September 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Sep 1 04:39:47 EDT 2008
Ending: Tue Sep 30 21:41:37 EDT 2008
Messages: 260
- [Mono-dev] Where has trunk/olive/class/System.ServiceModel/Mono.CodeGeneration gone?
"Cuir, Lionel" at
- [Mono-dev] patch for dataset binary deserialization bugs
Nagappan A
- [Mono-dev] patch for dataset binary deserialization bugs
Nagappan A
- [Mono-dev] Unable to build MD 1.9 against RC 1
"Andrés G. Aragoneses"
- [Mono-dev] patch for dataset binary deserialization bugs
"Andrés G. Aragoneses"
- [Mono-dev] Tools for dll's dependencies
Omri Azencot
- [Mono-dev] AMQP/System.Messaging implementation, this time with RabbitMQ
Michael Barker
- [Mono-dev] gtk-sharp (not gtk-sharp2) query
Mirco Bauer
- [Mono-dev] Mono 2.0 on SPARC Solaris 10
Steve Bjorg
- [Mono-dev] Strong-named assembly built with Linux Mono not working with Windows VB Web Application
Dean Brettle
- [Mono-dev] Class status pages are empty
Leszek Ciesielski
- [Mono-dev] Bug In Mono FTP System.Net.FtpWebRequest
Carlos Alberto Cortez
- [Mono-dev] 3 patches for Mono.CodeGeneration
Lionel Cuir
- [Mono-dev] Add a libgmp-wrapper to mono
- [Mono-dev] Add a libgmp-wrapper to mono
- [Mono-dev] Add a libgmp-wrapper to mono
- [Mono-dev] Add a libgmp-wrapper to mono
- [Mono-dev] Bug In Mono FTP System.Net.FtpWebRequest
- [Mono-dev] Bug In Mono FTP System.Net.FtpWebRequest
- [Mono-dev] Bug In Mono FTP System.Net.FtpWebRequest
- [Mono-dev] Class status pages are empty
Gert Driesen
- [Mono-dev] Class status pages are empty
Gert Driesen
- [Mono-dev] Fwd: Not sure where the problem is here (building nclass 1.09)
Gert Driesen
- [Mono-dev] Remoting - can't pass an object reference in call between windows and mono.
Steffen Enni
- [Mono-dev] Support for XmlSerializationReader.CollapseWhitespace & ReadTypedNull
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] Removing #region and #endregion from source code`
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] What is the state of mono interpreter ?
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] Removing #region and #endregion from source code`
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] Removing #region and #endregion from source code`
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] Support for XmlSerializationReader.CollapseWhitespace & ReadTypedNull
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] WinForms or GTK# Forms
Petit Eric
- [Mono-dev] WinForms or GTK# Forms
Petit Eric
- [Mono-dev] XML - not sure if I've got this right
Petit Eric
- [Mono-dev] XML - not sure if I've got this right
Petit Eric
- [Mono-dev] Idea for use MonoCharge under Windows
Petit Eric
- [Mono-dev] SerialPort auto-inserts carriage return
Petit Eric
- [Mono-dev] SerialPort auto-inserts carriage return
Petit Eric
- [Mono-dev] Mono SVN Module is broken/imcomplete
Petit Eric
- [Mono-dev] Mono SVN Module is broken/imcomplete
Petit Eric
- [Mono-dev] Clean/errase last "make get-monolite-latest"
Petit Eric
- [Mono-dev] How to: Run tar command from c# app
Petit Eric
- [Mono-dev] Where has trunk/olive/class/System.ServiceModel/Mono.CodeGeneration gone?
Christian López Espínola
- [Mono-dev] WinForms or GTK# Forms
Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
- [Mono-dev] WinForms or GTK# Forms
Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
- [Mono-dev] binary analisis with MOMA...
Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
- [Mono-dev] What is the state of mono interpreter ?
Nuno Felicio
- [Mono-dev] Removing #region and #endregion from source code`
Cory Foy
- [Mono-dev] Compilation error for ARM
Andreas Färber
- [Mono-dev] libtool problem cross compiling
Andreas Färber
- [Mono-dev] Mono 2.0 RC2 Delayed
Andreia Gaita
- [Mono-dev] close on exec
Jacob Gladish
- [Mono-dev] close on exec
Jacob Gladish
- [Mono-dev] libtool problem cross compiling
- [Mono-dev] libtool problem cross compiling
- [Mono-dev] Undefined static pointer link error
- [Mono-dev] close on exec
Jerome Haltom
- [Mono-dev] Any chance of getting a VMware recording? Mono 2.0 RC1 is out
Dennis Hayes
- [Mono-dev] [MonoDevelop] Anonymous svn access...
