[MonoDevelop] project-directories

Bert Verhees bert.verhees at rosa.nl
Sat Sep 30 04:55:38 EDT 2006

Chris Morgan schreef:
> Perhaps we can combine our bounties into something reasonable.  I was
> <private>
Thanks, Morgan for calling an amount, I could add some amount too, but 
maybe a bit less. But that is not the point, I rather keep the 
discussion in public for the moment, let me explain
(English is not my first language, there may be errors in it)

Maybe we have to deal with a restriction in Monodevelop, and a 
philosophy behind that, so said, a deliberately build in restriction.
It can well be possible that is is a matter of removing code, instead of 
adding functionality.

I have no time to look at the code of Monodevelop, life is short, I have 
other things.

Maybe the developers could tell us more about that. After we have this 
information, we can decide if a bounty is useful.
Because, when we have to deal with ad deliberately restriction, we can 
only fork, and that is not worth it to me.

So we have to see what the best solution is, and maybe need to convince 
the developers that our point of view is worth implementing.

If the development team will implement (or remove restriction) we can 
donate a bounty to Monodevelop.

Bert Verhees

> Chris
> On 9/29/06, Bert Verhees <bert.verhees at rosa.nl> wrote:
>> Chris Morgan schreef:
>> > I have the start of a patch that adds this functionality but I'm
>> > having a difficult time finishing it up for lack of understanding the
>> > monodevelop design.  You should be able to look in the mailing list
>> > archives for the patch and discussion.  I too need this functionality
>> > to get VC# Express projects to work the same in MD.
>> >
>> > I would be interested in offering a bounty for someone to implement
>> > this functionality.  If anyone is interested please contact me via
>> > email.
>> I am happy someone else needs it too. I cannot develop this
>> functionality at this time. It would cost me too much time, and I am
>> working towards deadlines.
>> But, I can also offer a small bounty if someone adds this functionality.
>> We can talk about that
>> Bert
>> >
>> > Chris
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On 9/29/06, Bert Verhees <bert.verhees at rosa.nl> wrote:
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> is it possible to add C# files to a project which are not under the
>> >> projects-directory
>> >>
>> >> I tried, but MonoDevelop refused, offered me to copy/move the file
>> >> instead to the projects directory.
>> >>
>> >> This is undesirabel to me, because, I maintain a selection of C# 
>> files,
>> >> for general purposes, also in other projects.
>> >>
>> >> Copying them for each project in which I want to use them makes it 
>> very
>> >> difficult to maintain these libraries of source-files.
>> >>
>> >> Thanks
>> >> Bert Verhees
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>> >> Monodevelop-list mailing list
>> >> Monodevelop-list at lists.ximian.com
>> >> http://lists.ximian.com/mailman/listinfo/monodevelop-list
>> >>
>> >
>> >

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