flow-analysis] on extension method argument
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518350] New: Missing ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 346561] [2.0] Support for ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 500158] Selecting "Stop" in the tray icon while running app remotely for the 2nd time does not stop app.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 346561] [2.0] Support for ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 500158] Selecting "Stop" in the tray icon while running app remotely for the 2nd time does not stop app.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507473] Generic type variance problems
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518446] New: Shutting down the remote web server using the windows tray icon doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518489] New: [regression] I can no longer run the MVC template remotely in mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518489] [regression] I can no longer run the MVC template remotely in mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 502016] [Regression] Unable to run simple MVC application remotely in Mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 502016] [Regression] Unable to run simple MVC application remotely in Mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 319498] XSP gives exception when too many requests are made
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 502016] [Regression] Unable to run simple MVC application remotely in Mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 502016] [Regression] Unable to run simple MVC application remotely in Mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518520] New: [regression] mojoPortal crashes Mono.WebBrowser.WinXsp when "run locally in mono"...
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518522] New: MonoVS debugger fails to stop on class constructor beakpoint
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518530] New: MonoVS crashes VS when stopping remote debugging after missed breakpoint
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518533] New: [Regression] MonVS debugger fails to stop on Class Property break point.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518533] [Regression] MonVS debugger fails to stop on Class Property break point.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 477383] MaskedTextBox: Backspace doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 509985] Pressing buttons with the keyboard does not work as expected with ToolBarButtons
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 509985] Pressing buttons with the keyboard does not work as expected with ToolBarButtons
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 346561] [2.0] Support for ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 319498] XSP gives exception when too many requests are made
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 319498] XSP gives exception when too many requests are made
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 514359] Breakpoints not working while trying to debug MonoDevelop
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518645] New: XML read error
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518675] New: compiler crash against code that incorrectly lacks "new" for constructor
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518707] New: gmcs fails to unbox 'var' to check it against generic constraints
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518760] New: Can't step over a line in BlogEngine
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518764] New: custom xml/soap de-serialization does not work with enums (SerializationInfo.GetValue)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 434822] Cannot set breakpoint on method declaration line
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 434822] Cannot set breakpoint on method declaration line
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 502216] Do we want to support starting a second instance of monovs-{, gui-}server ?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 502016] Simple precompiled MVC app does not run on Mono 2.4.2
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 496138] [PATCH] Mono not converting native COM exceptions (HResults) to C# Exceptions correctly.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 514359] Breakpoints not working while trying to debug MonoDevelop
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518909] New: InternalsVisibleTo ignored for dynamic "To"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 500158] Selecting "Stop" in the tray icon while running app remotely for the 2nd time does not stop app.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518938] New: VS crashes if you close a remotely running winforms app twice using the tray icon
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 500158] Selecting "Stop" in the tray icon while running app remotely for the 2nd time does not stop app.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 500158] Selecting "Stop" in the tray icon while running app remotely for the 2nd time does not stop app.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 502016] Simple precompiled MVC app does not run on Mono 2.4.2
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518987] New: [Regression] Source code not shown on error in aspx page
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519005] New: 'gmcs' added to an assembly's assemblyref table when presumably using exception throwing in a anonymous method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 509142] Keyboard navigation problems in PrintPreviewDialog
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 508556] "Printing" window becomes unresponsive
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519148] New: Binary serialization between .NET and Mono fails with MarshalByRefObject
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519161] New: C# compiler throws compile exception when doing some reflections
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507446] Printing does not work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507446] Printing does not work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 503999] Extra (hidden) ToolStrip elements are displayed vertically rather than horizontally
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507446] Printing does not work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507458] Scrollable control does not draw content correctly when (sequence of) scaling transformation is used different than 1
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519265] New: [REGRESSION] Memory leak while running "hello world" ASP.NET application
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519271] New: Process.Start should return null for URLs
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519272] New: System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping assumes /bin/ping
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519295] New: mono-debugger fails to initialize thread_db if libpthread.so lacks a .symtab
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519297] New: [PATCH] Respect user-defined CFLAGS
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519299] New: [PATCH] Allow use of system libedit
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519300] New: [PATCH] Allow use of system libbfd/libopcodes
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 514368] Not default font make Tabpage header text truncated
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519336] New: Generic sharing causes cctor on parent class to be called only once for multiple generic instances
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 512910] gsharp missing a dllmap for libgdk-x11-2.0.so
