[MonoDevelop] Using Nunit 2.5+

Dale Ragan dale.ragan at sinesignal.com
Fri Aug 20 16:43:20 EDT 2010

> My question is, how do I tell Monodevelop to use the Nunit 2.5
> executables to run the tests? Thanks for any  guidance.

You're correct in what is happening.  MonoDevelop uses NUnit v2.4.8  
inside the test runner, therefore doesn't have support for passing  
parameters to test methods.  There is not an option to tell MD what  
version of NUnit to use.  You will need to run your tests with v2.5.*  
of the nunit-console to take advantage of that feature at the command  
line outside of MD.

There have been discussions of upgrading the NUnit framework to  
version 2.5.* for MD v2.6, but nothing concrete yet.



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