[MonoDevelop] No Create SQL Server Dialog.

Jacek Rużyczka stacheldraht at interia.pl
Sun May 9 06:20:19 EDT 2010

Am Sonntag 09 Mai 2010 06:50:08 schrieb TaffyDownUnder:
> Hi,
> I've just started using MonoDevelop 2.2.1under Ubuntu 10.4 and I've loaded
> the Database add-in.
> When I select the menu item "Tools->Database->Create Database->SQL Server
> Database" nothing happens. No dialog box is displayed and no errors show up
> in the Internal Message Log window.  Dialog boxes are displayed for the
> other database types. I can display the Add Database Connection for SQL
> server.
> Is this option only supported under Windows or are there other than adding
> the add-in are there any other libraries etc that I need to enable the SQL
> Server support?  Are there any other log files I should be checking for
>  more info?

have you installed the ADO.NET provider for MS SQL server and referenced it in 
your project?


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