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519442] New: Inconsistant serialization between Mono 2.4 and .NET 3.5 throwing InvalidOperationException
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 508556] "Printing" window becomes unresponsive
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 509142] Keyboard navigation problems in PrintPreviewDialog
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 509142] Keyboard navigation problems in PrintPreviewDialog
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 481559] uninitialized local causes failed assertion in mono_local_regalloc
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 481559] uninitialized local causes failed assertion in mono_local_regalloc
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519607] New: WebConnectionStream: Response stream not immediately closed
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519648] New: DataRowCollection Find exception System.IndexOutOfRangeException when passed new object [] {null}
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 485841] NObjective sources can't be compiled with gmcs.exe shipped with Mono 2.4 RC3
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 509142] Keyboard navigation problems in PrintPreviewDialog
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507739] PaperSize.RawKind not implemented (Sys.Drawing.Printing)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 322512] mcs crash on missing assembly references.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 321001] CPU hog/hang in low memory with complex ASP.NET pages
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470120] Socket.EndSend unexpectedly fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470120] Socket.EndSend unexpectedly fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519763] New: KeyUp event ignores NumLock status on Linux
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470120] Socket.EndSend unexpectedly fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 485841] NObjective sources can't be compiled with gmcs.exe shipped with Mono 2.4 RC3
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519844] New: MS SQL Bulk copy not working
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 485841] NObjective sources can't be compiled with gmcs.exe shipped with Mono 2.4 RC3
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 443569] Memory leak in asp.net (low level) for each unique URL request.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519922] New: xbuild cannot resolve assembly references with no extension
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507739] PaperSize.RawKind not implemented (Sys.Drawing.Printing)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507739] PaperSize.RawKind not implemented (Sys.Drawing.Printing)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519944] New: [PATCH] ToolStipItemCollection Find method always throws exception
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507739] PaperSize.RawKind not implemented (Sys.Drawing.Printing)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 519953] New: runtime doesn't support reflection calls to methods taking pointers as parameters.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 502575] Tail call problems with F#
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520018] New: Type.GetField(string, BindingFlags) appears to ignore base classes when looking for fields, regardless of the BindingFlags argument passed in.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520021] New: Page.SetForm() is named Page.RegisterForm() under Mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520024] New: The Mono compiler can't handle conditionals in <% %> script blocks (ex: <% #if DEBUG %>
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520027] New: HttpResponse.WriteFile(filename) fails when filename case doesn't match filesystem case regardless of IOMAP setting
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 346561] [2.0] Support for ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 346561] [2.0] Support for ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520080] New: XmlTextReader has problems with XMl Fragments "XmlException: '?>' is expected"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520151] New: Incorrect handling of invalid preprocessor directives.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507739] PaperSize.RawKind not implemented (Sys.Drawing.Printing)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520235] New: profiler decoder opens profile file read-write instead of read-only
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 495678] Setting Text on MaskedTextBox is cursor-dependent
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507739] PaperSize.RawKind not implemented (Sys.Drawing.Printing)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520285] New: DataGridViewColumn CellFormatting event occurs differently compared to .NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 478522] ApplicationContext can cause 100% cpu usage
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 512115] ForeColor for selected listbox item in ownerdraw mode should be set to highlighted text
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520397] New: App_LocalResources is being ignored
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 512370] make update tries to add files to the data dir directly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 510125] Windows support
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520437] New: using == operator when comparing too difference refs to the same native COM object returns false .NET difference
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 443569] Memory leak in asp.net (low level) for each unique URL request.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 510125] Windows support
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520650] New: Process.Start inherits environment even when EnvironmentVariables.Clear has been used
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520690] New: using Reflection to Invoke methods with out params throws 'MissingMethodExp 2'. .NET difference
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 510125] Windows support
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 510125] Windows support
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 443569] Memory leak in asp.net (low level) for each unique URL request.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520760] New: HashSet<T> implementation of ICollection<T>.Add method throws exception when item already in HashSet
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520764] New: calling RadioButton.Select isn't setting Checked Property to true .NET difference.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520774] New: BUILD_HOST should contain the name of the host the work is being done for
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520776] New: diff generator only works with one repository
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520817] New: parent lanes can have work but do not show up on the main page
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 512841] Invalid user/password.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 443569] Memory leak in asp.net (low level) for each unique URL request.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 521231] New: System.Configuration skips xml nodes when reading two ConfigurationElementCollections in a row.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 347895] WebClient does not raise UploadProgressChanged events
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 347895] WebClient does not raise UploadProgressChanged events
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 444388] CS0229/CS0122 Ambiguity on interface member hiding
