September 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Sep 2 02:35:03 EDT 2007
Ending: Sun Sep 30 22:41:01 EDT 2007
Messages: 325
- [Mono-dev] Clear Connection Pool (SybaseConnection)
Nagappan A
- [Mono-dev] Clear Connection Pool (SybaseConnection)
Nagappan A
- [Mono-dev] Clear Connection Pool (SybaseConnection)
Nagappan A
- [Mono-dev] menu StaticSelectedStyle
Anton Andreev
- [Mono-dev] menu StaticSelectedStyle
Anton Andreev
- [Mono-dev] Is AJAX ready
Anton Andreev
- [Mono-dev] Daily test tarballs no more ?
Joachim Ante
- [Mono-dev] mono_debug_close_image bug
Joachim Ante
- [Mono-dev] gmcs regression in svn
Joachim Ante
- [Mono-dev] [Beginners] Problem to do a simple makefile
David Arnaud-Goddet
- [Mono-dev] [Gtk.Application.Invoke] Thread to up date a Gtk.Label
David Arnaud-Goddet
- [Mono-dev] Error "Mcs.exe" with System.XML assembly
David Arnaud-Goddet
- [Mono-dev] [Gtk#] How to print on win32 and Unix
David Arnaud-Goddet
- [Mono-dev] Register my own stock items with Gtk#
David Arnaud-Goddet
- [Mono-dev] Register my own stock items with Gtk#
David Arnaud-Goddet
- [Mono-dev] What's with bugzilla?
Vance Baarda
- [Mono-dev] Who broke master pages in trunk :)
R. Tyler Ballance
- [Mono-dev] Proposed Extension to System.Web.Script.Serialization
R. Tyler Ballance
- [Mono-dev] Replicating System.Web.Script.Serialization bugs
R. Tyler Ballance
- [Mono-dev] Replicating System.Web.Script.Serialization bugs
R. Tyler Ballance
- [Mono-dev] Replicating System.Web.Script.Serialization bugs
R. Tyler Ballance
- [Mono-dev] MailDefinition patch
Dumitru Ban
- [Mono-dev] MailDefinition patch
Dumitru Ban
- [Mono-dev] C bindings VS C++ bindings (Gtk# vs. Kimono?)
Mirco Bauer
- [Mono-dev] Remoting Question
Mirco Bauer
- [Mono-dev] Remoting Question
Mirco Bauer
- [Mono-dev] Daily test tarballs no more ?
Wade Berrier
- [Mono-dev] MonoDvelop IDE crash
Abir Bhattacharya
- [Mono-dev] MonoDvelop IDE crash
Abir Bhattacharya
- [Mono-dev] run-time errors with core dumped in console database app
Abir Bhattacharya
- [Mono-dev] [System.IO.Ports] How to configure the serial port?
Xavi de Blas
- [Mono-dev] Mono dtrace provider?
Jason Brazile
- [Mono-dev] MWF Status report
Everaldo Canuto
- [Mono-dev] MWF Status report
Everaldo Canuto
- [Mono-dev] MWF Status report
Everaldo Canuto
- [Mono-dev] MWF Status report
Everaldo Canuto
- [Mono-dev] Big Arrays, Many Changes --- Request for Advice
Jonathan Chambers
- [Mono-dev] Silverlight test suite
Leszek Ciesielski
- [Mono-dev] CruiseControl.Net reports failed NAnt builds as success
Leszek Ciesielski
- [Mono-dev] Enabling debugging for Mono/XSP2 on Windows
Rob Dagg
- [Mono-dev] Ribbon library
Laurent Debacker
- [Mono-dev] Register my own stock items with Gtk#
Stephane Delcroix
- [Mono-dev] [Gtk#] How to print on win32 and Unix
Vladimir Dimitrov
- [Mono-dev] More ODBC questions: AutoCommit and BeginTransaction
Mads Bondo Dydensborg
- [Mono-dev] More ODBC questions: AutoCommit and BeginTransaction
Mads Bondo Dydensborg
- [Mono-dev] More ODBC questions: AutoCommit and BeginTransaction
Mads Bondo Dydensborg
- [Mono-dev] Question on the C->C# translation of WinApi MSG struct.
