June 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jun 1 02:26:46 EDT 2006
Ending: Fri Jun 30 15:08:19 EDT 2006
Messages: 252
- [Mono-list] Anyone using FirebirdSQL Embedded?
Lee Jenkins (DataTrakPOS)
- [Mono-list] TCPListener Service application
Lee Jenkins (DataTrakPOS)
- [Mono-list] Running System Processes or external executables
Lee Jenkins (DataTrakPOS)
- [Mono-list] relicensing from NPL to MIT/X11
César Octavio López Natarén
- [Mono-list] privatePath, bindingRedirect, publisher policy files...
Wiktor Grębla
- [Mono-list] Re: Problem compiling simple app using Mono. Partial
of `TestMono.Form1' have conflicting accessibility modifiers
"Andrés G. Aragoneses [ knocte ]
- [Mono-list] Mono Install Size
Brent Arias
- [Mono-list] Possible DateTime.parse issue
Peter Dennis Bartok
- [Mono-list] Mono Distro Downloads
Wade Berrier
- [Mono-list] Mono Distro Downloads
Wade Berrier
- [Mono-list] Mono Distro Downloads
Wade Berrier
- [Mono-list] Mono Distro Downloads
Wade Berrier
- [Mono-list] Mono Distro Downloads
Wade Berrier
- [Mono-list] fedora-5-x86_64 rpms available
Wade Berrier
- [Mono-list] boo- sourcecode anywhere?
Wade Berrier
- [Mono-list] relicensing from NPL to MIT/X11
Christian Birkl
- [Mono-list] [semi off-topic] po files on .NET
xavier de Blas
- [Mono-list] [semi off-topic] po files on .NET
xavier de Blas
- [Mono-list] [semi off-topic] po files on .NET
xavier de Blas
- [Mono-list] relicensing from NPL to MIT/X11
Zac Bowling
- [Mono-list] Cannot find assembly `nunit.framework.dll'
P. Oscar Boykin
- [Mono-list] preferate build tool ?
Peter Bradley
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Getting a service to start automatically
Peter Bradley
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Getting a service to start automatically
Bradley, Peter
- [Mono-list] favorite IDE ?
Bradley, Peter
- [Mono-list] Running EXE's without "Mono" preamble
David Brain
- [Mono-list] Possible DateTime.parse issue
David Brain
- [Mono-list] 'Unix transport error' trying to run MonoDevelop 0.11
- [Mono-list] 'Unix transport error' trying to run MonoDevelop 0.11
- [Mono-list] [semi off-topic] po files on .NET
Jorge Perez Burgos
- [Mono-list] [semi off-topic] po files on .NET
Jorge Perez Burgos
- [Mono-list] Apache2, Solaris 10, xsp, mod mono and bus error
Jesús Alejandro Escalera Camarillo
- [Mono-list] mono System.IO.FileSystemWatcher:set_Path problem
Matthew Causey
- [Mono-list] Re: Problem compiling simple app using Mono.
Partialdeclarations of `TestMono.Form1' have conflicting
Jonathan S. Chambers
- [Mono-list] Re: Problem compiling simple app using Mono.
Partialdeclarations of `TestMono.Form1' have conflicting
Jonathan S. Chambers
- [Mono-list] Building Mono on AMD64: relocation R_X86_64_TPOFF32 against a local symbol
Jason Clouse
- [Mono-list] Working with Files
Dallman, John
- [Mono-list] preferate build tool ?
Steve Deobald
- [Mono-list] Auto Running Processeses
Oleg Deribas
- [Mono-list] Dbus-mono SOS
kamel Derouiche
- [Mono-list] NAnt 0.85 Release Candidate 4 is available
Gert Driesen
- [Mono-list] xterm and System.Console 2.0
Martin Dvořák
- [Mono-list] Mono NCurses bindings
Stephan Eberle
- [Mono-list] Mono web host?
Aaron Edwards
- [Mono-list] preferate build tool ?
Aaron Edwards
- [Mono-list] preferate build tool ?
