July 2010 Archives by thread
Starting: Thu Jul 1 02:40:26 EDT 2010
Ending: Sat Jul 31 20:29:40 EDT 2010
Messages: 782
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 616029] Cleaning up domain with async socket crashes mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 484623] Columns[0].Frozen not supported in DataGridView
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575600] MapPath() does not work for virtual directories outside of the current application
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 484623] Columns[0].Frozen not supported in DataGridView
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 583934] WebRequest.get_CachePolicy throws NIEX
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 616463] SIGSEGV in common_call_trampoline (with test case)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619152] New: SQL Server timestamp column not supported
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 617228] SDB: Using MethodCall.Invoke() to invoke a method containing null reference
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 580867] Events in nested class of generic class inaccessible
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619192] New: gmcs generates unverifiable code for a null coalescing expression involving generic parameters
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 603378] sharing the SafeFileHandle from FileStream does not behave like Microsoft's .NET FileStream
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 617228] SDB: Using MethodCall.Invoke() to invoke a method containing null reference
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 617228] SDB: Using MethodCall.Invoke() to invoke a method containing null reference
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619224] New: xsd creates "FieldSpecified" different than microsofts xsd
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619228] New: Compiler fails with error on valid code
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 617228] SDB: Using MethodCall.Invoke() to invoke a method containing null reference
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 583386] DesignSurface doesn't accept to drop controls on it
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 616463] SIGSEGV in common_call_trampoline (with test case)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619300] New: [verifier] fails to validate deeply nested generator accessing sibling nested private class
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619325] New: Inconsistent execution of ViewWillAppear event
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619344] New: Too many files open when running automation for a short time
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605033] program crashes if the App.conf contains the <sharedListeners> section.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 616739] [PATCH] Context menu items activated by key shortcut when menu not visible
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 616432] [PATCH] images in a ListView Header align top-left not center-left like .NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 360820] Invalid (?) CS0545 error -- hiding accessors from grandparent
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 516575] TestVirtualProp.Class3.Prop.set': cannot override because `TestVirtualProp.Class2.Prop' does not have an overridable set accessor(CS0546)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 360820] Invalid (?) CS0545 error -- hiding accessors from grandparent
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 360455] (g)mcs erroneously raises "x is never used" warning CS0067 with public events
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 477503] DebuggableAttribute emission
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619534] New: Message filter using BeforeSendReply from IDispatchMessageInspector does not work as in Microsoft NET Framework
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569543] SqlClient using Guid in parameter
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619542] New: webHttpBinging is generating wrong responses for methods that return a Stream
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619555] New: Operator error
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609935] Insert into Sqlserver nvarchar(max) fields truncates data > 4000 characters
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569543] SqlClient using Guid in parameter
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619658] UIActionSheet causes crash
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619658] UIActionSheet causes crash
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619658] UIActionSheet causes crash
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619658] UIActionSheet causes crash
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619658] UIActionSheet causes crash
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619658] UIActionSheet causes crash
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619658] UIActionSheet causes crash
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605340] Unexpected exception on calling String.LastIndexOf on empty strings with startIndex=-1
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 606228] Very bad performance of async socket application specifically under Mono/Linux (Notifications: epoll)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 618977] Crashes when Using the Calendars method of the EKEventStore on the device
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 617609] FtpWebRequest and HttpWebRequest hangs on GetRequestStream.Close()
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 617142] MonoDevelop iPhone Build screen inconsistencies in MDs options
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 610268] MonoDevelop doesn't fully qualify names of classes when registering them for use from obj-c selectors
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 539742] Combined installer for mono and monotouch would make sense
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 593605] Can't use btouch when the interface is the same name as the source file.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 555464] Nemerle doesn't compile/work under recent mono versions
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609935] Insert into Sqlserver nvarchar(max) fields truncates data > 4000 characters
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605545] Add support of string resources to ProvideCorrectArgumentsToFormattingMethodsRule
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 580090] [PATCH]GetFiles fails on search patterns containing directories
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 603981] Socket.OSSupportsIPv6
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 596779] InvalidOperationException in Process.GetProcessesByName
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619808] New: System.PlatformID not reported correctly in Mac OSX
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619811] New: TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc throws a NullReferenceException for US/Hawaii timezone
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619842] New: xbuild fails when project file contains items with wildcards.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 616739] [PATCH] Context menu items activated by key shortcut when menu not visible
