[MonoDevelop] Version Control GUI

Mike Krüger mkrueger at novell.com
Tue Jun 29 13:39:54 EDT 2010


That's a nice idea - I don't know if I add it in the first versions but 
that's something I would really like to have.
However in the first versions we'll stick to the diff.

We're planning git support and currently I've no idea how git handles 
conflicts - I need a solution that works with git+svn.
When I know more about git I'll add it - should be pretty easy to do - 
it's already possible to take back specific changes.

> On 06/28/2010 07:15 PM, Mike Krüger wrote:
>> Hi
>> I made a small screencast with the current version:
>> http://screencast.com/t/ZGQyNzAzOW
> Will it be possible to use this graph view to solve
> conflicts? The conflicted areas should be emphasised
> and user would be able to choose one or the other version
> of the conflicted area to solve the conflict.

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