[MonoDevelop] compiler args temp file

Vasili I. Galchin vigalchin at gmail.com
Sat Mar 13 22:54:30 EST 2010

I just did a "fsc --help". I don't see any compiler option that allows
me to monitor the progress of a compilation. Is there such an option?



On 3/13/10, Vasili I. Galchin <vigalchin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
>      From reading CSharpBindingCompilerManager.cs (now I have an
> equivalent FSharpBindingCompilerManager.cs", I see that
>  -o /home/vasili/Projects/Console1/Console1/bin/Debug/Console1.exe
> -g
> --define:DEBUG
> --target:exe
> /home/vasili/Projects/Console1/Console1/Main.fs
> tmp60baf26d.tmp (END)
> is stored in a /tmp file named by responseFileName:
>                        File.WriteAllText (responseFileName, sb.ToString
> ());
> The value of responseFileName is passed via "cargs" to DoCompilation,
> i.e. MonoDevelop shares the underlying compiler's command line args
> via this /tmp file. If I
> explicitly do a F# compile (i.e. explicit fsc call(of course I hyave a
> "mono" wrapper around fsc.exe!)) from a bash shell CLI I don't get a
> hang ... however, if use MonoDevelop, MonoDevelop seems to hang. In my
> current development environment I am running MonoDevelop via "make
> run" based on an article on the MonoDevelop development site. Is there
> a great advantage to using the software debugger? If so, what must I
> change use debugger? How deep can I go with debugger?
> Regards,
> Vasili

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