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 444388] CS0229/CS0122 Ambiguity on interface member hiding
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 521339] New: [SRE] InvalidOperationException in Mono, but not in MS
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 444388] CS0229/CS0122 Ambiguity on interface member hiding
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 521383] New: P/invoke marshaller should handle DateTime
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 500074] XmlDocument.Load() fails with System.Net.WebException: Error: NameResolutionFailure
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 500074] XmlDocument.Load() fails with System.Net.WebException: Error: NameResolutionFailure
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 500074] XmlDocument.Load() fails with System.Net.WebException: Error: NameResolutionFailure
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 500074] XmlDocument.Load() fails with System.Net.WebException: Error: NameResolutionFailure
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 500074] XmlDocument.Load() fails with System.Net.WebException: Error: NameResolutionFailure
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 500074] XmlDocument.Load() fails with System.Net.WebException: Error: NameResolutionFailure
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 500074] XmlDocument.Load() fails with System.Net.WebException: Error: NameResolutionFailure
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 521387] New: SplitContainer don't want to be resized
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 513021] XmlSchema.Compile Exception: Invalid complex content extension was found
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 434087] mod-mono hangs after a fews days of running - failed to acquire lock
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 444388] CS0229/CS0122 Ambiguity on interface member hiding
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 521584] New: ApplyStyleSheetSkin: null Page parameter causes NullReferenceException
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 434087] mod-mono hangs after a fews days of running - failed to acquire lock
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 477383] MaskedTextBox: Backspace doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 521662] New: invalid opcode generated for x86 SSE intruction PMINSW
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 521671] New: Ungraceful handling of invalid types in catch statment
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 521692] New: some function in Mono.Simd.ArrayExtensions class are ignoring offset parameter
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 495678] Setting Text on MaskedTextBox is cursor-dependent
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 521718] New: System.Drawing.Graphics.CopyFromScreenX11
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 521750] New: SortedList: IComparer.Compare arguments are reversed
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 521753] New: DataGridView AutoSizeColumnMode property not working
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 509406] still a problem with System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.get_trace at web compilation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 521885] New: Runtime crashes with ** ERROR **: get custom attrs not yet supported for MyType
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 521924] New: Path.GetFullPath trims white spaces before files and directories names on Windows
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 521951] New: Assigning DataTables to ComboBox DataSources causes cast execption
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 521975] New: [SRE] Crash (assertion failure) in Type.GetMethod
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 496040] Missing interface member implementations are not reported, do not generate an error.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522014] New: getting errors about resources using latest svn of Mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522017] New: XSP2: Modifying the web.config causes ThreadAbortExceptions
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 513031] Hang in Mono's JIT with broken code.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522233] New: SIGSEGV when using WeakReferences in multi-threaded application
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522297] New: Generics problem with call to ICollection<Array> parameter with Array of Array of strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522303] New: Generics problem with call to ICollection<Array> parameter with Array of Array of strings
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 512841] Invalid user/password.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 512841] Invalid user/password.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 512841] Invalid user/password.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 512841] Invalid user/password.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 487846] PPC code gen is inefficient in several areas
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522454] New: PropertyGrid: PerformClick on ToolBarButtons doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522465] New: Inserting Double.MaxValue or Double.MinValues throws and overflow exception
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522474] New: [PATCH] Differences between .NET and mono ComponentModel.Container Dispose behavior
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 487846] PPC code gen is inefficient in several areas
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 487846] PPC code gen is inefficient in several areas
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522540] New: Web app root operator (~) doesn't work in web.config
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522561] New: mono2.4 add-on runtime does not work for non-english languages
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 445610] Profiler not work on OS X 10.4/10.5
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522624] New: SQL Data Adatper issues with NULL columns
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522631] New: after heavy load, mod-mono server stops serving asmx based requests
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522641] New: Implement Parameter names should match base declaration rule
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522659] New: DataGridView does not call GetValue PropertyDescriptor.GetValue/SetValue
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522677] New: Ambiguity resolving in inhereted interface polymorphism reversed in comparison to .net
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522737] New: FileDialog's Views button should be a splitButton
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522748] New: InvalidCastException in DynamicInvoke call
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522777] New: Verifier does not check for Value class has neither fields nor size parameter
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522778] New: Verifier does not check for Class implements interface but not method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522783] New: ComponentResourceManager.ApplyResources() for type TableLayoutPanel only works once per Application
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522784] New: Verifier missing check for unboxed
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522788] New: Verifier is missing check for implicitly implemented an interface method with weaker type parameter constraints
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522789] New: Invalid IL generated for anonymous generic function
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522807] New: alwaysexecute not always executing
