[Mono-list] Recent Windows.Forms commit

Dan Lewis dihlewis@yahoo.co.uk
Wed, 3 Apr 2002 21:18:04 +0100 (BST)

 --- John Barnette <jbarn@httcb.net> wrote: >
> 1. The standard operating procedure for directory structure is
>     "class/[assembly]/[namespace]", so source files should actually live in
>     "class/System.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms".  I know it looks odd,
>     but consistency is a Good Thing (TM).
> 2. Please break out each enum in enums.cs into a separate source file.
>     while the enums are quite small, having public types in separate
>     files is another standard operating procedure.  So, the following should
>     be created in mcs/class/System.Windows.Forms/System.Windows.Forms:

Hmm, I need to break up the RegularExpressions namespace too. But on top of the
public classes I've also got about 40 internal classes, and a private namespace
RegularExpressions.Syntax (some of the syntax tree names clashed with the
public names). Any idea what to do with these? Can I just leave them in their
own files?


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