Mike Edenfield
- [Mono-dev] patch for cross-domain Activator.CreateIntance[From]()
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] Mono-devel-list Digest, Vol 29, Issue 21
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] 'configure: error: ./configure failed for libgc'
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] windows build breakage? (missing CreateString)
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] windows build breakage? (missing CreateString)
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] windows build breakage? (missing CreateString)
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] Remoting Question
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] incomplete ACL patch
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] compile error in System.Xml.Serialization/XmlSerializationWriterInterpreter.cs
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] cecil optimization design proposal
Roei Erez
- [Mono-dev] cecil optimization design proposal
Jb Evain
- [Mono-dev] Problem with VS 2005 project file for Gendarme
Jb Evain
- [Mono-dev] ask for backport on mono 1.2.5 branch
- [Mono-dev] ask for backport on mono 1.2.5 branch
- [Mono-dev] ask for backport on mono 1.2.5 branch
- [Mono-dev] Response.BufferOutput behaviour under apache/mod_mono
- [Mono-dev] ask for backport on mono 1.2.5 branch
- [Mono-dev] WARNING : Memory leak with ASP.NET on mono 1.2.5
- [Mono-dev] WARNING : Memory leak with ASP.NET on mono 1.2.5
- [Mono-dev] [Mono-list] error on viewstate
- [Mono-dev] [Mono-list] error on viewstate
- [Mono-dev] SOAP Remoting
Glen Ford
- [Mono-dev] Remoting Question
Glen Ford
- [Mono-dev] Big Arrays, Many Changes --- Request for Advice
Jeroen Frijters
- [Mono-dev] How to use monocharge to bootstrap the build?
Andreas Färber
- [Mono-dev] C bindings VS C++ bindings (Gtk# vs. Kimono?)
Andreas Färber
- [Mono-dev] What's with bugzilla?
Andreas Färber
- [Mono-dev] Problems using Tao Framework
Andreas Färber
- [Mono-dev] BUG : compile mono under winxp
Andreia Gaita
- [Mono-dev] Working on Olive in VS
Andreia Gaita
- [Mono-dev] Replicating System.Web.Script.Serialization bugs
Andreia Gaita
- [Mono-dev] Remoting Question
Phil Garcia
- [Mono-dev] More ODBC questions: AutoCommit and BeginTransaction
Amc Gmail
- [Mono-dev] error compiling mod_mono 1.2.5 with apache 1.3
César González
- [Mono-dev] error compiling mod_mono 1.2.5 with apache 1.3
César González
- [Mono-dev] error compiling mod_mono 1.2.5 with apache 1.3
César González
- [Mono-dev] error compiling mod_mono 1.2.5 with apache 1.3
César González
- [Mono-dev] menu StaticSelectedStyle
Onur Gumus
- [Mono-dev] MS ASP.NET Skin Incompability
Onur Gumus
- [Mono-dev] Please Fix Transaction Isolation level bug MONO80106. Prevents usage of NHibernate with sql server
Onur Gumus
- [Mono-dev] Predictate delegate imcompability
Onur Gumus
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] AppDomain.AssemblyResolve event differences between Mono and MS.NET
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-dev] MailDefinition patch
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-dev] MailDefinition patch
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-dev] Cosmetic patch to StaticSiteMapProvider
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-dev] MS ASP.NET Skin Incompability
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-dev] [Mono-list] error on viewstate
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-dev] [Mono-list] error on viewstate
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-dev] error compiling mod_mono 1.2.5 with apache 1.3
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-dev] error compiling mod_mono 1.2.5 with apache 1.3
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-dev] error compiling mod_mono 1.2.5 with apache 1.3
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-dev] error compiling mod_mono 1.2.5 with apache 1.3
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-dev] error compiling mod_mono 1.2.5 with apache 1.3
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-dev] mkbundle / location of mono-files
Elmar Haneke
- [Mono-dev] mkbundle / location of mono-files
Elmar Haneke
- [Mono-dev] mkbundle / location of mono-files
Elmar Haneke
- [Mono-dev] Embedding MONO_PATH
Elmar Haneke
- [Mono-dev] Embedding MONO_PATH
Elmar Haneke
- [Mono-dev] Embedding MONO_PATH
Elmar Haneke
- [Mono-dev] Mono.Cairo patch
Hencke, Robert
- [Mono-dev] What's with bugzilla?
Michi Henning
- [Mono-dev] Casting bug with generic collections
Michi Henning
- [Mono-dev] What's with bugzilla?
