[MonoDevelop] Fatwa: bring the XCode error/warning reporting to MonoDevelop.

Lluis Sanchez Gual lluis at novell.com
Fri Oct 16 11:18:07 EDT 2009

>         disruptive without considering the consequences, we will lose
>         users.
>         Don't forget that users come from different perspectives, and
>         emacs
>         and Xcode users like yourself are a tiny minority compared to
>         those
>         who are familiar with other IDEs, especially VS. Blithely
>         dismissing
>         these other viewpoints is incredibly counterproductive. We
>         should be
>         discussing how we can make it more usable for everyone.
> Blithely questioning this new Fatwa for what is today a completely
> useless and annoying behavior is incredible counterproductive.  

My take on this is: let's try it (after 2.2), and see what happens. In
any case I don't believe the current behavior is useless, VS works this
way and has milions of users. It can be improved of course, and I'm ok
with trying alternate behaviors.


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