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 617228] SDB: Using MethodCall.Invoke() to invoke a method containing null reference
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619904] New: Code is compiled incorrectly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619919] New: Capturing of base scope
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 598467] TimeSpan.TryParse() method crashes if I pass for example this "12::4"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 555464] Nemerle doesn't compile/work under recent mono versions
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 601783] SharpPcap tries to get a list of network Interfaces
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619929] New: System.InvalidCastException
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 617135] Trying to debug on old Mono versions causes bad things to happen
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 615801] DataContractJsonSerializer does not set class members to null
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 615801] DataContractJsonSerializer does not set class members to null
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620025] New: [Regression] gmcs ignores implicit operators
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609935] Insert into Sqlserver nvarchar(max) fields truncates data > 4000 characters
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 615952] Assertion: should not be reached at marshal.c:584
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 616050] Guid class doesnt throw excepction when given an invalid guid string
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 616056] Assertion: should not be reached at tramp-amd64.c:270
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 616416] Array.Sort() doesnt sort
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 616809] Object type returned is incorrect
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 615800] OnDeserializing is not called by DataContractJsonSerializer
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 584664] Xml schema violations are indicated when an element base type contains sub-elements of an extension type of that base type
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 577029] Can't build ironruby on mono 2.6.1 or trunk
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 615499] Rss20ItemFormatter.ReadTextSyndicationContent should catch "invalid XML data" exception
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 584664] Xml schema violations are indicated when an element base type contains sub-elements of an extension type of that base type
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609109] [Regression] Incoming tablular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocal stream is incorrect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620154] New: Compiler error infering implementation from interface
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620200] New: (WinForms) MDI main menu gets overlapped by MDI child window
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 614909] Process.Exited Event Fires Only Once for Individual Process Object
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620206] New: Redraw problems in SharpChess
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620210] New: Redraw issues in AnotherTetrisClone
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609109] [Regression] Incoming tablular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocal stream is incorrect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609109] [Regression] Incoming tablular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocal stream is incorrect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 606889] TabControl: truncated tab text
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620248] New: ComboBox Text issues: different font, and truncated end
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620291] New: messy z orders of winforms MDI child windows on Mac OS X
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620324] New: ComboBox Format event not fired at the right time
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620326] New: ComboBox Format event does not have the right EventArgs value type (always String)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609109] [Regression] Incoming tablular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocal stream is incorrect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620362] New: Verifier incorrectly rejects this code
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620404] New: PFX doesn't work correctly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620411] New: RewritePath crashes with an unidentified null reference exeption in PostAcquireRequestState
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 579058] warning CS0252 not issued by {d,g}mcs
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620456] New: Getting 'Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object' when using Telerik Ajax and master page
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 618266] WebRequest hangs ASP.NET application
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 618266] WebRequest hangs ASP.NET application
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 614850] Modal dialogs should prevent closing their parent windows.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 614850] Modal dialogs should prevent closing their parent windows.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 614850] [PATCH] Modal dialogs should prevent closing their parent windows.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 575635] MessageBox: modal dialog should always be actived on the top of main form
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 610453] Cannot use web interface after some time.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620543] New: gmcs fails to compile with InvalidOperationException
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620558] New: gacutil fails to list, install and uninstall assemblies on Windows
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 618539] Using "if (expression)" when expression overloads the true and false operators causes internal compiler error
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620614] New: exception versus generated relations in MSDataSetGenerator 4.0.0
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620618] New: ListView column headers not drawn
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 610453] Cannot use web interface after some time.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 618266] WebRequest hangs ASP.NET application
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 580090] [PATCH]GetFiles fails on search patterns containing directories
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 618539] Using "if (expression)" when expression overloads the true and false operators causes internal compiler error
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 618539] Using "if (expression)" when expression overloads the true and false operators causes internal compiler error
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 616029] Cleaning up domain with async socket crashes mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620860] New: Number Overflow inserting into sqlserver
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620864] New: NullReferenceException serializing a dictionary
