November 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Nov 1 04:12:13 EDT 2010
Ending: Tue Nov 30 19:03:54 EST 2010
Messages: 221
- [Mono-dev] Mono in WinPE - need minimal installation.
Stefanos A.
- [Mono-dev] What happens before preinit?
- [Mono-dev] How to retrieve mod_mono request waiting/queued
- [Mono-dev] What happens before preinit?
- [Mono-dev] DataTable.AcceptChanges(); performance
Nagappan Alagappan
- [Mono-dev] Moonlight basics - Overview
- [Mono-dev] Moonlight basics - Overview
- [Mono-dev] Implementation of SetPropertyItem
- [Mono-dev] Does exist the utility which registers DbProviderFactory in machine.config ?
- [Mono-dev] xbuild - ** ERROR **: shm_semaphores_init: semget error: No space left on device.
Oskar Berggren
- [Mono-dev] WCF support for Generic collections
- [Mono-dev] Occasional native stack trace in mono
Rob Britton
- [Mono-dev] F# Interactive on Mono 2.8 (DefineDynamicAssembly troubles)
Laurent Le Brun
- [Mono-dev] git/mono-2-8 branch fails 'make check' on x86_64 with default settings
Leszek Ciesielski
- [Mono-dev] Building and/or debugging mono on Visual Studio
Arne Claassen
- [Mono-dev] xbuild - ** ERROR **: shm_semaphores_init: semget error: No space left on device.
Arne Claassen
- [Mono-dev] xbuild - ** ERROR **: shm_semaphores_init: semget error: No space left on device.
Arne Claassen
- [Mono-dev] xbuild - ** ERROR **: shm_semaphores_init: semget error: No space left on device.
Arne Claassen
- [Mono-dev] xbuild - ** ERROR **: shm_semaphores_init: semget error: No space left on device.
Arne Claassen
- [Mono-dev] SqlLiteeError when building XSP
Frank Cohen
- [Mono-dev] have WinXP but need Win 7 to install mono-develop!?
Frank Cohen
- [Mono-dev] SqlLiteeError when building XSP
Frank Cohen
- [Mono-dev] USB Support in Mono?
Frank Cohen
- [Mono-dev] C# source-to-source compiler
Alex Corrado
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Add async to dmcs
Alex Corrado
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH]
Rui Craveiro
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH]
Rui Craveiro
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH]
Rui Craveiro
- [Mono-dev] Issues when building mono 2.8 on windows
Jérôme De Cuyper
- [Mono-dev] WCF REST POST POCO, and null value
Joe Dluzen
- [Mono-dev] WCF REST POST POCO, and null value
Joe Dluzen
- [Mono-dev] Windows/CygWin: Mono doesn't work after compiling
- [Mono-dev] Writing a cross platform daemon in C#
- [Mono-dev] WCF and parallel client-execution
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] WCF and parallel client-execution
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] WCF REST POST POCO, and null value
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] Validate xml file with schema file
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] Validate xml file with schema file
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] Validate xml file with schema file
Atsushi Eno
- [Mono-dev] Mono 2.8.1 Fedora build script
- [Mono-dev] I wanna contribute
Fulvio Esposito
- [Mono-dev] C# source-to-source compiler
Mark Farnell
- [Mono-dev] Issues when building mono 2.8 on windows
Alex Fort
- [Mono-dev] WCF: Contracts with Interface hierarchy
Karsten Fourmont
- [Mono-dev] SqlLiteeError when building XSP
- [Mono-dev] Windows Integrated Authentication
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-dev] Windows Integrated Authentication
Marek Habersack
- [Mono-dev] NuGet for Mono
Jackson Harper
- [Mono-dev] DLL -> System.BadImageFormatException
- [Mono-dev] Mono Winforms on Mac
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] [] DataConvert page out of date
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Having trouble getting tail. callvirt to work
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Mono Winforms on Mac
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] windows.form regression with mono 2.8.1
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Mono Winforms on Mac
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Mono Winforms on Mac
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Mono Winforms on Mac: Clipboard patches
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Mono 2.8.1 on OSX and Winforms regression fixed.
Miguel de Icaza
- [Mono-dev] Building error on profiler.c. maybe gc_init not work.
- [Mono-dev] Building error on profiler.c. maybe gc_init not work.
- [Mono-dev] Build error on decode.c and sched_getcpu
- [Mono-dev] Build problem caused by sched_getcpu function
- [Mono-dev] Build problem caused by sched_getcpu function
- [Mono-dev] I wanna contribute
- [Mono-dev] I wanna contribute
- [Mono-dev] Crash mono when start with sgen.
- [Mono-dev] Crash mono when start with sgen.
- [Mono-dev] I wanna contribute
- [Mono-dev] Unable to work with Configuration files
Ankit Jain
- [Mono-dev] xbuild not passing /platform: commandline
Ankit Jain
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] XSP: FastCGI Backend should handle unmanaged socket error 10038 on close
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-dev] Bug in System.Web.Caching.Get() / Timer.Change() ?
