[MonoDevelop] Advice required - is monodevelop beta stable? I think I have hardware problems

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 16:16:40 EDT 2009

On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 5:39 PM, alan battersby
<alan.battersby at ntlworld.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having problems with md beta in that it keeps crashing very
> regularly on my computer (several times today).  I run opensuse 11.1 on
> an Asus Eeebox with 1Gb memory and using md beta downloaded and built
> from svn a couple of weeks ago. The problems seem to occur when writing
> to the disc which seems to hang very frequently why I dont know.  Often
> when it does  files are destroyed I think because in writing the file is
> cleared but then nothing is written. My latest problem was when the
> gui-stetic file was wiped thus destroying all my widgets . I am
> constantly backing up outside of md but even so I can loose a couple of
> hours work.  I keep looking at the forums and am aware that there are
> absolutely no queries about md's instability so I  believe that the
> problem is with the Asus box in that it is too under powered. I bought
> the asus as an experiment as I wanted a small computer to sit on my desk
> and it seemed to fit the bill.

What filesystem are you using?

> So the point of this email is to ask if anyone else has had this problem
> with md on a more powerful pc, or if anyone else is running md on an
> Eeebox and can they let me know their experiences. I think that I need
> to go and buy a faster more powerful pc, I just need reassurance that
> this is the case. I am using md to develop my first application (4 sub
> projects , approx 100 classes) under linux I have substantial c#
> experience under windows, know nothing about how linux works under the
> hood just enough to be able to compile from svn.
> Finally as an aside does md have any log facility built in so I can find
> out what crashed? If so where is the log file? And  how often should I
> think of downloading md from svn every week, month, never?  I think that
> md is an excellent piece of software and am resolved to sticking with it
> no matter what.

The log's in ~/.config/MonoDevelop/log. Running from a terminal is useful too.

If you're using SVN, I'd suggest updating frequently, and testing it
with "make run" before you install. I'd also suggest switching to the
2.0 branch soon, since trunk may not be quite so stable when the
feature freeeze has ended.

Michael Hutchinson

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