March 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Mar 1 07:34:10 EST 2008
Ending: Mon Mar 31 20:17:17 EDT 2008
Messages: 245
- [Mono-dev] Strange MSSQL provider behavior
Nagappan A
- [Mono-dev] Deprecating some Mono commands, Cecil mono-api-info
C.J. Adams-Collier
- [Mono-dev] Further improvements to toString performance
Eyal Alaluf
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Further improvements to toString performance
Eyal Alaluf
- [Mono-dev] WCF and Mono
Eyal Alaluf
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Further improvements to toStringperformance
Eyal Alaluf
- [Mono-dev] Compiler crashes when using generics
John M. Anderson
- [Mono-dev] Deprecating some Mono commands, Cecil mono-api-info
Sandy Armstrong
- [Mono-dev] Mono Support question
Sandy Armstrong
- [Mono-dev] error compiling Olive
Sandy Armstrong
- [Mono-dev] GIT# project for GSOC
Sandy Armstrong
- [Mono-dev] Mono:MIPS patch
Csaba Balazs
- [Mono-dev] Mono 1.9 for Debian
Mirco Bauer
- [Mono-dev] Mono Debugger Patch that allows Remote Debugging
Martin Baulig
- [Mono-dev] Version 0.80 "Terrania City" of the Mono Debugger has been released
Martin Baulig
- [Mono-dev] Mono 1.9.0 Preview 4 is out!!
D Bera
- [Mono-dev] Specifying MarshallAs for [Out] StringBuilder
D Bera
- [Mono-dev] Specifying MarshallAs for [Out] StringBuilder
Debajyoti Bera
- [Mono-dev] Mono 1.9.0 Preview 4 is out!!
Wade Berrier
- [Mono-dev] Bug in System.UriBuilder and System.Net.WebRequest and probably related classes (doesn't handle zone id)
Aaron Bockover
- [Mono-dev] Problems cross compiling Mono itself for ARM with uClibc
Cliff Brake
- [Mono-dev] Committed System.Web support for *.browser files and control adapters
Dean Brettle
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Changes/fixes to support for App_Browsers and control adapters
Dean Brettle
- [Mono-dev] BackgroundWorker.CancelAsync() behaves incorrectly?
Jordan Callicoat
- [Mono-dev] BackgroundWorker.CancelAsync() behaves incorrectly?
Jordan Callicoat
- [Mono-dev] BackgroundWorker.CancelAsync() behaves incorrectly?
Jordan Callicoat
- [Mono-dev] BackgroundWorker.CancelAsync() behaves incorrectly?
Jordan Callicoat
- [Mono-dev] BackgroundWorker.CancelAsync() behaves incorrectly?
Jordan Callicoat
- [Mono-dev] Mono.Media for GSOC
Justin Cherniak
- [Mono-dev] Mono.Media for GSOC
Justin Cherniak
- [Mono-dev] Mono.Media for GSOC
Justin Cherniak
- [Mono-dev] Mono Class library question
Alex Chudnovsky
- [Mono-dev] Mono Class library question
Alex Chudnovsky
- [Mono-dev] NUnit in Mono.
Leszek Ciesielski
- [Mono-dev] Installing policy file in the GAC?
Carlos Alberto Cortez
- [Mono-dev] Mono.Unix.Catalog.Init where does it get the locale from?
Vladimir Dimitrov
- [Mono-dev] Mono.Unix.Catalog.Init where does it get the locale from?
Vladimir Dimitrov
- [Mono-dev] Mono.Unix.Catalog.Init where does it get the locale from?
Vladimir Dimitrov
- [Mono-dev] Mono.Unix.Catalog.Init where does it get the locale from?
Vladimir Dimitrov
- [Mono-dev] [Fwd: [Mono-patches] r99345 - in trunk/mcs/class/System.XML: System.Xml.Serialization Test/System.Xml.Serialization Test/XmlFiles/xsd]
Gert Driesen
- [Mono-dev] Bug in System.UriBuilder and System.Net.WebRequest and probably related classes (doesn't handle zone id)
Sebastian Dröge
- [Mono-dev] Deprecating some Mono commands, Cecil mono-api-info
Mads Bondo Dydensborg
- [Mono-dev] Deprecating some Mono commands, Cecil mono-api-info
Mads Bondo Dydensborg
- [Mono-dev] 64 bit ODBC problem?
Mads Bondo Dydensborg
- [Mono-dev] Mono 1.9.0 Preview 4 is out!!
Mads Bondo Dydensborg
- [Mono-dev] 64 bit ODBC problem?
Mads Bondo Dydensborg
- [Mono-dev] 64 bit ODBC problem?