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-list] QT bindings for Mono
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-list] Re: QT bindings for Mono
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-list] Re: QT bindings for Mono
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-list] Re: QT bindings for Mono
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-list] Dns problem with svn.myrealbox.com
- [Mono-list] Problems serializing 'object' classes
Javier Fernandez
- [Mono-list] Problems serializing 'object' classes
Javier Fernandez
- [Mono-list] Problems serializing 'object' classes
Javier Fernandez
- [Mono-list] Problems serializing 'object' classes
Javier Fernandez
- [Mono-list] Problems serializing 'object' classes
Javier Fernandez
- [Mono-list] Mono on CD
Chad Files
- [Mono-list] Mono on CD
Chad Files
- [Mono-list] Error 500 and 503 in Webservice running on mono
Andrew J Forgue
- [Mono-list] ikvm building problem
Jeroen Frijters
- [Mono-list] Working with Files
Tony G
- [Mono-list] installing complete mono framework on CentOS 4.3
Tony G
- [Mono-list] installing complete mono framework on CentOS 4.3
Tony G
- [Mono-list] Problems serializing 'object' classes
Jonathan Gilbert
- [Mono-list] Problems serializing 'object' classes
Jonathan Gilbert
- [Mono-list] GSilver: A linux app using mono similar to QuickSilverfor mac
Jonathan Gilbert
- [Mono-list] GSilver: A linux app using mono similar to QuickSilver for mac
Jonathan Gilbert
- [Mono-list] favorite IDE ?
Jonathan Gilbert
- [Mono-list] favorite IDE ?
Sebastian Gingter
- [Mono-list] Problem trying to download a file with WebClient
Rafael "fumasa" Giorgetti
- [Mono-list] Running EXE's without "Mono" preamble
Alexandre Miguel Pedro Gomes
- [Mono-list] Running EXE's without "Mono" preamble
Alexandre Miguel Pedro Gomes
- [Mono-list] GSilver: A linux app using mono similar to QuickSilver for mac
Michael Gorbach
- [Mono-list] Mono Distro Downloads
Ruben Guinez
- [Mono-list] Mono Distro Downloads
Ruben Guinez
- [Mono-list] Mono Distro Downloads
Ruben Guinez
- [Mono-list] System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute
Christopher Head
- [Mono-list] Error 500 and 503 in Webservice running on mono
Arx Henrique
- [Mono-list] Re: Error 500 and 503 in Webservice running on mono
Arx Henrique
- [Mono-list] installing complete mono framework on CentOS 4.3
Grant Hess
- [Mono-list] Mono NCurses bindings
Florian Hester
- [Mono-list] Re: Mono NCurses bindings
Florian Hester
- R: [Mono-list] Mono NCurses bindings
Florian Hester
- [Mono-list] Mono NCurses bindings
Florian Hester
- [Mono-list] Mono on CD
Martin Hinks
- [Mono-list] mod_mono and memory/cpu time limits
Jim Hunt
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Console app start at start up?
William Huskey
- [Mono-list] Running EXE's without "Mono" preamble
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-list] Release notes or
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-list] Tech Ed, Mono BOF?
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-list] relicensing from NPL to MIT/X11
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-list] preferate build tool ?
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-list] Mono Install Size
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-list] Monodevelop, gtk# etc
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-list] xterm and System.Console 2.0
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-list] [semi off-topic] po files on .NET
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-list] FW: Bug in LosFormatter
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-list] TCPListener problem
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Console app start at start up?
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Console app start at start up?
- [Mono-list] Re: sessionState on Linux
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-list] Re: mod_mono and memory/cpu time limits
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-list] Re: httpHandlers on apache "unable to load type handler"
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-list] Re: mod_mono and memory/cpu time limits
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-list] Re: Error 500 and 503 in Webservice running on mono
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-list] Mono scalibility and number of threads
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-list] installing complete mono framework on CentOS 4.3
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-list] installing complete mono framework on CentOS 4.3
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-list] installing complete mono framework on CentOS 4.3
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-list] Help reading trace
Paddy Joy
- [Mono-list] BEing r1ch and hEalthy, much bEtter than p00r and sick.
- [Mono-list] ANN: NLog 1.0 RC1 is available (and is optimized for running on Mono)
Jaroslaw Kowalski
- [Mono-list] Running EXE's without "Mono" preamble
- [Mono-list] Running EXE's without "Mono" preamble
- SPAM-LOW: Re: [Mono-list] preferate build tool ?
- [Mono-list] Working with Files
- [Mono-list] Working with Files
- [Mono-list] Auto Running Processeses
- [Mono-list] TCPListener problem
- [Mono-list] TCPListener problem
- [Mono-list] TCPListener problem
- [Mono-list] Console app start at start up?
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Console app start at start up?
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Console app start at start up?
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Console app start at start up?
- [Mono-list] Running System processes from within mono
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Console app start at start up?