Michi Henning
- [Mono-dev] What's with bugzilla?
Michi Henning
- [Mono-dev] What's with bugzilla?
Michi Henning
- [Mono-dev] mono_thread_get_stack_bounds vs NetBSD/powerpc
Magnus Henoch
- [Mono-dev] Cannot compile the 9/16 daily build due to: boehm-gc.c:262: parse error before `MONO_TLS_FAST'
Andy Hume
- [Mono-dev] 'configure: error: ./configure failed for libgc'
Andy Hume
- [Mono-dev] 'configure: error: ./configure failed for libgc'
Andy Hume
- [Mono-dev] windows build breakage? (missing CreateString)
Andy Hume
- [Mono-dev] bugzilla and 'VERIFIED'
Andy Hume
- [Mono-dev] windows build breakage? (missing CreateString)
Andy Hume
- [Mono-dev] class status
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Silverlight test suite
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Mono-devel-list Digest, Vol 29, Issue 21
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] [Mono-list] Mono summit, options.
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Smart client deployment in mono
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Linq to Sql Start
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Mono.sln
Rikus Jansen
- [Mono-dev] [ANN] Smokey- Assembly Analyzer
Jesse Jones
- [Mono-dev] Mono support for .NET 1.0 (was Possible bug in System.Windows.Forms)
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Big Arrays, Many Changes --- Request for Advice
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] mkbundle / location of mono-files
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] mkbundle / location of mono-files
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] mkbundle / location of mono-files
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Compiling mono under windows
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Mono-devel-list Digest, Vol 29, Issue 21
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Cannot compile the 9/16 daily build due to: boehm-gc.c:262: parse error before `MONO_TLS_FAST'
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Cannot compile the 9/16 daily build due to: boehm-gc.c:262: parse error before `MONO_TLS_FAST'
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Failing Unit Tests of NET_2_0 Profile
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] SPAM-LOW: Failing Unit Tests of NET_2_0 Profile
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] How to use monocharge to bootstrap the build?
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Linq sample?
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] error compiling mod_mono 1.2.5 with apache 1.3
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] BlueZ Sharp
Jouini Karim
- [Mono-dev] [Gtk#] How to print on win32 and Unix
Markus Kilås
- [Mono-dev] Smart client deployment in mono
Yevgen Kryutchkov
- [Mono-dev] Linq In Mono
Kevin Kubasik
- [Mono-dev] Working on Olive in VS
Kevin Kubasik
- [Mono-dev] Linq to Sql Start
Kevin Kubasik
- [Mono-dev] Linq to Sql Start
Kevin Kubasik
- [Mono-dev] Linq to Sql Start
Kevin Kubasik
- [Mono-dev] Linq to Sql Start
Kevin Kubasik
- [Mono-dev] Linq to Sql Start
Kevin Kubasik
- [Mono-dev] DataQuery.cs Bug #327048
Kevin Kubasik
- [Mono-dev] DataContext Implementation Advice
Kevin Kubasik
- [Mono-dev] DataContext Implementation Advice
Kevin Kubasik
- [Mono-dev] Linq sample?
Kevin Kubasik
- [Mono-dev] Linq sample?
Kevin Kubasik
- [Mono-dev] DataQuery.cs Bug #327048
Kevin Kubasik
- [Mono-dev] Assembly.GetType() leaks with generic types
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] windows build breakage? (missing CreateString)
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Generic Type Definition / Open Instantiation mismatch patch.
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] Fwd: [PATCH] Generic Type Definition / Open Instantiation mismatch patch.
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Generic Type Definition / Open Instantiation mismatch patch.
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Generic Type Definition / Open Instantiation mismatch patch.
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] File permissions lost when contents are extracted using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Tar
Rathna Kumar M
- [Mono-dev] C bindings VS C++ bindings (Gtk# vs. Kimono?)
James Mansion
- [Mono-dev] Problems using Tao Framework
Bart Masschelein
- [Mono-dev] Problems using Tao Framework
Bart Masschelein
- [Mono-dev] gmcs regression in svn
Alan McGovern
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] AppDomain.AssemblyResolve event differences between Mono and MS.NET
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] Big Arrays, Many Changes --- Request for Advice
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] Unhandled exception behavior
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] How to use monocharge to bootstrap the build?
