[MonoDevelop] MonoDevelop will not run on Mac OS X 10.4.11 (Power PC)

Sandy Armstrong sanfordarmstrong at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 23:44:55 EST 2008

Skorupa wrote:
> rickyp123 wrote:
>> I installed Mono 1.9.1_3 framework successfully on my mac and copied
>> MonoDevelop to my Applications folder.  However, whenever I go to run
>> MonoDevelop it starts to run, and the icon bounces in the dock, but then
>> it just disappears.  Is there a debug log or something that I can look at? 
>> Or perhaps someone out there is having a similar issue.  I would greatly
>> appreciate any help you can give.  Thanks.
> I have the same problem, but after some experiments i found that when You
> run in Terminal following command MonoDevelop will start to work (or only
> start).
> mono
> /Applications/MonoDevelop.app/Contents/MacOS/lib/monodevelop/bin/MonoDevelop.exe
> PS. Run X11.app first.

You guys need to try the latest Mono installer (2.0.1) and MonoDevelop
app bundle (1.9...something) from the download page.  You should not
need to run X11.app, and starting MonoDevelop in the way you suggest
will lead to problems because you are not running the proper startup script.


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