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 601431] Assembly::GetType is loading very aggressively
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620916] New: libgluezilla is not being installed for UsingWebBrowser in MacOSX
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 620960] New: SSL cert issue when sending email from system account.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 594559] DateTime.TryParse fails to parse "0009-05-02 20:00:00.00" because of the .00 for ms
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 603482] Package1.pkgxml does not open when created and when it is, it's opened as xml doc rather than form
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 581956] Mono prints "NOT IMPLEMENTED: ResetToDefault()"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621215] New: Generic casts are slow
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 580090] [PATCH]GetFiles fails on search patterns containing directories
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605340] Unexpected exception on calling String.LastIndexOf on empty strings with startIndex=-1
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 606228] Very bad performance of async socket application specifically under Mono/Linux (Notifications: epoll)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 610905] Missing does not have an implementation check
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621366] New: System.DateTime converts NSDate to UTC
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 614605] Invalid IL code exception
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 606703] Could not load file or assembly '.......' or one of its dependencies.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 606353] [verifier] abort in inflate_generic_signature
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 319847] Instance and class properties handling problem
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 384356] Object creation 4x times slower on Mono than on MS.NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621377] New: UIAlertView Clicked EventHandler Not Working
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621387] New: -weak_framework not supported
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621408] New: TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(TimeZoneInfo.Local.Id) throws a TimeZoneNotFoundException
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621455] New: SSL code tries to store certs in prohibited iPhone directory
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609632] EGlib's g_get_home_dir() not able to read /etc/passwd
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621468] New: cross-compile script get confused by phread-win32 semaphore.h
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621475] New: TextBox and RichTextBox crash on click when text value will be set to null
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 606228] Very bad performance of async socket application specifically under Mono/Linux (Notifications: epoll)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621585] New: Crash with generics sharing
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621599] New: Verifier incorrectly rejects this code snippet
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621639] New: Sys.Net.Mail Unable to embed image and attach files in the same mail.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 389886] Boo test fixtures with generic delegates make runtime crash
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605227] Break on exception not implemented
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605227] Break on exception not implemented
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569392] Mono 2.6.1 fails on Windows due to reference to 'freeaddrinfo' in WS2_32.DLL
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569392] Mono 2.6.x fails on Windows due to reference to 'freeaddrinfo' in WS2_32.DLL
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569392] Mono 2.6.x fails on Windows due to reference to 'freeaddrinfo' in WS2_32.DLL
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 440191] Multiline TextBox has wrong height
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 440191] Multiline TextBox has wrong height
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 531254] Can't generate SOAP proxy for MS Exchange 2007
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 588165] CultureInfo for da-DK dosen't have the right format.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 389886] Boo test fixtures with generic delegates make runtime crash
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 389886] Boo test fixtures with generic delegates make runtime crash
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605227] Break on exception not implemented
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621749] New: [PATCH] ListView inserting selected item should raise SelectedIndexChanged
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621750] New: mkbundle failed to work with error glib-2.0 not found
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621758] New: Subsequent SSL HttpWebRequest will timeout
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621773] New: Entry point getaddrinfo not found in WS2_32.DLL in Windows 2000
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569392] Mono 2.6.x fails on Windows due to reference to 'freeaddrinfo' in WS2_32.DLL
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 539558] Exception when trying to get an Ldap attribute for a user on Active Directory.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 569543] SqlClient using Guid in parameter
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621836] New: mono on Windows fails to load assemblies on "make run-test"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621837] New: Using HttpContext.RewritePath causes incorrect HttpRequest.Path to be returned when PathInfo is specified
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621864] New: Compiler crash in gmcs, MethodBuilder, "LocalVariableReference did not set its type after Resolve called"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621871] New: Mono crashes with assertion failed: (jit_info) in mono_get_generic_context_from_code
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 613845] Decimal Parameter stored wrong in Money-attribute in database
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609109] [Regression] Incoming tablular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocal stream is incorrect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621899] New: GC / memory leak in conjunction with F#, GC appears to lock-up in infinite loop
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621911] New: Very slow implementation of Enumerable.Except
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 613845] Decimal Parameter stored wrong in Money-attribute in database
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609109] [Regression] Incoming tablular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocal stream is incorrect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 621968] New: Gendarme - ArgumentOutOfRangeException from AvoidCodeDuplicatedInSameClassRule
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622007] New: Gendarme - XmlException when clicking "View Report..."
