[MonoDevelop] installing addins

Ian Norton ian.norton-badrul at thales-esecurity.com
Wed Feb 29 18:48:23 UTC 2012


I'm trying to get the python addin working, I've also installed the D addin to
play with but I can't seem to figure out where MD installs addins as a non-root

I'm using,  I mainly want to get the python addin working, I've built
it for and done make install as root and i see 

/usr/local/lib/monodevelop/AddIns/PyBinding/PyBinding.dll and an mdb,

yet I see no python projects in md nor in the addin manager.

If i wanted to install things manually by copying files around, where does MD
expect to look? ( i also want to finish my perforce addin now that i've
discovered p4python )



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