Mads Bondo Dydensborg
- [Mono-dev] 64 bit ODBC problem?
Mads Bondo Dydensborg
- [Mono-dev] Problem with Odbc on 64 bit identified, please advise action
Mads Bondo Dydensborg
- [Mono-dev] Problem with Odbc on 64 bit identified, please advise action
Mads Bondo Dydensborg
- [Mono-dev] Interop with Native Libraries Question
Mike Edenfield
- [Mono-dev] error compiling Olive
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] Sys.SM.Configuration changes caused too much regressions
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] Sys.SM.Configuration changes caused too much regressions
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] Sys.SM.Configuration changes caused too much regressions
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] WCF and Mono
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] WCF and Mono
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] [Fwd: [Mono-patches] r99345 - in trunk/mcs/class/System.XML: System.Xml.Serialization Test/System.Xml.Serialization Test/XmlFiles/xsd]
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] Olive in default packege
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] [MonoDevelop] Soc 2008 idea: Universal graphical Framwork
Petit Eric
- [Mono-dev] [MonoDevelop] Soc 2008 idea: Universal graphical Framwork
Manuel Alejandro Cerón Estrada
- [Mono-dev] error compiling Olive
Jb Evain
- [Mono-dev] Mono review (bugs and conclusion)
- [Mono-dev] error compiling Olive
Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
- [Mono-dev] Mono on F8
Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
- [Mono-dev] webkit support
Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
- [Mono-dev] error compiling Olive
Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
- [Mono-dev] error compiling Olive
Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
- [Mono-dev] Soc 2008 idea: Universal graphical Framwork
Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
- [Mono-dev] [MonoDevelop] Soc 2008 idea: Universal graphical Framwork
Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
- [Mono-dev] Drupal sharp
Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
- [Mono-dev] Olive in default packege
Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
- [Mono-dev] Maemo OS2008 / Scratchbox
- [Mono-dev] Mono embedded
Stefan Fink
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] [Windows] Define version macros for WindowsSDK
Andreas Färber
- [Mono-dev] Problems cross compiling Mono itself for ARM with uClibc
Andreas Färber
- [Mono-dev] Problems cross compiling Mono itself for ARM with uClibc
Andreas Färber
- [Mono-dev] Mono under Wine/Crossover Office
Andreas Färber
- [Mono-dev] struct alignment
Jacob Gladish
- [Mono-dev] DynamicMethod implementation
Julien De Groote
- [Mono-dev] [MonoDevelop] Soc 2008 idea: Universal graphical Framwork
- [Mono-dev] [MonoDevelop] Soc 2008 idea: Universal graphical Framwork
Lluis Sanchez Gual
- [Mono-dev] GIT# project for GSOC
Igor Guerrero
- [Mono-dev] GIT# project for GSOC
Igor Guerrero
- [Mono-dev] Mono Support question
Onur Gumus
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] System.Web support for *.browser files and control adapters
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-dev] Patch: properly ignore PNG icon entries - fixes crash in resgen2
David Hammerton
- [Mono-dev] RightToLeftLayout functions
Dennis Hayes
- [Mono-dev] Installing policy file in the GAC?
Michi Henning
- [Mono-dev] Installing policy file in the GAC?
Michi Henning
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] [Windows] MSVC mono build fixes
Bill Holmes
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] [Windows] MSVC mono build fixes
Bill Holmes
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] [Windows] eglib changes for Windows.
Bill Holmes
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] [Windows] eglib changes for Windows.
Bill Holmes
- [Mono-dev] GC Question.
Bill Holmes
- [Mono-dev] Gendarme and Windows installer
Andy Hume
- [Mono-dev] [MonoDevelop] Soc 2008 idea: Universal graphical Framwork
Michael Hutchinson
- [Mono-dev] Contribute to the Mono project
Michael Hutchinson
- [Mono-dev] Deprecating some Mono commands, Cecil mono-api-info
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Mono Debugger Patch that allows Remote Debugging
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] better exceptions for Mono.Data provider sniffer.
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Mono Debugger Patch that allows Remote Debugging
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Somebody please test this String patch
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Mono review (bugs and conclusion)
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] GIT# project for GSOC
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Mono review (bugs and conclusion)
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Mono review (bugs and conclusion)
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Further improvements to toString performance
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Mono review (bugs and conclusion)
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] WCF and Mono
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Mono.Media for GSOC
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Mono under Wine/Crossover Office
Paul F. Johnson
- [Mono-dev] Mono COM support question
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] [Windows] Define version macros for Windows SDK
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] [Windows] Define version macros for WindowsSDK
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] [Windows] Define version macros forWindowsSDK
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] 64 bit ODBC problem?
