[MonoDevelop] Re: import vs.net sln

Alexandre Gomes alexmipego@hotmail.com
Wed, 10 Nov 2004 11:37:02 +0000

Are you using monodevelop from subversion? If so you shouldn't symlink 
the gtk-sharp files. Simply uninstall gtk-sharp2 from cvs, and install 
it again with ./autogen.sh -prefix=/usr
This is due to mono default installation beeing in /usr but gtk-sharp2 
from cvs default is /usr/local
Again, only do that if you are using monodevelop from subversion.

Now, your real question. The message you getting is normal. After you 
load a project in MonoDevelop it read that pidb that I don't really know 
what they are, but I think it is the database files for autocompletation 
(can anyone confirm this to me?), anyway it's normal.

Now, the references. I don't think you really want this files next to 
the solution files. When you compile either in VS.NET or 
MonoDevelop/SharpDevelop the assemblies will be in 
preoject_path/bin/debug (or release) you can check this behaviour (sorry 
my english, I think I don't know how to write this word, lol) in project 
properties. You can try to move this file into bin/debug folder or you 
can delete the reference from the project and add it again 
right-clicking references and choosing ".net assembly" and then browse 
it. My first solution is advisable even if you need to re-add the reference.

Now, the *BAD* news.

*Could not find: Interop.WIALib.dll
*Could not find: ByteFX.MySqlClient.dll'

The not so bad: You should use the MySqlClient delivered with mono. I 
think it is from ByteFX too. So it will be easy.
The *really* bad. This will not work in Linux. (dot) You are using a 
windows COM and you created a Interop Assembly. Linux doesn't support 
COM. Your first work arround is to find an library similar to that in 
windows and build a Wrapper (Interop) assembly. Just like we do for 
gtk-sharp that's a wrapper for a linux library called GTK and its coded 
in native code. The second way is too reimplet that WIALib in 100% 
Managed Code (C#). And the last option is to see if wine can handle that 
COM .dll you are trying to use, that maybe really easy like "plug&play" 
or can take a long way to do nothing... your shoot now!

Hope it helps,
Alexandre Gomes, Portugal

Kusuma Sujiwo wrote:

> Alexandre Gomes wrote:
>> In  fact I think he could not find the MonoDevelop.Base.dll assembly. 
>> Try to search for this file, if it is under /usr/local try to symlink 
>> it to under /usr or vice-versa.
> MonoDevelop.Base.dll is located on the same folder as dbgen.exe.
> I made a bunch of symlinks from gtk-sharp installation to my 
> /usr/lib/monodevelop/bin/ and this eliminates all the 'cannot find 
> assembly' errors. Then I'm getting a list of msg like
> 'Reading 
> /root/.config/MonoDevelop/CodeCompletionData/ByteFX.MySqlClient_0.7.6.15073_f2fef6fed1732fc1.pidb' 
> Then nothing happen? Is this an error?
> And since nothing is happening again, I click 'Run/Compile All' and 
> getting error
> 'Could not find: Interop.WIALib.dll
> Could not find: ByteFX.MySqlClient.dll'
> How can I add reference path so that md find these two dll? They are 
> located in the same folder as the .sln file. Does md not looking at 
> this folder for reference?
> Is there docs on how to use Import/Export function? I hope I'm making 
> some sense here.
> TIA,
> Kusuma
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