[MonoDevelop] GTK# references for MD 2.8.1 on ubuntu 11.10

Miljenko Cvjetko mcvjetko at holisticware.net
Wed Nov 9 15:43:38 EST 2011


If needed we can drop-in our 2 cents with set of scripts for mono on CentOS.
Thode should work on other flavors of RH as well.
Those were heavily tested with 2.6.2 <= v <= 2.8.2, but then we have paused
project using those, because there were not enough resources to continue 



(heavily tested wi
On 2011.11.09 08:46, Ian Norton wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 01, 2011 at 09:45:32PM +0000, Doug Blank wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 5:35 PM, Ian Norton
>> <ian.norton-badrul at thales-esecurity.com>  wrote:
>>> Those are all good goals, we should keep them in mind but I think we should start small first, there are no mono built binary packages for Linux other than the old suse ones so I think we should start on Linux.
>>> I don't think we should invent a whole build system for this just yet :-)
>> Agreed :)
>> Some short term goals:
>> 1) look at making a package of mono, monodevelop, and dependencies for
>> rpm, deb, and tar-ball for Linux
>> 2) explore what has been used before
>> 3) there are many optional packages that could be constructed:
>> - 32/64 bit
>> - targeting sdk 2 or sdk 4 (perhaps just target one for now)
>> - binary-only, with-source
>> 4) setup a github repository and start collecting things
>> 5) setup some documentation/lists on the web
>> That would be a good start. Even if we just have a place where people
>> can go to see what they need to build it themselves, that will be a
>> step forward. Then we can build the packages, have a place to download
>> them, and then get them into the distros themselves.
> I've been messing about with some scripts to build deb packages for linux on
> top of ubuntu 11.10. These should essentially provide everything monodevelop
> 2.8.1 needs to run on top of a parallel mono 2.10.6, When newer mono source
> tarballs are released I'll update to reflect that.
> I'll probably post this to the mono-list too as of course, it includes mono
> packages.
> I've aimed at creating packages suitable to be treated as a "parallel mono
> install" rather than replacing those provided by the distros. The debian and
> ubuntu packaging efforts are aimed at stability and providing infrastructure
> for mono programs and libraries that form part of the installed OS, so not
> a good fit for people wishing to try out the newest mono and monodevelop. My
> efforts will never replace the debian or ubuntu official distro packages.
> Anyhoo, I've made enough progress to build mono and libgdiplus debs using this.
> https://github.com/inorton/mono-ubuntu-build
> With some tinkering the scripts could also be 'build parallel mono for any
> linux' (i'll just need to make the checkinstall step optional)
> I'm planning on finding a home for an apt repo for the outputs soon aswell as
> actually writing a README.  When I get some time later this week I'll get it
> installing mono-tools and hopefully monodevelop.
> Best Regards
> Ian
>> -Doug
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Miljenko Cvjetko dipl.ing. ET
	Projektant rješenja/Solution Architect	
	Razvojni programer/Senior developer
	Voditelj projekta/Project Manager

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