[MonoDevelop] an example of compiler addin please

Vasili I. Galchin vigalchin at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 02:24:25 EST 2010

Thank you for your generous reply, Michael! I am getting up to speed.

 How do I download "main/src/addins"??


On 1/8/10, Michael Hutchinson <m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 12:16 AM, Vasili I. Galchin <vigalchin at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>     I am reading the FSharpBinding. It seems to be based on an
>> existing compiler addin. I want to read a compiler addin that works in
>> order to write a workable F# addin. Please point at an existing and
>> working compiler addin!
> All of the languages supported by MD are addins. The addins included
> with MD can be found in main/src/addins: CSharpBinding, CBinding,
> VBNetBinding
> Several other addins are maintained in MD SVN but distributed/packaged
> separately from the main tarball. These are in the "extras" directory:
> JavaBinding, ValaBinding, PythonBinding, BooBinding
> The FSharpBinding was based on the old CSharpBinding *before* we
> finished removing GPL code from MD, so it unfortunately is
> GPL-derived. We no longer accept GPL code into MD SVN because of the
> limitations and complications it causes. Removing GPL code means that
> it's now possible to use code with GPL-incompatible licenses such as
> Apache v1 and MS-PL, and also to write closed-source commercial
> addins. Some addins are LGPL, which is better - these addins can't use
> LGPL-incompatible libraries/code, but at least they don't place
> restrictions on code that references them. Most of the MD code is
> MIT/X11, which is a very liberal license.
> Anyway, the upshot is that in order for the F# addin to be included in
> MD SVN, it needs to be rewritten using a more liberal license, ideally
> MIT/X11. Also, Don Syme (MS) has stated intention to release F# under
> MS-PL license eventually, so it would be very useful for the MD F#
> addin to be able to use that code, e.g. for parsers.
> Beware that there is still some GPL code in some of the addins in
> extras (e.g. the Boo binding) and some LGPL code in  some files in
> main - so check the headers on any source files you base the F#
> binding code on.
> --
> Michael Hutchinson
> http://mjhutchinson.com

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