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565616] InvalidCastException when storing a not IConvertible value in a string datacolumn.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622042] New: Regression: Array.Sort no longer sorts properly.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622051] New: Interal compiler error
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609109] [Regression] Incoming tablular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocal stream is incorrect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 614605] Invalid IL code exception
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 614605] Invalid IL code exception
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622101] New: Array.Sort broken when using custom comparer that sorts `null' differently.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622104] New: Compiler regression breaks the test suite.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622124] New: NET_4_0: FieldBuilder.SetConstant extensions.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622127] New: System.DateTime could be better encoded (64 bits instead of 64+32)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 520774] BUILD_HOST should contain the name of the host the work is being done for
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 614605] Invalid IL code exception
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622221] New: Verifier cannot load corlib_test_net_2_0.dll due to Invalid ImplMap row 0 Flags field 00001154
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622223] New: Verifier complains about use of uninitialized 'this ptr'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622225] New: Verifier incorrectly reports Invalid generic method instantiation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609109] [Regression] Incoming tablular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocal stream is incorrect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622267] New: Cecil can not import generic methods with generic params
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 606703] Could not load file or assembly '.......' or one of its dependencies.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605227] Break on exception not implemented
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 537396] LinearGradientBrush crash mono runtime if width or height is set to zero
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 480760] System.Drawing.SystemFonts do not match .Net
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605227] Break on exception not implemented
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605227] Break on exception not implemented
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 471292] Random.Next(Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue) does not generate all numbers
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622318] New: Calling Dispose on a ListView emits Layout events. Doesn't on .NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605227] Break on exception not implemented
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605227] Break on exception not implemented
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605227] Break on exception not implemented
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605227] Break on exception not implemented
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605227] Break on exception not implemented
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605227] Break on exception not implemented
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622398] New: Can't call HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream() from a thread pool thread
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622401] New: Conflicting compiler definitions in TimeZoneInfo.cs
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622524] New: Calling TimeZoneInfo.Local throws TimeZoneNotFoundException
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622532] New: Mono from svn does not build on OS X 10.6.4
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565616] InvalidCastException when storing a not IConvertible value in a string datacolumn.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609109] [Regression] Incoming tablular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocal stream is incorrect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622630] New: Custom XmlResolver doesn't always get called by RelaxNgPattern.Compile()
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622633] New: Bonjour ProviderFactory environment-variable delimiter is Unix-only
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605227] Break on exception not implemented
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 500005] using DrawString results in an "No non-narrowing (except object)" error
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 537396] LinearGradientBrush crash mono runtime if width or height is set to zero
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 592221] DataTime has wrong size/format
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622732] New: Creating outlets to UIAlertView does not generate correct code
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622847] New: Problem with the FSI in F#. Pretty printing exception when I try to do simple assignments of numeric values.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609632] EGlib's g_get_home_dir() not able to read /etc/passwd
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 622972] New: CheckParametersNullityInVisibleMethodsRule does not validate generic methods
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609632] EGlib's g_get_home_dir() not able to read /etc/passwd
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609109] [Regression] Incoming tablular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocal stream is incorrect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609109] [Regression] Incoming tablular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocal stream is incorrect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609109] [Regression] Incoming tablular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocal stream is incorrect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 617909] Mono.Security.Cryptography.MD4Managed.HashCore doesn't deal parameter 'ibStart' properly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609109] [Regression] Incoming tablular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocal stream is incorrect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623071] New: TreeView leaf node is unable to be removed with the Nodes.Remove() method on Mac OS X
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 537396] LinearGradientBrush crash mono runtime if width or height is set to zero
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 537396] LinearGradientBrush crash mono runtime if width or height is set to zero
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609632] EGlib's g_get_home_dir() not able to read /etc/passwd
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609632] EGlib's g_get_home_dir() not able to read /etc/passwd
