[MonoDevelop] Error building AspNetEdit Plugin

Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui safknw at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 13:54:43 UTC 2012

Hi Quandry,

You do have point, but a lot people do prefer designer, specially
those who are using VS. A designer is going to be very helpful them
and make them more comfortable.

Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
"Peace" is the Ultimate desire of mankind.

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 2:39 AM, quandary <quandary82 at hailmail.net> wrote:
> Don't waste your time on this.
> Just copy a few template texts in a text file, like gridview, a list,
> combobox, label, checkbox, and textbox, and a page_load, button click and
> combobox_indexchanged directive.
> A visual designer doesn't do much more anyway, except of course setting some
> attributes and updating the markup accordingly, thereby trashing your layout
> because it's buggy (even in visual studio).
> Besides, you only need this "designer" for web forms anyway.
> You should think about upgrading from WebForms to MVC (version 3 current,
> version 4 pending, mono is still using version 2, but you can use mvc3 via
> localcopy).
> This means using AJAX and JSON, and saying bye-bye to postbacks and WebForm
> controls.
> If you start developing something new with WebForms today, then you're
> really doing something pretty stupid...
> WebForms is user unfriendly, usability is miserable, and on top of that, all
> the postback create a debugging nightmare that set off the initially lower
> development time by many times.
> Plus you can't really create unit tests, and the constant viewstate
> transfers make the ASP.NET application slower than PHP, although PHP is
> interpreted, and compiled C# alone is far faster.
> And last but not least, keep in mind that MonoDevelop is somewhat less
> advanced than VisualStudio.
> In the current state, it's extremely useful for debugging, compiling and
> fixing your applications on Linux, but for primary development, it just has
> to catch up a little bit more.
> Though you can use it for development.
> I have, and it ain't that bad, at least for MVC.
> In terms of speed, it's even better than VisualStudio.
> The only real problem left so far is that it doesn't check whether port 8080
> is already in use (e.g. by tomcat6) when it tries to open a development
> server on that port :)
> On 01/17/2012 05:52 PM, Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to build AspNetEdit building .with latest MD 2.8.5. I got
>> few errors. I fixed other except this lastone
>> /home/sharique/Projects/fossProjects/monodevelop/extras/AspNetEdit/AspNetEdit.Integration/AspNetEditViewContent.cs(44,44):Error
>> CS1715: `AspNetEdit.Integration.AspNetEditViewContent.Control': type
>> must be `Gtk.Widget' to match overridden
>> member`MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.AbstractBaseViewContent.Control' (CS1715)
>> (AspNetEdit)
>> It fails to convertMonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.AbstractBaseViewContent.Control
>> to Gtk.Widget. It looks like a lot of MD infrastructure is changed.
>> Can somebody help me on it?
>> --Sharique uddin Ahmed Farooqui
>> http://safknw.blogspot.com/
>> "Peace" is the Ultimate desire of mankind.
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