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] 64 bit ODBC problem?
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Mono embedded
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Use Unicode argv on Windows
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Video inside mono application
David Knoernschild
- [Mono-dev] problem with cross-compiling Mono to PowerPC
Valery Kobzev
- [Mono-dev] Strange MSSQL provider behavior
Andrew Koryavchenko
- [Mono-dev] Strange MSSQL provider behavior
Andrew Koryavchenko
- [Mono-dev] Strange MSSQL provider behavior
Andrew Koryavchenko
- [Mono-dev] Strange MSSQL provider behavior
Andrew Koryavchenko
- [Mono-dev] Mono Debugger Patch that allows Remote Debugging
Harald Krapfenbauer
- [Mono-dev] Mono Debugger Patch that allows Remote Debugging
Harald Krapfenbauer
- [Mono-dev] DynamicMethod implementation
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] Change #97189
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] missing icall-def entry
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] Mono:MIPS patch
Thomas Kunze
- [Mono-dev] Sys.SM.Configuration changes caused too much regressions
Noam Lampert
- [Mono-dev] better exceptions for Mono.Data provider sniffer.
Brad Langhorst
- [Mono-dev] better exceptions for Mono.Data provider sniffer.
Brad Langhorst
- [Mono-dev] New profiler is "ready"
Massimiliano Mantione
- [Mono-dev] New profiler is "ready"
Massimiliano Mantione
- [Mono-dev] Change #97189
Casey Marshall
- [Mono-dev] [patch] partial implementation of System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo
Casey Marshall
- [Mono-dev] [patch] partial implementation of System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo
Casey Marshall
- [Mono-dev] Mono Class library question
Alan McGovern
- [Mono-dev] Deprecating some Mono commands, Cecil mono-api-info
Alan McGovern
- [Mono-dev] Problem with Odbc on 64 bit identified, please advise action
Alan McGovern
- [Mono-dev] New profiler is "ready"
Paul Melis
- [Mono-dev] mod_mono and client certificates - no worky?
Jay Miller
- [Mono-dev] mod_mono and client certificates - no worky?
Jay Miller
- [Mono-dev] Pending patches
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] GC Question.
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] [Windows] eglib changes for Windows.
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] [patch] partial implementation of System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] 64 bit ODBC problem?
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Managed Marshal.Copy implemantations
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Managed Marshal.Copy implemantations
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Implement internal Encodings using unified code base
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Implement internal Encodings usingunified code base
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] monodoc
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-dev] MonoDevelop on Windows
Daniel Morgan
- [Mono-dev] file deletion poor performances using mono
Antonello Moro
- [Mono-dev] Further improvements to toString performance
Antonello Moro
- [Mono-dev] Possible bug in r97246 - trunk/mcs/class/System.Drawing/System.Drawing
Andreas Nahr
- [Mono-dev] Somebody please test this String patch
Andreas Nahr
- [Mono-dev] Regression in r99253 trunk/mcs/class/System.Design/System.ComponentModel.Design?
Andreas Nahr
- [Mono-dev] Problems cross compiling Mono itself for ARM with uClibc
Barbara Neuer
- [Mono-dev] ANN: WebKit/Gtk mono bindings
Carlos Martín Nieto
- [Mono-dev] ANN: Bindings for WebKit/Gtk
Carlos Martín Nieto
- [Mono-dev] Announcing moonlight-list
Geoff Norton
- [Mono-dev] MonoDevelop on Windows
Geoff Norton
- [Mono-dev] Mono COM support question
Sebi Onofrei
- [Mono-dev] Interop with Native Libraries Question
Sebi Onofrei
- [Mono-dev] Host offer
Sebi Onofrei
- [Mono-dev] RightToLeftLayout functions
Luke Page
- [Mono-dev] Commercial support
Avery Pennarun
- [Mono-dev] Deprecating some Mono commands, Cecil mono-api-info
Jonathan Pobst
- [Mono-dev] Deprecating some Mono commands, Cecil mono-api-info
Jonathan Pobst
- [Mono-dev] RightToLeftLayout functions
Jonathan Pobst
- [Mono-dev] GSoC anyone?
Jonathan Pobst
- [Mono-dev] Contribute to the Mono project
Jonathan Pobst
- [Mono-dev] ANN: NUnit 2.4.7 Released
Charlie Poole
- [Mono-dev] Transparency from GIF files does not show up in BitmapData
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-dev] Patch: properly ignore PNG icon entries - fixes crash in resgen2
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-dev] mod_mono and client certificates - no worky?