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] windows build breakage? (missing CreateString)
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] How to use monocharge to bootstrap the build?
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] How to use monocharge to bootstrap the build?
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] [Mono-list] questions about embedded devices with mono
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] Fwd: [PATCH] Generic Type Definition / Open Instantiation mismatch patch.
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] Mono dtrace provider?
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] Predictate delegate imcompability
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] Various Master Page Related Problems
Kevin Monceaux
- [Mono-dev] Various Master Page Related Problems
Kevin Monceaux
- [Mono-dev] Various Master Page Related Problems
Kevin Monceaux
- [Mono-dev] How to use monocharge to bootstrap the build?
Philippe Monnet
- [Mono-dev] How to use monocharge to bootstrap the build?
Philippe Monnet
- [Mono-dev] RichTextBox scrollinfo
Sir Moon
- [Mono-dev] [Beginners] Problem to do a simple makefile
Marcos Cobeña Morián
- [Mono-dev] Mono 1.2.5 assertion on windows
Marcos Cobeña Morián
- [Mono-dev] Error "Mcs.exe" with System.XML assembly
Marcos Cobeña Morián
- [Mono-dev] Error "Mcs.exe" with System.XML assembly
Marcos Cobeña Morián
- [Mono-dev] Mono.sln
Marcos Cobeña Morián
- [Mono-dev] [Mono-list] Mono summit, options.
Marcos Cobeña Morián
- [Mono-dev] Smart client deployment in mono
Marcos Cobeña Morián
- [Mono-dev] windows build breakage? (missing CreateString)
Marcos Cobeña Morián
- [Mono-dev] Embedding MONO_PATH
Marcos Cobeña Morián
- [Mono-dev] Embedding MONO_PATH
Marcos Cobeña Morián
- [Mono-dev] Embedding MONO_PATH
Marcos Cobeña Morián
- [Mono-dev] System.Messaging: Anyone currently working on this?
Marcos Cobeña Morián
- [Mono-dev] Problems using Tao Framework
Marcos Cobeña Morián
- [Mono-dev] IIF Bug in Mono.Data.SqlExpressions/Parser.jay
A Nagappan
- [Mono-dev] More ODBC questions: AutoCommit and BeginTransaction
A Nagappan
- [Mono-dev] Is AJAX ready
Daniel Nauck
- [Mono-dev] Big Arrays, Many Changes --- Request for Advice
Luis F. Ortiz
- [Mono-dev] Big Arrays, Many Changes --- Request for Advice
Luis F. Ortiz
- [Mono-dev] Big Arrays, Many Changes --- Request for Advice
Luis F. Ortiz
- [Mono-dev] Big Arrays, Many Changes --- Request for Advice
Luis F. Ortiz
- [Mono-dev] Big Arrays, Many Changes --- Request for Advice
Luis F. Ortiz
- [Mono-dev] Various Master Page Related Problems
- [Mono-dev] Possible bug in System.Windows.Forms
Brandon Perry
- [Mono-dev] Possible bug in System.Windows.Forms
Brandon Perry
- [Mono-dev] C bindings VS C++ bindings (Gtk# vs. Kimono?)
Brandon Perry
- [Mono-dev] C bindings VS C++ bindings (Gtk# vs. Kimono?)
Brandon Perry
- [Mono-dev] Test Results: IronPython 2.0 Alpha 3/4, Kamaelia, Nested Yields, MS.NET and Mono 1.2.5./trunk/ r85570
M. David Peterson
- [Mono-dev] Test Results: IronPython 2.0 Alpha 3/4, Kamaelia, Nested Yields, MS.NET and Mono 1.2.5./trunk/ r85570
M. David Peterson
- [Mono-dev] Test Results: IronPython 2.0 Alpha 3/4, Kamaelia, Nested Yields, MS.NET and Mono 1.2.5./trunk/ r85570
M. David Peterson
- [Mono-dev] Test Results: IronPython 2.0 Alpha 3/4, Kamaelia, Nested Yields, MS.NET and Mono 1.2.5./trunk/ r85570
M. David Peterson
- [Mono-dev] Test Results: IronPython 2.0 Alpha 3/4, Kamaelia, Nested Yields, MS.NET and Mono 1.2.5./trunk/ r85570
M. David Peterson
- [Mono-dev] System.Messaging: Anyone currently working on this?
