[MonoDevelop] Enhanced C#

David Piepgrass qwertie256 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 27 05:26:33 UTC 2012

Anybody? I could really use some pointers.

On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 10:41 PM, David Piepgrass <qwertie256 at gmail.com>wrote:

> I am trying to develop an enhanced version of C#. I feel it's important to
> get it integrated into an IDE and I think MonoDevelop would be the most
> straightforward choice (it's multiplatform, and I'll be using NRefactory as
> a starting point). I hope there is a MSBuild/MD build system expert here to
> help me...
> My plan is to use a modified NRefactory to convert Enhanced C# (*.ecs) to
> normal C# (*.cs) and then compile it with the standard C# compiler. The way
> I would like it to work is that
> 1. MonoDevelop uses the modified NRefactory to provide code completion and
> symbol lookup.
> 2. But, if possible, the project file should be backward compatible with
> standard C# projects so that the project can build in Visual Studio without
> any special add-in, e.g. the ecs => cs converter could be executed in a
> pre-build event.
> 3. The user could choose to use EC# in only one or two source files in the
> project, leaving the rest of the source files as plain C# to minimize their
> dependence on EC# (EC# would examine the plain C# files but not generate
> output for them); since EC# would increase build times, it would be nice to
> have the option to avoid invoking the compiler when the EC# files have not
> changed.
> Does this sound feasible, or do I need to create a custom project format?
> What would I have to do to make it work?
> Thanks,
> David
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