[MonoDevelop] Version Control GUI

IBBoard ibboard at gmail.com
Sat Jul 3 08:58:19 EDT 2010

Sorry it took a little while, but I've been busy rebuilding my machine
with openSUSE 11.3 after some minor disk issues. I think I've finally
got everything back to where I was :)

I've just had a first look at the new diff views (r159815). Here's a few

1) It wasn't obvious which file was which. Eclipse and the other diff
tools that I've used (e.g. BeeDiff) tend to identify the panels as to
whether they're the local file or the remote file

2) What would happen when I clicked the green blob wasn't obvious.
Perhaps an arrow to show "copy change this way" for additions and
changes and a cross for "ignore deletion"?

3) After I'd clicked the green blob then I couldn't undo from the diff
view, so if you use the diff view, reject some changes, accept some and
then accidentally accept/reject one that you didn't want to then you've
got to go back to the start.

4) The nav bar widgets remain in the diff view, but clicking around
doesn't update them (presumably because they're tied to the text view)

5) I don't know if you've changed the "blame" view (I never tended to
use it since I've not got any helpers yet, so the blame is all mine ;) )
but single line and two line changes look a bit cluttered. Would it be
better to just have the time/revision/username and show the message in a
tooltip on hover? Also, the font it uses for the blame isn't the same as
the editor, which makes the spacing even worse for me because my
standard text font is bigger than my editor font.

And one suggestion that I hope is possible with the Code DOM:

1) Eclipse has a nice "structure compare" that lets you see where the
changes were made from an overview (e.g.
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/523307/semantic-diff-utilities). Once
you've got the basics going then I think it'd be nice to include
something similar, if possible.

I'm not being pessimistic - it's definitely a good start, I like the
live updates of the highlighting and it is good to integrate it with the
standard text editor instead of taking up another tab, but I like to be
thorough :)

On 29/06/10 18:39, Mike Krüger wrote:
> Hi
> That's a nice idea - I don't know if I add it in the first versions but 
> that's something I would really like to have.
> However in the first versions we'll stick to the diff.
> We're planning git support and currently I've no idea how git handles 
> conflicts - I need a solution that works with git+svn.
> When I know more about git I'll add it - should be pretty easy to do - 
> it's already possible to take back specific changes.
> Regards
> Mike
>> On 06/28/2010 07:15 PM, Mike Krüger wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I made a small screencast with the current version:
>>> http://screencast.com/t/ZGQyNzAzOW
>> Will it be possible to use this graph view to solve
>> conflicts? The conflicted areas should be emphasised
>> and user would be able to choose one or the other version
>> of the conflicted area to solve the conflict.
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