Christian Hergert
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] StringToHGlobalAnsi and Uni
Bill Holmes
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] System.Diagnostics/Process fix
Bill Holmes
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] System.Diagnostics/Process fix
Bill Holmes
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] MonoLoadImage Windows change.
Bill Holmes
- [Mono-dev] WebBrowser and MDI (Windows?) Re: Mono 2.0 Preview 2 is out!!
Andy Hume
- [Mono-dev] Mono 2.0 RC2 Delayed
Andy Hume
- [Mono-dev] Class status pages are empty
Andy Hume
- [Mono-dev] error CS0006: cannot find metadata file `System.Data.dll`
Michael Hutchinson
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
Michael Hutchinson
- [Mono-dev] How to: Run tar command from c# app
Michael Hutchinson
- [Mono-dev] What is the state of mono interpreter ?
Michael Hutchinson
- [Mono-dev] Updated compiler syntax error checking.
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Hiring in the Mono team.
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Add a libgmp-wrapper to mono
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Add a libgmp-wrapper to mono
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Class status pages are empty
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Class status pages are empty
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Class status pages are empty
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] GCC-CLI Project
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] patch for dataset binary deserialization bugs
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Removing #region and #endregion from source code`
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] What is the state of mono interpreter ?
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] [Fwd: [Patch] Simple optimization to String.Replace and StringBuilder.Replace]
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] xsp2 crashes
Stefano Incontri
- [Mono-dev] Remoting - can't pass an object reference in call between windows and mono.
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] System.Unix.Native.Syscall.fork is commented out
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Mono 2.0 RC1 is out!!
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Are these bugs/features going to be fixed/released in the next builds?
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Tools for dll's dependencies
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Cannot re-call start of asynchronous method... Error
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Anonymous svn access...
Andrew Jorgensen
- [Mono-dev] Preview 3?
Andrew Jorgensen
- [Mono-dev] Unable to build MD 1.9 against RC 1
Andrew Jorgensen
- [Mono-dev] Unable to run monodoc (Mono 2.0 RC 1 problem)
Andrew Jorgensen
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
Andrew Jorgensen
- [Mono-dev] Mono 2.0 RC2 Delayed
Andrew Jorgensen
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
Andrew Jorgensen
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
Andrew Jorgensen
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
Andrew Jorgensen
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
Andrew Jorgensen
- [Mono-dev] 2.0RC2?
Andrew Jorgensen
- [Mono-dev] Gtk# Status and Roadmap
Mike Kestner
- [Mono-dev] Mono on ARM
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] Mono on DD-WRT or OpenWrt
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] Mono on DD-WRT or OpenWrt
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] Mono on DD-WRT or OpenWrt
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] Compilation error for ARM
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] Mono on ARM
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] BitVector32 patch
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] System.Diagnostics/Process fix
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] Mono on ARM
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] System.Diagnostics/Process fix
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] BitVector32 patch
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] Mono on ARM
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] Mono on ARM
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] Patch: Fast virtual generic method calls
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] Patch: Fast virtual generic method calls
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] What is the state of mono interpreter ?
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] What is the state of mono interpreter ?
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] What is the state of mono interpreter ?
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] Strong-named assembly built with Linux Mono not working with Windows VB Web Application
Rolf Bjarne Kvinge
- [Mono-dev] Mono on ARM
FirstName LastName
- [Mono-dev] Mono on ARM
FirstName LastName
- [Mono-dev] Compilation error for ARM
FirstName LastName
- [Mono-dev] Compilation error for ARM
FirstName LastName
- [Mono-dev] Mono on ARM
FirstName LastName
- [Mono-dev] Mono on ARM
FirstName LastName
- [Mono-dev] Mono on ARM
FirstName LastName
- [Mono-dev] Mono on ARM
FirstName LastName
- [Mono-dev] Mono on ARM
FirstName LastName
- [Mono-dev] Mono on ARM
FirstName LastName
- [Mono-dev] Mono on ARM
FirstName LastName
- [Mono-dev] Mono on ARM
FirstName LastName
- [Mono-dev] Mono profiler -> assert
FirstName LastName
- [Mono-dev] windows installer regression - Re: [Mono-announce-list] Mono 2.0 RC3 is out!!