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 509142] Keyboard navigation problems in PrintPreviewDialog
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 522894] New: Mono based applications crash on XEN guests with kernel 2.6.24-19-xen thru 2.6.24-23-xen
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 478652] UnixDirectoryInfo.Delete() won't throw an exception for non-existent directory
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 478652] UnixDirectoryInfo.Delete() won't throw an exception for non-existent directory
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 325276] Got an exception while executing native code.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523052] New: Process PerformanceCounters broken
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523149] New: Defining a COM interop that returns a System.Guid Asserts on JIT compilation for a native->managed call.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523151] New: XmlReader.ReadToFollowing will skip past the initial matching element if the reader is in the initial state
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470120] Socket.EndSend unexpectedly fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507462] Labels on tool strip are aligned at the bottom. All other controlls are center aligned.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 509142] Keyboard navigation problems in PrintPreviewDialog
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523278] New: System.Uri.Uri.IsWellFormedUriString doesn't recognize relative URIs with colons
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523298] New: Convert from string to enum type results in SIGSEGV
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 476289] mod_mono report "(13)Permission denied: Failed to attach to existing dashboard"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523330] New: [PATCH] Copy DataTokens from Route to RouteData too
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523333] New: Mono won't compile from source Slackware 12.2
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523341] New: ASP.NET View don't accept array generic parameters
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523356] New: Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: Arg_InsufficientSpace in System.Text.UTF8Encoding.InternalGetChars
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 487846] PPC code gen is inefficient in several areas
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 487846] PPC code gen is inefficient in several areas
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 487846] PPC code gen is inefficient in several areas
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 487846] PPC code gen is inefficient in several areas
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 487846] PPC code gen is inefficient in several areas
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 445384] After DoDragDrop wrong data format in DragEventArgs.Data on DragOver event
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 487846] PPC code gen is inefficient in several areas
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 487846] PPC code gen is inefficient in several areas
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523386] New: Key not found exception when looking up for an action method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 477383] MaskedTextBox: Backspace doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523418] New: GZipStream used as Filter for HttpResponse produces invalid gzip
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523420] New: (?-x-i-s) vs. (?-xis) Regex Options
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 316337] ASN.1 doesn't support undefined length encoding
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523438] New: TextBox
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523520] New: processor core performance counters return bad values
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523525] New: Differing exception messages between .NET and Mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 502016] Simple precompiled MVC app does not run on Mono 2.4.2
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518001] Running monodoc with --edit causes exceptions everywhere
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 443508] monodoc crashes with selecting namespace node
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523683] New: GMCS fails to perform overload resolution for delegates with generic arguments in certain cases
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 502016] Simple precompiled MVC app does not run on Mono 2.4.2
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523687] New: Aes.Create() returns null
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518001] Running monodoc with --edit causes exceptions everywhere
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523899] New: GMCS fails to resolve generic types when using Nullable enums - regression
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523915] New: Packaging Item is not available in Visual Studio for Web projects
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518001] Running monodoc with --edit causes exceptions everywhere
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 518001] Running monodoc with --edit causes exceptions everywhere
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523967] New: error cs1502 reported in mono-tools/Mono.Profiler build
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 523971] New: XmlTextReader.read throws wrong exception on invalid XML file
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 316337] ASN.1 doesn't support undefined length encoding
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 517974] xbuild references assemblies twice
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470120] Socket.EndSend unexpectedly fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470120] Socket.EndSend unexpectedly fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 515100] HttpWebRequest: BeginWrite does not throw after Abort()
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470120] Socket.EndSend unexpectedly fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524049] New: HttpWebRequest and StreamWriter ArgumentException when ContentLength set to 0
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 409595] Make 'Debug Application..." better
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524083] New: Infinite loop during deserialization
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524084] New: NRE during xml deserialization
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524086] New: Incorrect xml deserialization
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524088] New: Crash in xml deserialization with KnownTypeAttribute on abstract/base property type
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 505068] Security exception raised when finding a risk inside commented code (HTML comment)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524146] New: System.IO.IOException: Invalid handle to path during "make install"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 325276] Got an exception while executing native code.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 515136] XPathNavigator.SelectChildren with String.Empty fails
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 514015] XmlNamespaceManager.GetNamespacesInScope throws ArgumentException
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524254] New: OracleClient causes exception when unsigned types or bools are used in an OracleParameter
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 439465] MDB crashes on Dns.GetHostByName