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-dev] Problem building mono-2.8.1
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
- [Mono-dev] Mono.Options
Paul F. Johnson
- [Mono-dev] Porting db4o-tool to use Mono.Options rather than Mono.GetOption
Paul F. Johnson
- [Mono-dev] Problem building mono-2.8.1
Paul F. Johnson
- [Mono-dev] Sale of Novell
Paul F. Johnson
- [Mono-dev] Problem building mono-2.8.1
Paul F. Johnson
- [Mono-dev] Mono in WinPE - need minimal installation.
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Mono in WinPE - need minimal installation.
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Bug: Console output redirection doesn't work in mono
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] xbuild - ** ERROR **: shm_semaphores_init: semget error: No space left on device.
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Problem with FileSystemWatcher
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Problem with FileSystemWatcher
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH]
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Validate xml file with schema file
Robert Jordan
- [Mono-dev] Deadlock Detection in Mono Libraries
Arun K
- [Mono-dev] Deadlock Detection in Mono Libraries
Arun K
- [Mono-dev] malloc.h deprecated ?
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] malloc.h deprecated ?
- [Mono-dev] trunk build error in FreeBSD
- [Mono-dev] trunk build error in FreeBSD
- [Mono-dev] I wanna contribute
Kishore Kanala
- [Mono-dev] [] DataConvert page out of date
Michał Kazior
- [Mono-dev] Moonlight basics - Overview
Krishna Kishore
- [Mono-dev] Moonlight basics - Overview
Krishna Kishore
- [Mono-dev] type 0x20 not handled in do_mono_metadata_parse_type
Vladimir Klebanov
- [Mono-dev] Implementation of SetPropertyItem
Patrick Kowalzick
- [Mono-dev] Moonlight basics - Overview
Sasi Rekha Kristam
- [Mono-dev] Moonlight basics - Overview
Sasi Rekha Kristam
- [Mono-dev] Moonlight basics - Overview
Sasi Rekha Kristam
- [Mono-dev] Having trouble getting tail. callvirt to work
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] Crash mono when start with sgen.
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] type 0x20 not handled in do_mono_metadata_parse_type
Rodrigo Kumpera
- [Mono-dev] Cilk for Mono
Jérémie Laval
- [Mono-dev] Nullref when clearing TextBox that hasn't been shown yet
Ralph Leckett
- [Mono-dev] Mono Winforms on Mac
Ralph Leckett
- [Mono-dev] windows.form regression with mono 2.8.1
Ralph Leckett
- [Mono-dev] C# source-to-source compiler
Liang, Qichang (梁启昌)
- [Mono-dev] C# source-to-source compiler
Liang, Qichang (梁启昌)
- [Mono-dev] Cilk for Mono
Liang, Qichang (梁启昌)
- [Mono-dev] Cilk for Mono
Liang, Qichang (梁启昌)
- [Mono-dev] C# source-to-source compiler
Liang, Qichang (梁启昌)
- [Mono-dev] Cilk for Mono
Liang, Qichang (梁启昌)
- [Mono-dev] Cilk for Mono
Liang, Qichang (梁启昌)
- [Mono-dev] DataTable.AcceptChanges(); performance
- [Mono-dev] wsdl errors when generating .Net WCF service definition
- [Mono-dev] Building error on profiler.c. maybe gc_init not work.
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] Build problem caused by sched_getcpu function
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] trunk build error in FreeBSD
Paolo Molaro
- [Mono-dev] System.Messaging error assemblye reference
Carlos Alberto Guzmán Murillo
- [Mono-dev] C# source-to-source compiler
Andreas Nahr
- [Mono-dev] unsubscribe
Tim Nelson
- [Mono-dev] Fwd: Need help how to get the Volume UUID on a Mac using mono
Stefan Noack
- [Mono-dev] I wanna contribute
Stefan Noack
- [Mono-dev] windows.form regression with mono 2.8.1
Geoff Norton
- [Mono-dev] windows.form regression with mono 2.8.1
Geoff Norton
- [Mono-dev] Having trouble getting tail. callvirt to work
Stefan O'Rear
- [Mono-dev] Having trouble getting tail. callvirt to work
Stefan O'Rear
- [Mono-dev] async / await / Task
Juan C. Olivares
- [Mono-dev] Generic Constraints Regression in 2.8
Tom Philpot
- [Mono-dev] Generic Constraints Regression in 2.8
Tom Philpot
- [Mono-dev] System.Messaging error assemblye reference
Jonathan Pobst
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] add missing case to conv_to_icall
Vincent Povirk
- [Mono-dev] Deadlock Detection in Mono Libraries
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] xbuild - ** ERROR **: shm_semaphores_init: semget error: No space left on device.