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-dev] Gendarme and Windows installer
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-dev] mod_mono and client certificates - no worky?
Sebastien Pouliot
- [Mono-dev] Mono COM support question
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] monodoc
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] Interop with Native Libraries Question
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] Mono.Unix.Catalog.Init where does it get the locale from?
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] Mono.Unix.Catalog.Init where does it get the locale from?
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] Problem with Odbc on 64 bit identified, please advise action
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] Specifying MarshallAs for [Out] StringBuilder
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] Mono COM support question
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] [Windows] Define version macros for Windows SDK
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] [Windows] Define version macros for WindowsSDK
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] [Windows] Define version macros forWindowsSDK
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] [Windows] Define version macros forWindowsSDK
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] [Windows] Define version macros for Windows SDK [2]
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] Pending patches
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Managed Marshal.Copy implemantations
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Implement internal Encodings using unified code base
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Implement internal Encodings usingunified code base
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Implement internal Encodingsusingunified code base
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] Specifying MarshallAs for [Out] StringBuilder
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] Specifying MarshallAs for [Out] StringBuilder
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] Specifying MarshallAs for [Out] StringBuilder
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Use Unicode argv on Windows
Kornél Pál
- [Mono-dev] webkit support
Arno Rehn
- [Mono-dev] Mono Support question
E Robertson
- [Mono-dev] Mono Support question
E Robertson
- [Mono-dev] Commercial support
E Robertson
- [Mono-dev] Nested Master Pages support?
Swaminathan Saikumar
- [Mono-dev] Solaris Sparc packaging
Oliver Schweitzer
- [Mono-dev] Solaris building/packaging
Oliver Schweitzer
- [Mono-dev] Moonlight on Mac PowerPC
Slobodnic, Ciprian
- [Mono-dev] Problems cross compiling Mono itself for ARM with uClibc
Timothy Smith
- [Mono-dev] Mono.Media for GSOC
- [Mono-dev] eglib and cygwin
Bassam Tabbara
- [Mono-dev] Asynchronous sockets
Bassam Tabbara
- [Mono-dev] RoleManagerModule NRE
Joshua Tauberer
- [Mono-dev] Mono review (bugs and conclusion)
Veerapuram Varadhan
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] [Windows] MSVC mono build fixes
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-dev] Problems cross compiling Mono itself for ARM with uClibc
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-dev] Mono 1.9.0 Preview 4 is out!!
Thomas Wiest
- [Mono-dev] Mono 1.9.0 Preview 4 is out!!
Thomas Wiest
- [Mono-dev] Mono 1.9.0 Preview 4 is out!!
Thomas Wiest
- [Mono-dev] Mono 1.9.0 Preview 4 is out!!
Thomas Wiest
- [Mono-dev] Issues generating code stub for webservice using wsdl2.exe
Stéphane Zanoni
- [Mono-dev] Sys.SM.Configuration changes caused too much regressions
Igor Zelmanovich
- [Mono-dev] Sys.SM.Configuration changes caused too much regressions
Igor Zelmanovich
- [Mono-dev] Possible bug in r97246 - trunk/mcs/class/System.Drawing/System.Drawing
Ivan N. Zlatev
- [Mono-dev] Possible bug in r97246 - trunk/mcs/class/System.Drawing/System.Drawing
Ivan N. Zlatev
- [Mono-dev] Regression in r99253 trunk/mcs/class/System.Design/System.ComponentModel.Design?
Ivan N. Zlatev
- [Mono-dev] Video inside mono application
Piotr Zurek
- [Mono-dev] Mono on F8
Edson - gMail
- [Mono-dev] Mono on F8
buhochileno at
- [Mono-dev] Problems cross compiling Mono itself for ARM with uClibc
freaky001 at
- [Mono-dev] Problems cross compiling Mono itself for ARM with uClibc
freaky001 at
- [Mono-dev] Problems cross compiling Mono itself for ARM with uClibc
freaky001 at
- [Mono-dev] Mono 1.9 for Debian
- [Mono-dev] mkbundle on Mac Osx
vijendra kumar
- [Mono-dev] XSP and compilation on the fly
mabra at
- [Mono-dev] Mono 1.9.0 Preview 4 is out!!
- [Mono-dev] GSoC anyone?
pablosantosluac at
- [Mono-dev] GSoC anyone?
pablosantosluac at
- [Mono-dev] gnome sharp compiling problems
tonyfire at
- [Mono-dev] Contribute to the Mono project at
Last message date:
Mon Mar 31 20:17:17 EDT 2008
Archived on: Tue Apr 1 05:45:25 EDT 2008
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).