[MonoDevelop] [patch] Rewrite of ProjectCommands.cs

Carlo Kok ck at carlo-kok.com
Tue Jun 23 08:08:50 EDT 2009

On 23-6-2009 13:50, Carlo Kok wrote:
> On 19-6-2009 13:39, Lluis Sanchez Gual wrote:
>> I found some issues in this patch:
>> * In EditReferencesHandler, the project should not be saved if the
>> user cancels the dialog.
>> * In BuildHandler.Update, the text of the command has been
>> simplified, and it won't be correctly set if the option is
>> disabled.
>> There may be other issues, I haven't reviewed all classes. After
>> rewriting the code maybe somebody should review it together with the
>> original one, to make sure no features are lost.
> Rest looks the same to me, action wise. First issue has been fixed, the
> second partially, the original code did not change build when enabled is
> false (in which case it had no item to read the string from either).
> Attached is the fixed version.

Wrong one. Attached to this one is the right version.

Carlo Kok

RemObjects Software
The Infrastructure Company
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