[MonoDevelop] MAC OS Tests, GetText / GuiDesigner / Editor

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 21:04:44 EST 2009

On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 4:13 PM, Thomas Ziegler <ziegler.thomas at web.de> wrote:
>> I'm not aware of this issue. What GTK version where you using? Are you
>> using the one shipped with Mono, or a trunk or macports built?
> I run mono and no special builds at all.
> My last GTK version is 2.12

Hm, ok, that's very strange.

> Yes, I followed the guide build monodevelop on MacOS.
> http://monodevelop.com/Developers/Mac_Support/Building_MonoDevelop_on_OS_X
> To build MD from svn it is necessary to install the gettext package fom
> ports. I have installed version 0.17.

Oh, I've been able to build MD without macports at all. I'm pretty
sure Mono provides some of the gettext utilities, enough to build MD,
but not enough for the gettext addin.

Michael Hutchinson

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