[MonoDevelop] How do I specify the target directory to be used when generating a package?

Lluis Sanchez Gual slluis.devel at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 14:37:14 EDT 2010

El dj 12 de 08 de 2010 a les 13:23 -0400, en/na Matthew Pirocchi va
> Thanks Lluis, that helps. One thing: It's not an application library.
> I'm trying to make a package for agsXMPP
> (http://www.ag-software.de/agsxmpp-sdk.html), a third party XMPP
> library. It's stable and usable by many applications. In this case,
> how would I put it in the GAC? There's no file to select in
> MonoDevelop and change the properties.

I fear that's not yet supported by MonoDevelop. You'll have to modify
the makefile by hand.


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