M. David Peterson
- [Mono-dev] System.Messaging: Anyone currently working on this?
M. David Peterson
- [Mono-dev] System.Messaging: Anyone currently working on this?
M. David Peterson
- [Mono-dev] Remoting Question
- [Mono-dev] Mono support for .NET 1.0 (was Possible bug in System.Windows.Forms)
Charlie Poole
- [Mono-dev] SPAM-LOW: Failing Unit Tests of NET_2_0 Profile
Charlie Poole
- [Mono-dev] Problem with VS 2005 project file for Gendarme
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-dev] Mono.Cairo patch
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-dev] [Beginners] Problem to do a simple makefile
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] Linq sample?
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] C bindings VS C++ bindings (Gtk# vs. Kimono?)
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] Problem with sqlite and Win2000
Torello Querci
- [Mono-dev] run-time errors with core dumped in console database app
- [Mono-dev] IIF Bug in Mono.Data.SqlExpressions/Parser.jay
Joel Reed
- [Mono-dev] Enabling debugging for Mono/XSP2 on Windows
Joel Reed
- [Mono-dev] compile error in System.Xml.Serialization/XmlSerializationWriterInterpreter.cs
Joel Reed
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Mono.Data.SqlExpressions improvements
Joel Reed
- [Mono-dev] C bindings VS C++ bindings (Gtk# vs. Kimono?)
Arno Rehn
- [Mono-dev] questions about embedded devices with mono
Victor Rocha
- [Mono-dev] Big Arrays, Many Changes --- Request for Advice
Marek Safar
- [Mono-dev] Could this be a bug in gmcs?
Marek Safar
- [Mono-dev] Possible compiler bug with nested partial classes.
Marek Safar
- [Mono-dev] Linq In Mono
Marek Safar
- [Mono-dev] Possible compiler bug with nested partial classes.
Marek Safar
- [Mono-dev] Linq to Sql Start
Marek Safar
- [Mono-dev] Linq to Sql Start
Marek Safar
- [Mono-dev] Linq status
Marek Safar
- [Mono-dev] Linq sample?
Marek Safar
- [Mono-dev] Compiling-Error
Marek Safar
- [Mono-dev] Compiling-Error
Marek Safar
- [Mono-dev] DataQuery.cs Bug #327048
Marek Safar
- [Mono-dev] MonoDvelop IDE crash
Lluis Sanchez
- [Mono-dev] Possible bug in System.Windows.Forms
Valentin Sawadski
- [Mono-dev] Could this be a bug in gmcs?
Valentin Sawadski
- [Mono-dev] Compiling-Error
Michael Schöndorfer
- [Mono-dev] Compiling-Error
Michael Schöndorfer
- [Mono-dev] IronPython 2.0 Alpha 4 and Mono
Sanghyeon Seo
- [Mono-dev] Mono 1.2.5 for Solaris 10/x86 binaries
Cetin Sert
- [Mono-dev] Strings and Unicode in Mono/.NET
Cetin Sert
- [Mono-dev] Mono 1.2.5 assertion on windows
Dan Shechter
- [Mono-dev] [Beginners] Problem to do a simple makefile
Kamil Skalski
- [Mono-dev] Linq sample?
Kamil Skalski
- [Mono-dev] Linq sample?
Kamil Skalski
- [Mono-dev] Linq sample?
Kamil Skalski
- [Mono-dev] Assembly.GetType() leaks with generic types
Juraj Skripsky
- [Mono-dev] Assembly.GetType() leaks with generic types
Juraj Skripsky
- [Mono-dev] Encoding problem with HttpResponse.Redirect
Juraj Skripsky
- [Mono-dev] Cosmetic patch to StaticSiteMapProvider
Juraj Skripsky
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Generic Type Definition / Open Instantiation mismatch patch.
Juraj Skripsky
- [Mono-dev] Possible compiler bug with nested partial classes.
- [Mono-dev] Question on the C->C# translation of WinApi MSG struct.
- [Mono-dev] Question on the C->C# translation of WinApi MSG struct.