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623114] New: MonoTouch App Fails on the iPhone with illogical stack trace and works on the Simulator
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 588228] System.Drawing.Graphics.CopyFromScreenX11 crash on 64 bit
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 588228] System.Drawing.Graphics.CopyFromScreenX11 crash on 64 bit
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 617909] Mono.Security.Cryptography.MD4Managed.HashCore doesn't deal parameter 'ibStart' properly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623225] New: Reflection of properties behaviour on simulator and hardware is different
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623242] New: dynamic runtime fails to report RuntimeBinderException and goes infinite loop
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 342140] OdbcConnection.Clone not implemented
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 605340] Unexpected exception on calling String.LastIndexOf on empty strings with startIndex=-1
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623259] New: winforms app crashes on mono without showing anything
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623260] New: boxing issue with abstract class from interface
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623270] New: Cannot upload to device
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623281] New: [Regression] Threadpool treats 'min_threads' as 'max_threads'
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623293] New: BigArrays don't compile
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 608673] Serialization of DateTime values in System.Data.DataSet needs review
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 617609] FtpWebRequest and HttpWebRequest hangs on GetRequestStream.Close()
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 617671] UITableView Header/Footer text truncated on iPad after scrolling
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 603794] HttpWebRequest ReadWriteTimeout ignored
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623390] New: Cannot compile an assembly with a method marked Obsolete(string, true)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623406] New: ConvertEmptyString doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623441] New: Problem with Web Service stub
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623451] New: DataColumn.SetOrdinal fails when ordinal is 0
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623477] New: Different behavior on Thread(ThreadEntryPoint, maxStackSize) on .net and mono
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623483] New: SVN Mono regression, cannot define sum types in F# interactive
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623581] New: Invalid pointer returned from mono_image_load_module
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 581400] reading via stream on non square resource icons causes gdplus to emit [GDI+ status: InvalidParameter]
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 581400] reading via stream on non square resource icons causes gdplus to emit [GDI+ status: InvalidParameter]
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560339] [verifier] abort in setup_interface_offsets on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560330] [verifier] abort in mono_metadata_token_from_dor on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 553403] [verifier] abort in mono_get_delegate_invoke on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560359] [verifier] abort in mono_metadata_decode_row on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560325] [verifier] abort in find_method on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560327] [verifier] abort in mono_class_inflate_generic_class on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 561728] [verifier] SIGSEGV in find_method_in_metadata on a bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 597072] abort in create_jit_info while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623653] New: [verifier] SIGSEGV in concat_two_strings_with_zero on a bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566152] Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable may return null even if the variable exists
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 561614] abort in mono_method_to_ir while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566152] Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable may return null even if the variable exists
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623707] New: Async sockets + domain unload -> crash
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 545337] Disabled Controls respond to user input
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 585240] configure fails to find correct phtread flag when using Sun Studio compiler
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 549946] Double free or memory corruption when calling Control.Invalidate (from another thread)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 577346] Regex constructor throws ArgumentException: range in reverse order
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 618176] Array CopyTo is slower than .net
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623720] New: After Expansion of an item with ExpandableObjectConverter in PropertyGrid control, the PropertyGrid control becomes flaky
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623723] New: Gendarme - AvoidCodeDuplicatedInSameClassRule, AvoidCodeDuplicatedInSiblingClassesRule false positives
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623767] New: File.IO.TextReader and File.IO.StreamReader wrong logic
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565129] UTF8Encoding doesn't throw on incomplete characters
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623785] New: Internal Compiler Error: anonymous function, linq, local variable, method parameter
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623796] New: Mono crashes when I try to debug application with OpenTK in MonoDevelop on OSX
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 438281] Events are fired even if the Control is disabled (Mac only)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 545337] Disabled Controls respond to user input
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 438281] Events are fired even if the Control is disabled (Mac only)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623817] New: UIAlertView clicked event crash MonoTouch 3.0.11
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623822] New: MEF does not work on Case-Sensitive filesystems.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 562150] abort in compute_class_bitmap while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 544180] System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding throws NotSupportedException
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 562009] [verifier] SIGSEGV in mono_method_signature on a bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 623961] New: Accessing Location when in Flight Mode - causes app exit?