- [Mono-list] Getting a service to start automatically
- [Mono-list] Getting a service to start automatically
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Getting a service to start automatically
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Getting a service to start automatically
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Getting a service to start automatically
- [Mono-list] favorite IDE ?
- [Mono-list] favorite IDE ?
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Getting a service to start automatically
- [Mono-list] Weird crash with Remoting, native code exception
Helge Lenuweit
- [Mono-list] Problem compiling simple app using Mono. Partial
declarations of `TestMono.Form1' have conflicting
accessibility modifiers
Stacey Levine
- [Mono-list] Re: Problem compiling simple app using Mono. Partial
declarations of `TestMono.Form1' have conflicting accessibility
Stacey Levine
- [Mono-list] Re: Problem compiling simple app using Mono.
Partialdeclarations of `TestMono.Form1' have conflicting
Stacey Levine
- [Mono-list] Re: Problem compiling simple app
usingMono. Partialdeclarationsof `TestMono.Form1' have
conflicting accessibilitymodifiers
Stacey Levine
- [Mono-list] Problems serializing 'object' classes
Nikki Locke
- [Mono-list] Problems serializing 'object' classes
Nikki Locke
- [Mono-list] Serious bug in lock statement
Nikki Locke
- [Mono-list] Getting a service to start automatically
Nikki Locke
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Getting a service to start automatically
Nikki Locke
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Getting a service to start automatically
Nikki Locke
- [Mono-list] installing complete mono framework on CentOS 4.3
Nikki Locke
- [Mono-list] Re: display svg image
Greg Lowe
- [Mono-list] what's mono-find-provides/requires for
Duncan Mak
- [Mono-list] BTW
John Meyer
- [Mono-list] mod_mono for mono 1.1.15.x
Lenny L. Miller
- [Mono-list] Margret
- [Mono-list] problems with asp.net 2 application
Luca Morelli
- R: [Mono-list] problems with asp.net 2 application
Luca Morelli
- [Mono-list] preferate build tool ?
Alex Nedelcu
- [Mono-list] Windows processes
Alex Nedelcu
- [Mono-list] Re: Windows processes
Alex Nedelcu
- [Mono-list] favorite IDE ?
Alex Nedelcu
- [Mono-list] Getting a service to start automatically
Alex Nedelcu
- [Mono-list] Bugs in Mono.Security
Galkin Oleg
- [Mono-list] boo- problem
Rodrigo B. de Oliveira
- [Mono-list] Tech Ed
Paul Oremland
- [Mono-list] pb DB connection - Login Failed for user '(null)'
Marcin P
- [Mono-list] boo- sourcecode anywhere?
- [Mono-list] Cannot find assembly `nunit.framework.dll'
- [Mono-list] ikvm building problem
- [Mono-list] [Fwd: ikvm building problem]
- [Mono-list] Do I need to report this problem to FC or to here?
- [Mono-list] Mono on CD
- [Mono-list] boo- problem
- [Mono-list] fedora-5-x86_64 rpms available
- [Mono-list] Monodevelop, gtk# etc
- [Mono-list] Re: Problem compiling simple app using
Mono. Partialdeclarations
of `TestMono.Form1' have conflicting accessibilitymodifiers
Gareth Pearce
- [Mono-list] ComboBox: can't select item
Marcos Perez
- [Mono-list] MS GAC and Mono GAC
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-list] Working with Files
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-list] Bugs in Mono.Security
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-list] Re: Final method in C# (as the final keyword in Java)
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-list] Mono on CD
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-list] Running System processes from within mono
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-list] Running System processes from within mono
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-list] Reflection of non-public fields
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-list] MS GAC and Mono GAC
Rodrigo A. C. Rosalino
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Getting a service to start automatically
Jörg Rosenkranz
- [Mono-list] preferate build tool ?
Néstor Salceda
- [Mono-list] Problems serializing 'object' classes
Lluis Sanchez
- [Mono-list] Problems serializing 'object' classes
Lluis Sanchez
- [Mono-list] 'Unix transport error' trying to run MonoDevelop 0.11
Lluis Sanchez
- [Mono-list] YouTranslate! v.
Salvatore Scarciglia
- [Mono-list] Running System Processes or external executables
Salvatore Scarciglia
- AW: [Mono-list] Re: AW: Mkbundle <-> Mono direct
- [Mono-list] MySql - ODBC
- AW: [Mono-list] MySql - ODBC
- AW: [Mono-list] MySql - ODBC
- [Mono-list] httpHandlers on apache "unable to load type handler"
Andrew Scott
- [Mono-list] Re: httpHandlers on apache "unable to load type handler"
Andrew Scott
- [Mono-list] MySql - ODBC
T Senganal
- AW: [Mono-list] MySql - ODBC
T Senganal
- [Mono-list] [Mono-dev] Implementing PowerShell (aka Monad)
Sanghyeon Seo
- [Mono-list] Mono 1.1.15 building fails on Itanium-machine
Yury Serdyuk
- [Mono-list] preferate build tool ?