- [Mono-dev] Problems using Tao Framework
- [Mono-dev] DataContext Implementation Advice
Paul Stovell
- [Mono-dev] DataContext Implementation Advice
Paul Stovell
- [Mono-dev] .Net 2.0 asynchronous web pages
- [Mono-dev] .Net 2.0 asynchronous web pages
- [Mono-dev] .Net 2.0 asynchronous web pages
- [Mono-dev] error compiling mod_mono 1.2.5 with apache 1.3
Joshua Tauberer
- [Mono-dev] Strings and Unicode in Mono/.NET
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-dev] Google/Blogspot is not honoring the rss feed links (maybe only for browsing clients) and that is breaking Monologue aggregation
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-dev] System.Web.Extension
Konstantin Triger
- [Mono-dev] Proposed Extension to System.Web.Script.Serialization
Konstantin Triger
- [Mono-dev] .Net 2.0 asynchronous web pages
Konstantin Triger
- [Mono-dev] Replicating System.Web.Script.Serialization bugs
Konstantin Triger
- [Mono-dev] Replicating System.Web.Script.Serialization bugs
Konstantin Triger
- [Mono-dev] mono_thread_get_stack_bounds vs NetBSD/powerpc
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-dev] Warnings in mono 1.2.5
Michał Ziemski
- [Mono-dev] [Beginners] Problem to do a simple makefile
Michał Ziemski
- [Mono-dev] C bindings VS C++ bindings (Gtk# vs. Kimono?)
"Andrés G. Aragoneses [ knocte ]
- [Mono-dev] C bindings VS C++ bindings (Gtk# vs. Kimono?)
"Andrés G. Aragoneses [ knocte ]
- [Mono-dev] C bindings VS C++ bindings (Gtk# vs. Kimono?)
"Andrés G. Aragoneses [ knocte ]
- [Mono-dev] Remoting Question
"Andrés G. Aragoneses [ knocte ]
- [Mono-dev] Replicating System.Web.Script.Serialization bugs
"Andrés G. Aragoneses [ knocte ]
- [Mono-dev] C bindings VS C++ bindings (Gtk# vs. Kimono?)
"Andrés G. Aragoneses [ knocte ]"
- [Mono-dev] class status
olivier dufour
- [Mono-dev] MWF Status report
olivier dufour
- [Mono-dev] mono compile
olivier dufour
- [Mono-dev] BUG : compile mono under winxp
olivier dufour
- [Mono-dev] Compiling mono under windows
olivier dufour
- [Mono-dev] Mono-devel-list Digest, Vol 29, Issue 21
olivier dufour
- [Mono-dev] compile mono under windows
olivier dufour
- [Mono-dev] mono compile under windows
olivier dufour
- [Mono-dev] Errors: sessionState
azher at
- [Mono-dev] compile error
- [Mono-dev] compile error
- [Mono-dev] Cannot compile the 9/16 daily build due to: boehm-gc.c:262: parse error before `MONO_TLS_FAST'
mono-dev at
- [Mono-dev] Cannot compile the 9/16 daily build due to: boehm-gc.c:262: parse error before `MONO_TLS_FAST'
mono-dev at
- [Mono-dev] Cannot compile the 9/16 daily build due to: boehm-gc.c:262: parse error before `MONO_TLS_FAST'
mono-dev at
- [Mono-dev] S390
- [Mono-dev] Warnings in mono 1.2.5
- [Mono-dev] Problem with sqlite and Win2000
- [Mono-dev] Problem with sqlite and Win2000
- [Mono-dev] Linq sample?
- [Mono-dev] Linq status
- [Mono-dev] Remoting Question
- [Mono-dev] Linq sample?
- [Mono-dev] Linq sample?
- [Mono-dev] Remoting Question
- [Mono-dev] Linq status
- [Mono-dev] Linq sample?
- [Mono-dev] Linq sample?
- [Mono-dev] Linq sample?
- [Mono-dev] C bindings VS C++ bindings (Gtk# vs. Kimono?)
- [Mono-dev] Problem with VS 2005 project file for Gendarme
Richard.Foster at
- [Mono-dev] Problem with VS 2005 project file for Gendarme
Richard.Foster at
- [Mono-dev] Clear Connection Pool (SybaseConnection)
thomas.x.juul at
- [Mono-dev] Clear Connection Pool (SybaseConnection)
thomas.x.juul at
- [Mono-dev] Trouble with Build Action
Last message date:
Sun Sep 30 22:41:01 EDT 2007
Archived on: Fri Feb 8 09:08:37 EST 2008
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