[MonoDevelop] How to Access the Gtk.HTML widget from the Stetic Designer

Jacek Ruzyczka stacheldraht at interia.pl
Fri May 18 17:19:15 EDT 2007

Am Freitag, 18. Mai 2007 16:47 schrieben Sie:
> Probably you'll have to start a Stetic control project to wrap-it.
> Can't try it now, but I would create it and edit it to inherit from
> Gtk.Html, if that doen't work. it would have to be agregatted and all
> methods-properties would have to be wrapped.
Where can I get some good documentation on how to get that managed?

> Given time, the right thing to do next, was to add GTK.Html to Stetic
> itself (but I'm quite sure it is complicated by not wanting to have a
> hard-reference to that assembly a nd so a dependency)
No...I don't think that's the right way. Normally, you would reference the 
gtkhtml-sharp package when you need it for your particular project, otherwise 

> In the long run, GTK# iand GTK.Html would need to evolve to be
> annotated (with attributes or some other way), to help stetic and
> other designer, cope with dynamic toolboxes, like we have with
> WinForms/WebForms controls and various IDEs but currently not on MD.
Absolutely true.

Thanx for your help. As the ground beneath my feet is already burning, I made 
some spaghetti code (with the HTML widget hand-coded). At least it works 
somehow. :-/

Jacek Rużyczka

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