Marek Sieradzki
- [Mono-list] Re: Windows processes
Marek Sieradzki
- [Mono-list] Implementing PowerShell (aka Monad)
Juraj Skripsky
- [Mono-list] Release notes or
Julien Sobrier
- [Mono-list] DBus: how to monitor the messages exchanged?
Julien Sobrier
- [Mono-list] Auto Running Processeses
Travis Staloch
- [Mono-list] Auto Running Processeses
Travis Staloch
- [Mono-list] Building Mono for arm (Nokia 770 2006 beta soft) using
George Styles
- [Mono-list] Cannot find assembly `nunit.framework.dll'
A Rafael D Teixeira
- [Mono-list] sessionState on Linux
Andrey Tkach
- [Mono-list] FW: Bug in LosFormatter
Andrey Tkach
- [Mono-list] Reflection of non-public fields
Trimble, Nathan G
- [Mono-list] Mono scalibility and number of threads
Trimble, Nathan G
- [Mono-list] Mono on CD
Mike Welham
- [Mono-list] Working with Files
Adam Tauno Williams
- [Mono-list] 'Unix transport error' trying to run MonoDevelop 0.11
Adam Tauno Williams
- [Mono-list] favorite IDE ?
Adam Tauno Williams
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Getting a service to start automatically
Adam Tauno Williams
- [Mono-list] SPAM-LOW: Console app start at start up?
Matthijs ter Woord
- [Mono-list] QT bindings for Mono
- [Mono-list] Re: QT bindings for Mono
- [Mono-list] Re: QT bindings for Mono
- [Mono-list] Cannot run or build Mono on SPARC V8 / Solaris 9
Jonathan Zimmerman
- [Mono-list] Cannot run or build Mono on SPARC V8 / Solaris 9
Jonathan Zimmerman
- [Mono-list] TCPListener problem
colin at breame.net
- [Mono-list] Reflection of non-public fields
colin at breame.net
- [Mono-list] Mono scalibility and number of threads
colin at breame.net
- [Mono-list] Reflection of non-public fields
colin at breame.net
- [Mono-list] Mono scalibility and number of threads
colin at breame.net
- [Mono-list] favorite IDE ?
- [Mono-list] favorite IDE ?
xiii29 at free.fr
- [Mono-list] Running ASP.NET 2.0 with mono
mitcheloc at gmail.com
- [Mono-list] Re: mod_mono and memory/cpu time limits
jim hunt
- [Mono-list] make check failed on solaris x86
- [Mono-list] what's mono-find-provides/requires for
- [Mono-list] what's mono-find-provides/requires for
- [Mono-list] Monodevelop, gtk# etc
adam at morrison-ind.com
- [Mono-list] DotNetFirebird Ultimate Appliance released
marius popa
- [Mono-list] Anyone using FirebirdSQL Embedded?
marius popa
- [Mono-list] installing complete mono framework on CentOS 4.3
gnuplot post
- [Mono-list] installing complete mono framework on CentOS 4.3
gnuplot post
- [Mono-list] installing complete mono framework on CentOS 4.3
gnuplot post
- [Mono-list] installing complete mono framework on CentOS 4.3
gnuplot post
- [Mono-list] installing complete mono framework on CentOS 4.3
gnuplot post
- [Mono-list] installing complete mono framework on CentOS 4.3
gnuplot post
- [Mono-list] installing complete mono framework on CentOS 4.3
gnuplot post
- [Mono-list] Linux expo in London - any chance of a Mono stand?
tom potts
- [Mono-list] favorite IDE ?
- [Mono-list] error cs1508 - ressource X has already been used
taiky taiky
- [Mono-list] pb DB connection - Login Failed for user '(null)'
taiky taiky
- [Mono-list] pb ressouce in MonoDevelop : several ressources with the same name
taiky taiky
- [Mono-list] Cannot run or build Mono on SPARC V8 / Solaris 9
tyrius at verizon.net
Last message date:
Fri Jun 30 15:08:19 EDT 2006
Archived on: Fri Jun 30 15:14:58 EDT 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).