[MonoDevelop] How to archieve a normal file copy during solution compilation

Lluis Sanchez Gual lluis at novell.com
Thu Jul 10 07:33:46 EDT 2008

Right-click on a file, Include->Deployment.
Or make sure the Properties pad is visible, select the file, and in the
Build Action property select Deploy. In the Deployment section of the
properties pad you have several deploy options.

El dc 09 de 07 de 2008 a les 20:45 +0200, en/na Dave_G22 at gmx.de va
> Hi folks,
> I'm trying to get warm with MonoDevelop and have a problem right now. I have two projects in my solution. One project, which is not the start-up project, contains an xsd - file in a folder XMLSchema. I would like to automatically copy the file and the folder during the build process to the folder which contains the final exe file. In VS is the possibility to say sth. like copy always / copy if newer and so on. Is there an easy way to achieve the same with monodevelop? I tried some of the deployment options but it didn't help me.
> Thanks for your answers.
> Greetings,
> Dave

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