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470120] Socket.EndSend unexpectedly fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470120] Socket.EndSend unexpectedly fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 382734] Wrong DateTime paramter conversion
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470120] Socket.EndSend unexpectedly fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470120] Socket.EndSend unexpectedly fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524358] New: Should report duplicity of IDs as error even if found in an HTML comment
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 505068] Security exception raised when finding a risk inside commented code (HTML comment)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 325464] xsd is unable to generate correct classes from certain input files
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 506726] [PATCH] Duplicate "Aquamarine" color in FontDialog color drop down combo box.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 508523] [PATCH] ColorComboBox in FontDialog should show all 16 colors (no vertical scrollbar)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 508523] [PATCH] ColorComboBox in FontDialog should show all 16 colors (no vertical scrollbar)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 506726] [PATCH] Duplicate "Aquamarine" color in FontDialog color drop down combo box.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 402158] DragDrop event is not fired on form
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 506729] FontDialog is not modal
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470120] Socket.EndSend unexpectedly fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470120] Socket.EndSend unexpectedly fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 506729] FontDialog is not modal
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 402158] DragDrop event is not fired on form
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 470120] Socket.EndSend unexpectedly fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 502016] Simple precompiled MVC app does not run on Mono 2.4.2
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 502016] Simple precompiled MVC app does not run on Mono 2.4.2
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 502016] Simple precompiled MVC app does not run on Mono 2.4.2
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 511370] Support for a default "MSBuildExtensionsPath" path in xbuild/mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524460] New: CacheDuration is not used on WebMethodAttribute
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524498] New: .cctor throws and calls to static methods succeed
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 505068] Security exception raised when finding a risk inside commented code (HTML comment)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524567] New: WaitHandle.WaitAny is not working at all
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 517208] Missing WaitHandle.WaitAny overload
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 421336] DbCommandBuilder throws exceptions on command creation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 421336] DbCommandBuilder throws exceptions on command creation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 474718] correct program that never ends, but it does if you add a WriteLine in a specific place
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524595] New: JIT produces very slow code if you use a temporary variable outside a try/catch block
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 474718] correct program that never ends, but it does if you add a WriteLine in a specific place
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507961] client should retry for some amount of time if the server cannot be contacted
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 512920] builder should run all steps for one revision each run
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 434822] Cannot set breakpoint on method declaration line
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 508325] Debugger fails to run 2nd time
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 516126] exception running scheduler
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 516134] Cannot change breakpoints on running application
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 501586] Can't remotely run an app with "Run in terminal" checked
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 501945] monovs-gui-server's Log Viewer doesn't seem to do anything
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 434793] Tooltips not supported
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 434808] Intermediate window support not implemented.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524714] New: Packaging (RPM creation) of mojoportal fails with MonoVS
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524717] New: CacheDuration should use vary by params
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 311221] ILGenerator.Emit (OpCodes.Call) must check ReflectedType
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 312701] [PATCH] mcs is less strict about /r: than csc
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 312845] ORACLE: marshalling error in System.Data.OracleClient
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 313111] Specific query causes a null reference exception with sqliteclient
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524726] New: Precompiling for / then deploying elsewhere causes failure for ASP.NET apps.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 512370] make update tries to add files to the data dir directly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 421336] DbCommandBuilder throws exceptions on command creation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524960] New: Inqueryment of error happen in XFire connecting with Mono ServiceHost
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524984] New: ASMX web service proxy call causes delay/failure to return to shell (Mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 524988] New: System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.FileVersion fails with non-managed binaries
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525002] New: Treeview behaviour different from .NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 487846] PPC code gen is inefficient in several areas
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525081] New: Possible Invalid Compiler Error CS0695 - The same code works in .Net
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525089] New: HashTable Enumeration order is different from .NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525104] New: [Regression] Adding a story in Graffiti now gives incorrect java script confirmation. Automation fails
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525107] New: [Regression] xsp{1, 2} test serial.aspx fails with mono-
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 505068] Security exception raised when finding a risk inside commented code (HTML comment)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 421336] DbCommandBuilder throws exceptions on command creation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 517656] HTML comment in ASPX file causes "Literal content not allowed for System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItemCollection" Exception
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 505068] Security exception raised when finding a risk inside commented code (HTML comment)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 421336] DbCommandBuilder throws exceptions on command creation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525306] New: RPC name invalid when connection pooling is disabled
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525313] New: Regex does not function the same as MS.Net