Hin-Tak Leung
- [Mono-dev] What is the state of mono interpreter ?
James Mansion
- [Mono-dev] Mono on ARM
Massimiliano Mantione
- [Mono-dev] System.Unix.Native.Syscall.fork is commented out
Massimiliano Mantione
- [Mono-dev] SEGV in mono_class_is_assignable_from in gmcs
Casey Marshall
- [Mono-dev] SEGV in mono_class_is_assignable_from in gmcs
Casey Marshall
- [Mono-dev] SEGV in mono_class_is_assignable_from in gmcs
Casey Marshall
- [Mono-dev] Initializing the config file for embedded mono
Casey Marshall
- [Mono-dev] libtool problem cross compiling
Casey Marshall
- [Mono-dev] Add a libgmp-wrapper to mono
Olexandr Melnyk
- [Mono-dev] Are these bugs/features going to be fixed/released in the next builds?
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-dev] Idea for use MonoCharge under Windows
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-dev] Removing #region and #endregion from source code`
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-dev] Support for XmlSerializationReader.CollapseWhitespace & ReadTypedNull
- [Mono-dev] Any chance of getting a VMware recording? Mono 2.0 RC1 is out
Daniel Nauck
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
Geoff Norton
- [Mono-dev] System.Drawing.Graphics ignores InterpolationMode
- [Mono-dev] Preview 3?
- [Mono-dev] Unable to build MD 1.9 against RC 1
- [Mono-dev] Unable to build MD 1.9 against RC 1
- [Mono-dev] Unable to run monodoc (Mono 2.0 RC 1 problem)
- [Mono-dev] XML - not sure if I've got this right
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
- [Mono-dev] Possible problem with 2.0RC1
- [Mono-dev] Possible problem with 2.0RC1
- [Mono-dev] Possible problem with 2.0RC1
- [Mono-dev] 2.0RC2?
- [Mono-dev] Cross platform font installer
- [Mono-dev] xsp2 crashes
- [Mono-dev] Not sure where the problem is here (building nclass 1.09)
- [Mono-dev] gtk-sharp (not gtk-sharp2) query
- [Mono-dev] libgdiplus tutorials
- [Mono-dev] System.Unix.Native.Syscall.fork is commented out
Avery Pennarun
- [Mono-dev] System.Unix.Native.Syscall.fork is commented out
Avery Pennarun
- [Mono-dev] System.Unix.Native.Syscall.fork is commented out
Avery Pennarun
- [Mono-dev] BitVector32 patch
Scott Peterson
- [Mono-dev] BitVector32 patch
Scott Peterson
- [Mono-dev] BitVector32 patch
Scott Peterson
- [Mono-dev] Is Moma (Mono migration analyzer) available for mono 2.0 rc1 version?
Jonathan Pobst
- [Mono-dev] ListViewSubItemCollection different behaviour in .net & mono enviroment
Jonathan Pobst
- [Mono-dev] ANN: NUnit 2.5 Alpha 4 Released
Charlie Poole
- [Mono-dev] System.Drawing.Graphics ignores InterpolationMode
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-dev] Support for XmlSerializationReader.CollapseWhitespace & ReadTypedNull
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-dev] libgdiplus tutorials
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-dev] mono on iPhone
Aras Pranckevicius
- [Mono-dev] What is the state of mono interpreter ?
Aras Pranckevicius
- [Mono-dev] What is the state of mono interpreter ?
Aras Pranckevicius
- [Mono-dev] Trouble with delegate ctors on generic sharing
Mark Probst
- [Mono-dev] Patch: Generic code sharing for value types
Mark Probst
- [Mono-dev] Patch: Fast virtual generic method calls
Mark Probst
- [Mono-dev] Patch: Fast virtual generic method calls
Mark Probst
- [Mono-dev] Patch: Bugfix for a constrained. issue with generic code sharing
Mark Probst
- [Mono-dev] System.Unix.Native.Syscall.fork is commented out
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] Support for XmlSerializationReader.CollapseWhitespace & ReadTypedNull
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] Mono on DD-WRT or OpenWrt
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] Mono on DD-WRT or OpenWrt
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] MonoLoadImage Windows change.
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] [Bug 414209] Mono 1.9.1 - Windows Installer needs admin rights
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] close on exec
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] close on exec
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] System.Unix.Native.Syscall.fork is commented out
Bojan Rajkovic
- [Mono-dev] What is the state of mono interpreter ?
