[MonoDevelop] Monodevelop & Mono 2.2 troubles

Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at whitemice.org
Thu Jan 15 08:28:00 EST 2009

I've been using Mono 2.0.1 / Gtk# 2.12.5, / Monodevelop 1.9-1.3 and
everything has been working very well.  Yesterday I updated my system to
Mono 2.2 (2.2-14.1) & Gtk# 2.12.7.... this is *not* a happy combination
for Monodevelop;  it frequently locks when opening a solution and if it
doesn't lock the behavior of the editor is very "weird" (it is hard to
describe).  Also previously working programs now abend with an "invalid
IL" exception.

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