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525314] New: Verifier misses a potential crash
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525321] New: SqlParameter: Type inferrence should be lazy
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525323] New: HttpListener wants a Content-Length header from requests with the SUBSCRIBE method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525326] New: can't encode value types: potential fix.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525328] New: SignatureHelper.GetLocalVarSigHelper () crashes.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525338] New: klass->parent->vtable_size is incorrect for generic classes.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525342] New: Attributes on partial method declarations are ignored
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 421336] DbCommandBuilder throws exceptions on command creation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 421336] DbCommandBuilder throws exceptions on command creation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525575] New: WCF doesn't work with ASP.NET AJAX
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525589] New: JavaScriptConverter registered in web.config is not used
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525600] New: FormsAuthentication_OnAuthenticate in Global.Asax is not called
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 415375] CS0019 erroneously reported for equality comparison between object type value and generic type value with "class" reference constraint
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525733] New: [SRE] Missing System.ArgumentException, Type handle and field handle are incompatible
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525734] New: [VERIFIER] crashes with SIGSEGV in System.Reflection.FieldInfo.internal_from_handle_type
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525743] New: Disabling ValidateRequest has no effect
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525750] New: GZipStream very slow when processing HTTP stream
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525760] New: gmcs does not mimic csc behavior with regards to struct constructors
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 517415] IEnumerator<T>.Current for List<T> Throws InvalidOperationException After MoveNext() returns false
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 517415] IEnumerator<T>.Current for List<T> Throws InvalidOperationException After MoveNext() returns false
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 491858] Iterator implementation for generics is incompatible with MS implementation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 516735] Application.DoEvents does not call Application.FilterMessage like Application.Run does
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525973] New: Crash in Novell.Directory.Ldap
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 525974] New: Crash when using custom VirtualPathProvider
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 526029] New: metadata-verify.c broken on big-endian hosts
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 526069] New: WebClient.DownloadData / HttpWebRequest.CheckFinalStatus generates incorrect WebException on HTTP error status
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 491858] Iterator implementation for generics is incompatible with MS implementation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 526171] New: .net application don't run on mono it seems a problem with windows.forms
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 526237] New: Type 'System.Configuration.SingleTagSectionHandler' not found.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 421827] [PATCH] CookieContainer.GetCookie skips cookie when domain has no leading dot
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 421827] [PATCH] CookieContainer.GetCookie skips cookie when domain has no leading dot
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 499637] SerialPort.BytesToRead throws NullReferenceException
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 490910] BytesToRead closes program
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 421827] [PATCH] CookieContainer.GetCookie skips cookie when domain has no leading dot
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 526297] New: System.Web.Mvc.HandleErrorAttribute not working due to System.Web.HttpResponseWrapper.TrySkipIisCustomErrors being not implemented
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 491858] Iterator implementation for generics is incompatible with MS implementation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 526423] New: FirebirdSql.Data.Firebird Release 1.7.2 is Now Available
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 526449] New: Problem with line return in ASPX code tag.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 512841] Invalid user/password.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 512841] Invalid user/password.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 526555] New: builder should run only one lane per execution
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 526563] New: Precompiling for /foo and running as /foo doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507663] DbDataAdapter/DbCommandBuilder and MySql not working together on Mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 526766] New: My.Application.Info.CompanyName returns wrong value
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 491858] Iterator implementation for generics is incompatible with MS implementation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 491858] Iterator implementation for generics is incompatible with MS implementation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 526794] New: Inserting empty string saved as null in sql server
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 502011] Install mono-web-server.exe.mdb ?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 434808] Intermediate window support not implemented.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 484771] OutDir property is ignored
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 511715] DataContractSerializer constructor crashes if one of the 'KnownType' attributes defines a method instead of a type.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 491858] Iterator implementation for generics is incompatible with MS implementation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 508325] Debugger fails to run 2nd time
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 381151] DataAdapter returns 0 rows after an SQL timeout occured
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 507663] DbDataAdapter/DbCommandBuilder and MySql not working together on Mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 527177] New: missing body encoding in mail
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 467509] [PATCH] Marshalling arrays of COM interfaces doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 527190] New: Too much method candidates
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 527199] New: inary serialization between .NET and Mono fails with Dictionary with an Enum key
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 467509] [PATCH] Marshalling arrays of COM interfaces doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 527277] New: DataView is returning a wrong Count value with a AddNew()/DataRowView.EndEdit () cycle
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 506286] DataGrid: create new row crash the application
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
Last message date:
Fri Jul 31 20:23:30 EDT 2009
Archived on: Fri Jul 31 20:23:59 EDT 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).