[Mono-devel-list] Patch for full-featured mcs /doc support

Ian MacLean ianm at ActiveState.com
Wed Dec 1 11:01:59 EST 2004

Atsushi Eno wrote:

>Miguel asked me to extract /doc specific stuff from large sources,
>so I did that. Now we have new doc.cs and I added some static methods
>that handles the bodies of GenerateDocument() logic. The added members
>are still in class.cs etc, but they are just wrappers (I needed them
>not to make method overrides into complicated code).
>If the code can be cleaner, please tell me and I'll improve them.

There seems to be an issue with doc comments on Interface members. The
following code :
class Test1 {
/// <summary>
/// Some test documentation
/// </summary>
void Foo(){}
public interface ITest2 {

/// <summary>
/// Some test documentation
/// </summary>
void Foo();

compiled with :
mcs -doc:foo.xml test.cs


Class1.cs(41) warning CS1587: XML comment is placed on an invalid
language element which can not accept it.
Compilation succeeded - 1 warning(s)

This happens on any member inside an interface definition.


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