[MonoDevelop] How to hook into editor warnings/errors?

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 05:07:27 UTC 2014

That sounds right. Can you pastebin the addin xml somewhere?

On 31 July 2014 11:38, Federico Di Gregorio <fog at dndg.it> wrote:
> Hi *,
> I am trying to make MonoDevelop a little more friendly when editing Dart
> files. Dart SDK has a nice tool, dartanalyzer, that reports errors,
> warnings and hints in a simple, machine-parsable format. I'd like to use
> that output to show hints in the right editor margin, just like the
> CSharpBinding addin does but apparently I am missing something. Here is
> what I tried:
> 1) Write a DartDocumentParser class that (right now) does almost nothing
> and hook it at the /MonoDevelop/TypeSystem/Parser extension point.
> 2) From DartDocumentParser.Parse() return a DartParsedDocument (subclass
> of DefaultParsedDocument) that using my dartanalyzer service calls
> Add(new Error()) to add errors to the document.
> The problem is that Parse() is never invoken. The editor correctly
> recognize the new MIME type and applies my basic syntax highlight
> (hooked at /MonoDevelop/SourceEditor2/SyntaxModes) but nothing else.
> What am I missing here?
> Thanks,
> federico
> --
> Federico Di Gregorio                         federico.digregorio at dndg.it
> Di Nunzio & Di Gregorio srl                               http://dndg.it
>   Those who do not study Lisp are doomed to reimplement it. Poorly.
>                                      -- from Karl M. Hegbloom .signature
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Michael Hutchinson ~ https://mhut.ch

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