[MonoDevelop] XML comments in c#

Michael Hutchinson m.j.hutchinson at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 15:20:33 EST 2008


On Jan 5, 2008 5:11 AM, Georg Wächter <georgwaechter at googlemail.com> wrote:
> i'm searching for the place in the mono develop source code of the
> implementation for the xml comments. Can somebody help me? I searched
> for a while, but did not find it ...

It's in main/src/addins/CSharpBinding/Gui/CSharpTextEditorExtension.cs.

> I will presumably develop an addin, that implements automatic xml
> comments. It will become a monodevelop version of the famous ghost-doc
> addin for visual studio 2005. I'm in close contact with the developer of
> ghost-doc, i will reuse most of his work and only add the "glue"-code
> from his logic-dll to the monodevelop-gui.

Cool. However, I'm worried to see on the GhostDoc page that GhostDoc
will not be open-source ("GhostDoc is not Open Source, and there are
no immediate plans to make the source code available") as MonoDevelop
is currently GPL, and this will therefore complicate things for you.
Direct use of closed-source libraries is not GPL-compatible. However,
there are ways of working around this in the MonoDevelop addin model.

Our long-term plan is to migrate to MIT-X11 and LGPL, but the original
SharpDevelop developers have not agreed to relicense our  fork, so
we'll need to rewrite all of the code we got from #D. New code must be
MIT/X11 where possible, or LGPL-compatible if not.

Have you considered adding this functionality to MonoDoc as well?

Michael Hutchinson

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