[MonoDevelop] Monodevevelop 1.9 Error when opening old Gtk# Project

Vincent Lainé phenixdotnet at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 09:53:43 EDT 2008


Ce bug est du à la localisation en français de ta distribution. En effet 
par défaut le . est utilisé en tant que séparateur décimal dans les 
fichiers stetic, or lors du chargement un Parse est effectué et il 
attent la , comme séparateur.

Je n'ai pas accès au patch que l'ai écrit pour l'instant mais je te 
l'envoi asap.

Vincent Lainé

lordphoenix a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'm testing Monodevelop 1.9 on Ubuntu 10.04 and Each tim try to open an
> old Gtk# Project (made with Monodevelop 1.0) I have a dialog box with 
> this error : 
> System.FormatException: Unknown char: .
>   at System.Double.Parse (System.String s, NumberStyles style,
> IFormatProvider provider) [0x00000] at System.Single.Parse
> (System.String s, IFormatProvider provider) [0x00000] at
> System.Convert.ToSingle (System.String value, IFormatProvider provider)
> [0x00000] at System.String.System.IConvertible.ToSingle
> (IFormatProvider provider) [0x00000] at System.Convert.ToType
> (System.Object value, System.Type conversionType, IFormatProvider
> provider) [0x00000] at System.Convert.ChangeType (System.Object value,
> System.Type conversionType) [0x00000] at
> Stetic.PropertyDescriptor.StringToValue (System.String value) [0x00000]
> at Stetic.PropertyDescriptor.Load (System.Xml.XmlElement elem)
> [0x00000] at Stetic.TypedPropertyDescriptor..ctor
> (System.Xml.XmlElement elem, Stetic.ItemGroup group,
> Stetic.TypedClassDescriptor klass) [0x00000] at
> Stetic.TypedClassDescriptor.CreateItemDescriptor (System.Xml.XmlElement
> elem, Stetic.ItemGroup group) [0x00000] at Stetic.ItemGroup..ctor
> (System.Xml.XmlElement elem, Stetic.ClassDescriptor klass) [0x00000] at
> Stetic.ClassDescriptor.Load (System.Xml.XmlElement elem) [0x00000] at
> Stetic.TypedClassDescriptor..ctor (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly,
> System.Xml.XmlElement elem) [0x00000] at
> Stetic.AssemblyWidgetLibrary.LoadClassDescriptor (System.Xml.XmlElement
> element) [0x00000] at Stetic.WidgetLibrary.Load (System.Xml.XmlDocument
> objects) [0x00000] at Stetic.AssemblyWidgetLibrary.Load () [0x00000] at
> Stetic.Registry.RegisterWidgetLibrary (Stetic.WidgetLibrary library)
> [0x00000] 
> It seems that it's because of stetic file. I've tried to look at it in
> a text editor and find nothing special in it.
> I don't think that my project has something special but I'm not sure. 
> I have perhaps made a mistake in my project. I can send a zip file with
> project source if necessary.
> PS : Sorry for my bad English I don't speak it very often (can give
> more information in french if you want)
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