[MonoDevelop] Stetic

László Monda laci at monda.hu
Fri Oct 12 04:58:53 EDT 2007

Hi Vladimir,

GTK+ and ncurses have such a vastly differing API and feature set, that
I think it's pretty much out of question.  It'd be nice though.

A separate curses designer had more value I think.

On Thu, 2007-10-11 at 13:46 -0400, Vladimir Giszpenc wrote:
> Hello MonoDevelopers,
> Though my priority is to get a lot more GTK stuff in MonoDevelop, I thought
> I would air an idea to see if anyone likes it.
> Could Stetic target MonoCurses?  I know nothing of Curses, but I hope it is
> similar in structure to the GTK GUI.  Wouldn't it be cool to develop two
> GUIs in one shot?  There are probably a thousand reasons why this is
> difficult.  But consuming the XML and producing something else sounds like a
> huge value add proposition.
> Best regards,
> Vlad
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Laci  <http://monda.hu>
Developer of the Ultimate Commander  <http://ultimatecommander.org>
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