[MonoDevelop] Resetting Syntax Highlighting Theme

Carl Emil Carlsen ce at sixthsensor.dk
Mon Jun 28 16:04:05 EDT 2010

Dear mailinglist

I tried to create my own syntax highlighting theme but accidentally wrote #fffff instead of #ffffff for white. Now MonoDevelope refuses to let me change to any theme and it throws an Unhandled Exception every time I start the application or enter Preferences->Text Editor->Syntax Highlighting. No text is displayed. The error message is listed below.

Also, I can't copy the error message (OS X). Cmd-c clears everything. I had to open Console.

How can I reset Monodevelop so that it uses the default syntax highlighting theme again? Replacing the application does not work, and I can't find any MonoDevelop files in the Library.

Thanks in advance

Carl Emil Carlsen

ERROR [2010-06-28 21:56:13Z]: Unhandled Exception
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.IO.IOException: Error while loading style :Sixth ---> System.Exception: Can't parse color: #fffff
  at Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.Style.GetColorFromString (System.String colorString) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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