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] Mono.Options
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] Porting db4o-tool to use Mono.Options rather than Mono.GetOption
Jonathan Pryor
- [Mono-dev] Bug: Console output redirection doesn't work in mono
- [Mono-dev] Mono Sybase client
- [Mono-dev] Generic Constraints Regression in 2.8
Bojan Rajkovic
- [Mono-dev] Generic Constraints Regression in 2.8
Bojan Rajkovic
- [Mono-dev] MonoDevelop freezes on resizing windows form
Steve Ricketts
- [Mono-dev] Problem with FileSystemWatcher
Chakotey STME
- [Mono-dev] Problem with FileSystemWatcher
Chakotey STME
- [Mono-dev] Problem with FileSystemWatcher
Chakotey STME
- [Mono-dev] WCF and parallel client-execution
Chakotey STME
- [Mono-dev] WCF and parallel client-execution
Chakotey STME
- [Mono-dev] WCF and parallel client-execution
Chakotey STME
- [Mono-dev] Validate xml file with schema file
Chakotey STME
- [Mono-dev] Validate xml file with schema file
Chakotey STME
- [Mono-dev] Problem with WCF and IEnumerable as return type
Chakotey STME
- [Mono-dev] async / await / Task
Marek Safar
- [Mono-dev] C# source-to-source compiler
Marek Safar
- [Mono-dev] Generic Constraints Regression in 2.8
Marek Safar
- [Mono-dev] C# source-to-source compiler
Marek Safar
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Add async to dmcs
Marek Safar
- [Mono-dev] Sale of Novell
Jeffrey Stedfast
- [Mono-dev] Cilk for Mono
- [Mono-dev] Cilk for Mono
- [Mono-dev] Moonlight basics - Overview
- [Mono-dev] Mono Winforms on Mac
- [Mono-dev] Occasional native stack trace in mono
- [Mono-dev] Building and/or debugging mono on Visual Studio
- [Mono-dev] System.Net problem
- [Mono-dev] windows.form regression with mono 2.8.1
- [Mono-dev] windows.form regression with mono 2.8.1
- [Mono-dev] Mono Winforms on Mac
- [Mono-dev] Mono Winforms on Mac
- [Mono-dev] Status of non-full AOT on x86 mac
Elijah Taylor
- [Mono-dev] have WinXP but need Win 7 to install mono-develop!?
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-dev] C# source-to-source compiler
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-dev] C# source-to-source compiler
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-dev] Moonlight basics - Overview
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-dev] consuming web service without wsdl
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-dev] NuGet for Mono
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-dev] xbuild - ** ERROR **: shm_semaphores_init: semget error: No space left on device.
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] Add async to dmcs
Rafael Teixeira
- [Mono-dev] git/mono-2-8 branch fails 'make check' on x86_64 with default settings
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-dev] Building error on profiler.c. maybe gc_init not work.
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-dev] Occasional native stack trace in mono
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] add missing case to conv_to_icall
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-dev] Having trouble getting tail. callvirt to work
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-dev] [PATCH] malloc.h deprecated ?
Zoltan Varga
- [Mono-dev] Windows Integrated Authentication
Helmut Ziegler
- [Mono-dev] Windows Integrated Authentication
- [Mono-dev] consuming web service without wsdl
- [Mono-dev] System.Messaging error assemblye reference
- [Mono-dev] Nullref when clearing TextBox that hasn't been shown yet
- [Mono-dev] Nullref when clearing TextBox that hasn't been shown yet
- [Mono-dev] Nullref when clearing TextBox that hasn't been shown yet
- [Mono-dev] Nullref when clearing TextBox that hasn't been shown yet
- [Mono-dev] How do you MONO_IOMAP=all when building with NAnt?
- [Mono-dev] System.Net problem
- [Mono-dev] System.Net problem
- [Mono-dev] System.Net problem
- [Mono-dev] windows.form regression with mono 2.8.1
stifu at
- [Mono-dev] Mono Winforms on Mac: Clipboard patches
stifu at
- [Mono-dev] Mono in WinPE - need minimal installation.
- [Mono-dev] Mono in WinPE - need minimal installation.
- [Mono-dev] C# source-to-source compiler
jan jan
- [Mono-dev] C# source-to-source compiler
- [Mono-dev] Having trouble getting tail. callvirt to work
- [Mono-dev] windows.form regression with mono 2.8.1
- [Mono-dev] File not found error when using Activator.CreateInstanceFrom()
- [Mono-dev] Problem when running winforms app on arm processor
- [Mono-dev] have WinXP but need Win 7 to install mono-develop!?
- [Mono-dev] error trying to build using xbuild
- [Mono-dev] Occasional native stack trace in mono
- [Mono-dev] Occasional native stack trace in mono
- [Mono-dev] xbuild not passing /platform: commandline
- [Mono-dev] poor performance of osx mono implementation wrt linux and windows
matteo tesser
- [Mono-dev] windows.form regression with mono 2.8.1
matteo tesser
- [Mono-dev] windows.form regression with mono 2.8.1
matteo tesser
- [Mono-dev] Mono Winforms on Mac
matteo tesser
- [Mono-dev] Mono Winforms on Mac: Clipboard patches
matteo tesser
- [Mono-dev] Bug in System.Web.Caching.Get() / Timer.Change() ?
jriepshoff at
- [Mono-dev] Unable to work with Configuration files
- [Mono-dev] How to get the Volume UUID on MAC
- [Mono-dev] Generic Constraints Regression in 2.8
dan witt
- [Mono-dev] WebBrowser input fields not working?
Last message date:
Tue Nov 30 19:03:54 EST 2010
Archived on: Tue Nov 30 19:03:59 EST 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).