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567428] Soap Headers dont appear to be passing to webservice
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567428] Soap Headers dont appear to be passing to webservice
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 567428] Soap Headers dont appear to be passing to webservice
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 577346] Regex constructor throws ArgumentException: range in reverse order
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566117] Regex.Split behavior differs from .NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 607585] NRE in int.ToString
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 593694] Support BIG5 encoding
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571493] "." incorrectly parsed as decimal (conflicts with MS .NET behaviour)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 571493] "." incorrectly parsed as decimal (conflicts with MS .NET behaviour)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624045] New: ASP.NET Soft Debugger hangs
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624050] New: Cecil ignores NonSerialized attribute
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624104] New: mono-abi-info tool
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 585234] [patch] Struct MetafileHeader inwin32structs.h has unnamed union
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 556181] Wrong Dpi values when created Graphic instance with Graphic.FromImage()
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624183] New: dmcs fails to compile a call to a method with a out dynamic parameter
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624194] New: dmcs issue with as operation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624197] New: dmcs issue with dynamic in overriden methods
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 491191] Unhandled Exceptions thrown in Threads seem to be ignored. .NET difference
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 491191] Unhandled Exceptions thrown in Threads seem to be ignored. .NET difference
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624242] New: CS1569 while generating XML documentation for generic method that has <typeparam> tag
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560834] [verifier] SIGSEGV in method_from_methodspec on a bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 562156] abort in mono_method_get_vtable_slot while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 570647] abort in mono_method_to_ir (costs > 0) while JITting a verified method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 556181] Wrong Dpi values when created Graphic instance with Graphic.FromImage()
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 396579] Invalid IL code generated in PropertyInfo.GetValue
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 491191] Unhandled Exceptions thrown in Threads seem to be ignored. .NET difference
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 491191] Unhandled Exceptions thrown in Threads seem to be ignored. .NET difference
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624299] New: assertion failed when using IEnumerable in F# Interactive
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624304] New: TypeLoadException in F# interactive with user-defined types
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624324] New: gmcs generates invalid programs
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 584833] SqlCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters() does not find the correct stored procedure
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 606204] Graphics.DrawString alignment inconsistent with .NET (and Expectation)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 606204] Graphics.DrawString alignment inconsistent with .NET (and Expectation)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 606204] [PATCH] Graphics.DrawString alignment inconsistent with .NET (and Expectation)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 491191] Unhandled Exceptions thrown in Threads seem to be ignored. .NET difference
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573241] HttpWebRequest disallows writing to the request stream for certain http methods
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624498] New: async_io_thread crashes when unloading domain
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 537394] Crash when in Settings after upgrade
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 537394] Crash when in Settings after upgrade
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624522] New: Frequent occurrence of TlsException: Bad record MAC
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 573241] HttpWebRequest disallows writing to the request stream for certain http methods
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624650] New: Wrong error reported when using [Conditional] attribute with override keyword
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624660] New: dmcs fails to resolve types in xml comments
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624661] New: dmcs fails to parse generic form in xml docs
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 603454] [regression] error CS1574: XML comment ... that could not be resolved
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 419828] Verifier causes F# to fail on Mono trunk
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 594642] System.ArgumentException from System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces on Mac OS X
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624734] New: Problem with WebServices Stub
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624828] New: mono --debug=gdb immediately fails
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624849] New: BlockingCollection<T> takes 100% cpu when blocking for an element
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624870] New: gmcs looks at private members instead of public propertes in annotation attribute matching
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624903] New: EKEvent Title is readonly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624914] New: InvalidCastException in get_AppSettings under xsp4 where it works under xsp2
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624915] New: calling ExpandAll() on a TreeView contain in a small panel can throw ArgumentOutOfRangeException.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 624942] New: make run-test-ondotnet no longer works on corlib 2.0; cannot decode embedded access permission set
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 533291] Copy and Paste works within an application, but not between applications
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566511] Lambda/Expression throws ArgumentException: The field handle and the type handle are incompatible in generic class.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 625026] New: System.Net.Mime.ContentType incorrect parsing of Boundary field
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 419828] Verifier causes F# to fail on Mono trunk
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565616] InvalidCastException when storing a not IConvertible value in a string datacolumn.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 565616] InvalidCastException when storing a not IConvertible value in a string datacolumn.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 625114] New: dmcs System.Core compilation issue with generic parameters
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 625214] New: ScrollBars.None prevents to show last row of DataGridView
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 625321] New: AjaxControlToolkit v3.5 Sample website fails to display in xsp2
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 625353] New: DMCS does error about ambuigity, where .Net 4.0's doesn't.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 625357] New: assembly not found in the GAC (Global Assembly Cache), but appears in gacutil -l
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 625359] New: race in thread pool shutdown
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 625367] New: MethodCallExpression of Enum fail to invoke
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 625583] New: gmcs emits unused field warning on field used as argument to method invocation
