[MonoDevelop] How to hook into editor warnings/errors?

Federico Di Gregorio fog at dndg.it
Thu Jul 31 15:38:57 UTC 2014

Hi *,

I am trying to make MonoDevelop a little more friendly when editing Dart
files. Dart SDK has a nice tool, dartanalyzer, that reports errors,
warnings and hints in a simple, machine-parsable format. I'd like to use
that output to show hints in the right editor margin, just like the
CSharpBinding addin does but apparently I am missing something. Here is
what I tried:

1) Write a DartDocumentParser class that (right now) does almost nothing
and hook it at the /MonoDevelop/TypeSystem/Parser extension point.

2) From DartDocumentParser.Parse() return a DartParsedDocument (subclass
of DefaultParsedDocument) that using my dartanalyzer service calls
Add(new Error()) to add errors to the document.

The problem is that Parse() is never invoken. The editor correctly
recognize the new MIME type and applies my basic syntax highlight
(hooked at /MonoDevelop/SourceEditor2/SyntaxModes) but nothing else.

What am I missing here?



Federico Di Gregorio                         federico.digregorio at dndg.it
Di Nunzio & Di Gregorio srl                               http://dndg.it
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