[MonoDevelop] Please review Proposal: Task/Collaboration focused frontend for MonoDevelop (Similar to Eclipse Mylyn)

Anirudh anirudh at anirudhsanjeev.org
Sat Mar 28 16:19:28 EDT 2009


I've updated my proposal and added a lot of content and clarification, and
would really love some preliminary feedback before I submit it tommorow.

My project is titled "TaskForce", and it tries to introduce the paradigm of
task centred development into monodevelop.

The proposal is quite huge, and can be retrieved from

Thank you.

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Anirudh <anirudh at anirudhsanjeev.org>wrote:

> Hi, After speaking to mhutch on IRC the other day, I decided to try and see
> if I can take several of the best features of the Mylyn Plugin for Eclipse,
> which has been lauded to improve productivity among teams and deal with
> information overload. I'd love to see this feature in MonoDevelop, and since
> it's a deliverable independent extension, I think it'll make a nice GSoC
> project. Please reply with any feedback, questions, or suggestions, I'll be
> on #monodevelop with the handle "antileet" if you have any feedback.
> Thank you.
> Proposal draft content:
> Title: Mylyn-like functionality for developer collaboration.
> Deliverable:
> (A) A bug report management system with a single frontend and multiple,
> pluggable backends to write to local database, bugzilla, trac, jira, etc
> with the following functionality:
>   (i)  Create, edit delete and query for bug reports with an interface
> built in to the IDE.
>   (ii) Edit bugs, change status, assignment, cc list, and many other
> parameters exposed by the backend.
>   (iii) Comment on bug reports from within the IDE, with ability to link to
> lines of code and previous bugs, attach and download files, apply attached
> patches and test them. The IDE will   also unobtrusively notify you of
> unread comments to watched bug reports, preventing them from overflowing
> your inbox.
>   (iv) Ability to save queries for bugs and even categorize bug reports
> locally. Suggested examples include bugs assigned to co-workers, and long
> term goals for milestone releases, etc.
> (B) A system encouraging task driven development. A bug report is treated
> as a "task" that has to be worked on. Tasks can be local - for personal use
> and planning, or on a remote repository. In this case, a bug report is
> equivalent to a task with only slightly different background. I hope to
> expose the following functionality of the task driven development:
>   (i) On marking a task as "Active", and thus choosing to work on it, you
> are not interested in any other details. The GUI will hide all other tasks,
> and will not show notification of new bugs, comments, etc, and will let you
> do your work.
>   (ii) A small notice in the corner of the window reminds you on what you
> are working on, and provides an easy and quick way to add comments to the
> bug/task, thus alerting your co-workers about your progress(almost like a
> twitter feed for your bug).
>   (iii) [TIME PERMITTING]Cloning mylyn's famous "Context" Feature. Give a
> particular task a context comprising of files, functions, classes, etc. Now
> the solution view, and other views show only these files and even the
> jump-to-type and jump-to-file show only these. This prevents overload on
> larger projects, and enables tasks to be finished sooner. This feature would
> obviously be optional and has to be willingly turned on.
> Benefits:
> 1. Functionality similar to what's found in Mature, Proprietary IDEs.
> 2. Possibly very useful for organizations and large software development
> teams, and might help improve adoption of MonoDevelop in corporate
> environments.
> 3. Useful even locally for individual users. Local tasks will probably use
> ideas from David Allen's "Getting things done" technique.
> 2. Will be implementation independent and universally useful.
> 3. Makes communication between developers more seamless and intiutive, with
> a bonus ability to link to code from bug reports and bug reports from code.
> 4. Prevents you from having to check your email/internet which can lead to
> distractions.
> Inspiration:
> Almost all ideas have been taken by the mature Mylyn project , which is
> used as an Eclipse plugin. A lot of extra features and ideas are in concept
> now, and not drafted officially.
> Related Links:
> http://www.eclipse.org/mylyn/ - Main Site
> http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/Mylyn/User_Guide - User guide with
> screenshots
> http://tasktop.com/videos/w-jax/kersten-keynote.html - "Less is More" - a
> keynote talking about developer productivity and Mylyn's role.
> Implementation:
> //TODO
> --
> Fourth Year Undergraduate Student, Indian Institute of Technology,
> Kharagpur
> E-Mail/jabber/googletalk: anirudh -at- anirudhsanjeev -dot- org
> Phone: +91-97335-04828
> My PGP key: anirudhsanjeev.org/pubkey.txt

Fourth Year Undergraduate Student, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
E-Mail/jabber/googletalk: anirudh -at- anirudhsanjeev -dot- org
Phone: +91-97335-04828
My PGP key: anirudhsanjeev.org/pubkey.txt
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