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609109] [Regression] Incoming tablular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocal stream is incorrect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609109] [Regression] Incoming tablular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocal stream is incorrect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 625734] New: Accessing SOAP service results in: Error writing request: The authentication or decryption has failed.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 566511] Lambda/Expression throws ArgumentException: The field handle and the type handle are incompatible in generic class.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 612478] [DOC] [Regression] Cannot compile taglib-sharp
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 425898] [DOC] Generated XML documentation //member/@name is wrong for methods w/ delegate arguments
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 601801] [DOC] (mono-156994) don't parsing NAnt-XML
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 603454] [DOC] [regression] error CS1574: XML comment ... that could not be resolved
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 584833] SqlCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters() does not find the correct stored procedure
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 625933] New: not compile .csproj from xbuild
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 625938] New: not compile .csproj from xbuild
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 626018] New: I cannot execute the multithread tests of the System.Data.SQLite
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 626034] New: Calling Dispose() on a child window kills the entire application
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 495516] DrawImage and PNGCodec broken w.r.t. alpha channel
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 537394] Crash when in Settings after upgrade
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 475231] DateTime.ParseExact failes on fractions of seconds
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 626084] New: Html.TextArea exception thrown, when same code works on MS.NET
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 626129] New: OutOfMemoryException - With a large number of defects it is impossible to save/view results.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 626131] New: FastCGI sometimes errors while trying to retrieve request headers
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 626164] New: System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient sometimes silently drops messages on the floor
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 626168] New: IsFullyTrusted is missing from System.Reflection.Assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 618522] Compiler InternalError when compiling derived class that tries to call base class private method
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 616068] [Regression] gmcs no longer does some access checks
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 444180] CS0122 expected
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 333891] CS0122 error when accessing member hidden by non-accessible member
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 584833] SqlCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters() does not find the correct stored procedure
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609109] [Regression] Incoming tablular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocal stream is incorrect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 609109] [Regression] Incoming tablular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocal stream is incorrect.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 613362] Trying to compile MassTransit assembly in MassTransit git crashes gmcs
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 626375] New: Two empty "Could not load signature due to:"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 626396] New: Reflector does not display search results and crashes
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 462264] Notepad.exe does not open
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 601982] SIGSEGV in mono_compile_create_var / mono_type_is_long
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 626441] New: Incorrect System.BadImageFormatException: Invalid method token 0x0a000002 for call at 0x000a
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 626459] New: Keyboard echo erratic when using TermInfoDriver console input
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 619658] UIActionSheet causes crash
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 626474] New: Reports lack of overridable accessor when it is in an upper level of the class hierarchy
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 553403] [verifier] abort in mono_get_delegate_invoke on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 603279] [verifier] abort with "unknown type 0x16 in mono_class_array_element_size"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 601953] [verifier] stack_push: assertion failed: (ctx->eval.size < ctx->max_stack)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 626659] New: Invalid Incompatible this argument on stack with method signature at 0x0023
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 597103] UsingWebBrowser Crashes when right clicking in middle of website
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 320403] AssemblyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute() should not treat any attributes specially
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 320403] AssemblyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute() should not treat any attributes specially
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 320403] AssemblyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute() should not treat any attributes specially
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 322160] [2.0] SignedXml does not support X509Data element
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 327484] TypeBuilder.CreateType does not perform checks for abstract methods
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 333725] SecurityElement.FromString removed character references
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 376929] DateTime.ParseExact adds day when parsing minvalue
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 626782] New: [SGEN] Dynamic Methods can have invalid pointer to managed objects
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 574410] metadata verifier doesn't something wrong with vararg signatures
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 626829] New: [Regression] Treeview > populate-on-demand fails on mono-2.6.x
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 626944] New: Math.Log(2, 1) should return double.NaN instead of double.PositiveInfinity
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 606703] Could not load file or assembly '.......' or one of its dependencies.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 626950] New: HttpWebRequest_WebException_RemoteServer using ServiceHost
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 627044] New: Null delegate conversion failure.
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 627064] New: String.Format with double gives different output between Mono and dotNet
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 560359] [verifier] abort in mono_metadata_decode_row on bad assembly
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 627139] New: System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load behaves different from .net implementation when encountering encoding="UTF8"
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 627144] New: Support servers without GUIs
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 576827] RPM template deps are incorrect for webapps created for RHEL/CentOS
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 627158] New: Missing .pc file for System.Web.Mvc version 2
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 541017] JIT Crashes with ERROR:mini-codegen.c:1144:mono_local_regalloc: assertion failed: (reginfo [sreg].born_in > 0)
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
- [Mono-bugs] [Bug 627296] New: gmcs doesn't handle CS0542 member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type
bugzilla_noreply at novell.com
Last message date:
Sat Jul 31 20:29:40 EDT 2010
Archived on: Sat Jul 31 20:30:04 EDT 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).