[MonoDevelop] Are there plans for a WPF/Silverlight/Moonlight graphical designer?

Owen Pellegrin atmaweapon at gmail.com
Wed Jul 14 14:50:13 EDT 2010

I've been experimenting with the design extensibility in Visual Studio.  I'm
kind of curious about the plans for design extensibility in Monodevelop; I
think it'd be interesting to try and produce Silverlight controls that have
a good experience cross-platform.  I tried to experiment with it a little
bit but found there's no visual designer and the properties tool window
doesn't allow editing elements in Moonlight applications, so right now my
answer is "It isn't supported."

Sharpdevelop's designer has some kind of support, but it's not following the
same model as the VS/Blend extensibility model.  I'm not sure if I can
assume that means Monodevelop will follow the same path, since it's possible
Mono could implement an implementation of the same extensibility model as
VS/Blend.  I doubt this is the case, but I'm fishing for something a little
more substantial than a guess.

I don't care if the answer involves "there is no known timeframe", because
that in and of itself is a valid answer.  Can anyone help?
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