[MonoDevelop] Quick finder discussion

Mike Krüger mkrueger at novell.com
Fri Nov 27 03:22:49 EST 2009


> I would be strongly against making the file-combo change right now,
> for a number of reasons:
> * Tabs are very familiar to our users and users of most other IDEs,
> and also very familiar to any new user who's used a modern web
> browser.

Even for the xcode users ?

> * Tabs can be re-ordered, and potentially dragged off and re-docked at
> the side, or left floating on another monitor. None of these are
> possible with the combobox.

I've never used re-ordering. Drag & re-dock could be done with the combo
thing, just dnd the combo - that could drag the current open document.

> * MD uses a dock/pad workspace model like VS, Xcode uses a
> floating-window workspace model, so for Xcode a window represents a
> single document, and the combo is a way to switch the document.
> Because the workspace models are different, workspace-related things
> like this may not transfer over easily and still be usable.
> Perhaps we can figure out a way to make it work well in MD, but I
> think we have many other priorities that would be more useful to our
> users.

Ok then I leave the class quick finder for now - I liked the integrated
quick finder xcode had.


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