- [Mono-dev] Add a libgmp-wrapper to mono
Seo Sanghyeon
- [Mono-dev] Removing #region and #endregion from source code`
Seo Sanghyeon
- [Mono-dev] [Patch] Simple optimization to String.Replace and StringBuilder.Replace
Juraj Skripsky
- [Mono-dev] [Fwd: [Patch] Simple optimization to String.Replace and StringBuilder.Replace]
Juraj Skripsky
- [Mono-dev] libgdiplus drawing performance
Jeff Solomon
- [Mono-dev] Mono invoke the C++ method
Jeffrey Stedfast
- [Mono-dev] Mono invoke the C++ method
- [Mono-dev] Bug In Mono FTP System.Net.FtpWebRequest
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-dev] Very simple typed dataset serialization fails
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-dev] Fwd: Not sure where the problem is here (building nclass 1.09)
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-dev] Strong-named assembly built with Linux Mono not working with Windows VB Web Application
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-dev] Some open bugs I would like to see fixed
- [Mono-dev] ERROR:(mini-exceptions.c:760):get_exception_catch_class
- [Mono-dev] error CS0006: cannot find metadata file `System.Data.dll`
Leandro Tracchia
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] StringToHGlobalAnsi and Uni
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-dev] Mono 2.0 RC2 Delayed
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-dev] Possible problem with 2.0RC1
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-dev] Patch: Generic code sharing for value types
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-dev] Mono 2.0 on SPARC Solaris 10
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-dev] ERROR:(mini-exceptions.c:760):get_exception_catch_class
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-dev] GCC-CLI Project
Lennie De Villiers
- [Mono-dev] Thread creation failed
Adar Wesley
- [Mono-dev] Anonymous svn access...
Thomas Wiest
- [Mono-dev] Mono 2.0 RC1 is out!!
Thomas Wiest
- [Mono-dev] Mono 2.0 RC3 is out!!
Thomas Wiest
- [Mono-dev] SerialPort auto-inserts carriage return
Mikael Wikman
- [Mono-dev] Controls within a control in ASP.NET
Wael Zeenni
- [Mono-dev] Cannot re-call start of asynchronous method... Error
- [Mono-dev] Is Moma (Mono migration analyzer) available for mono 2.0 rc1 version?
marcos b
- [Mono-dev] Typed dataset binary serialization
marcos b
- [Mono-dev] Are this bugs / features going to be fixed / released in the next builds?
marcos b
- [Mono-dev] Are these bugs/features going to be fixed/released in the next builds?
marcos b
- [Mono-dev] Are these bugs/features going to be fixed/released in the next builds?
marcos b
- [Mono-dev] Are these bugs/features going to be fixed/released in the next builds?
marcos b
- [Mono-dev] Are these bugs/features going to be fixed/released in the next builds?
marcos b
- [Mono-dev] Are these bugs/features going to be fixed/released in the next builds?
marcos b
- [Mono-dev] Are these bugs/features going to be fixed/released in the next builds?
marcos b
- [Mono-dev] ListViewSubItemCollection different behaviour in .net & mono enviroment
marcos b
- [Mono-dev] Very simple typed dataset serialization fails
marcos b
- [Mono-dev] Very simple typed dataset serialization fails
marcos b
- [Mono-dev] patch for dataset binary deserialization bugs
brandin claar
- [Mono-dev] patch for dataset binary deserialization bugs
brandin claar
- [Mono-dev] patch for dataset binary deserialization bugs
brandin claar
- [Mono-dev] smcs issue
olivier dufour
- [Mono-dev] Stable MySQL Connector/NET for Mono on Linux
- [Mono-dev] System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange Support
- [Mono-dev] How to: Run tar command from c# app
- [Mono-dev] How to get Mac Address?
- [Mono-dev] binary analisis with MOMA...
- [Mono-dev] mono on iPhone
buhochileno at
- [Mono-dev] error CS0006: cannot find metadata file `System.Data.dll`
- [Mono-dev] SerialPort auto-inserts carriage return
- [Mono-dev] Thread creation failed
- [Mono-dev] Thread creation failed
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
pablosantosluac at
- [Mono-dev] Mono support on Fedora, Ubuntu, Solaris, etc.
pablosantosluac at
- [Mono-dev] Mono 2.0 on SPARC Solaris 10
pablosantosluac at
Last message date:
Tue Sep 30 21:41:37 EDT 2008
Archived on: Sat Oct 4 20:56:12 EDT 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).