[MonoDevelop] multi-language project files support ?

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Thu May 7 16:31:18 EDT 2009

2009/5/7 Cyryl Płotnicki-Chudyk <cyryl at power.com.pl>:
> Michael Hutchinson wrote:
>> 2009/5/6 Cyryl Płotnicki-Chudyk <cyryl at power.com.pl>:
>>> is there a plan to support multi-language project files ?
>>> I mean, compiling one file with some compiler and another with the other
>>> ?
>> We don't have any plans. What would be the purpose of this?
> There are plenty of languages available for the .net platform and some of
> them are better for some types of tasks and other for another.
> Real world example:
> We have a library called PowerMedia.Common which provides some basic tools
> that are missing in the .net's core libraries, such as some math extensions.
> Some of the classes and methods are easier to write in C# and some of them
> desire functional approach; to be written eg in F#.
> It'd be very nice to have per-file control of which compiler to use instead
> of per-project.
> It is possible to have MSBuild's multilanguage project but, as far as I
> know, no IDE supports it.
> Here's a example of such MSBuild project:
> http://thomasfreudenberg.com/blog/archive/2006/08/22/Mixing-C_2300_-and-VB.NET-in-one-assembly.aspx
> It's quite old but explains itself pretty good.

I don't think the limited number of use cases for that scenario would
make it worthwhile for us to implement that. Note that in theory
MSBuild projects can create many modules and assemblies as you want --
how would we scale the options panels, given that each module/assembly
would need a full set of options? What happens when you reference such
a project? There are many complexities if you go down that path, and
IMO very few advantages. Also, the MSBuild files would no longer be
compatible with VS.

Of course, feel free to file an feature request or contribute patches :)

Michael Hutchinson

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