[MonoDevelop] VisualStudio Keybindings

Lucas Meijer lucas at lucasmeijer.com
Fri Sep 11 03:26:55 EDT 2009


An other thing I ran into while looking at the 2.2 beta:

I couldn't find a "Make it just like visual studio plz" keybinding set, 
in the keybinding configuration screen.

If I'm not mistaken, a large reason for moving MonoDevelop onto windows 
and osx is to gain more developers who know about, and develop for the 
mono platform. If that is true, then I'd say that

1) visual studio bindings help a lot making the windows developers 
you're reaching out to, like MonoDevelop.

2) Therefore, they should be the default keybinding. (At least on 
Windows / OSX, I could see an argument for not changing default 
keybindings on linux).

Interested in your opinion,


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