[MonoDevelop] Crossbuild to windows

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 20:11:58 UTC 2012

On 23 March 2012 09:50, Elmar Haneke <elmar at haneke.de> wrote:
> How can I build MonoDevelop on an Debian machine to have it run on Windows?
> ./configure --enable-windowsplatform --disable-gnomeplatform
> make
> seems to to be sufficient, it does end with an error.

That looks fine, though it probably won't run on Windows x64 because
there's not 640bit GTK# on WIndows, and unlike the MSBuild files, the
the makefiles don't set the /platform:x86 compiler flag to make it use
a 32-bit runtime - though there's no reason why they couldn't.

It's not hard to build MD on Windows, TBH I'd suggest doing that
instead: http://monodevelop.com/Developers/Building_MonoDevelop#Windows

Michael Hutchinson

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